Mikael and Bloodbath

Yeah it's your own choice, don't like it = don't listen to it.

I'm not Christian, I'm against all mass religions as I believe religion is a private issue and everyone should create their own religion by learning from life and other people and incorporating the beliefs you like and cherish onto your OWN PERSONAL religion, and not force yourself into a mould created by others.
Despite this fact I sing lots and lots of classical music with Christian lyrics and enjoy it too, because it is ART. I might as well be singing about the death of Balder as the death of Jesus, as long as the music and lyrics correlate with each other in a symbiosis to create quality art, such as Franz Liszt's Via Crucis or Frank Martin's Mass for double choir. Same goes for anti-Christian art, like black metal. When I'm performing Christian music I don't see myself preaching for it, I see myself creating art. If someone in the audience becomes "more Christian" because of this, I couldn't care less. It's his/her life and religion, not mine. One thing is certain, though; when I compose music and lyrics of my own - they represent my own views, so no Christian or Islam texts there...but when performing someone else's lyrics - no problem, as long as I do it for the art and not the religion. The Bible is for me the same as Lord of the Rings: a fairytale from which you can learn valuable life lessons, just pick and choose...and chew before you swallow.
I don't know how Mike feels about this or if he's given any serious thought to these kinds of things, but I sure as hell don't care that much.
but when performing someone else's lyrics - no problem, as long as I do it for the art and not the religion. The Bible is for me the same as Lord of the Rings: a fairytale from which you can learn valuable life lessons, just pick and choose...and chew before you swallow.
I don't know how Mike feels about this or if he's given any serious thought to these kinds of things, but I sure as hell don't care that much.

I´ve seen them perfom here in Germany this year, and I sure as hell believe that Bloodbath themselves are laughing their asses off when reading discussions like that. Seriously, I´m not saying that anti-christian belief or anti-christian songs are completely wrong. But quoting Mike from this year´s gig here, Bloodbath is "just all about blood"...come on guys, it´s just old fashioned "against everything" Death Metal, so cool down. You can discuss about that on Deicide-Forums.
I really hate it when you christians start pretending that being anti-christian is some childish gimmick! For many anti-religious atheists, it is actually a very intellectual and well constructed opinion. I'm highly educated, I know what I'm talking about, I have a well developed opinion with many arguments, and I am very much anti religion, specifically anti christianity (one of the main reasons because that is what I grew up in).

OK, the lyrics in metal can be "childish" in some respect, but it is an expression of a deep resentment of the many horrors christianity has brought us. You don't experience it in that way, but many do, for very good reasons.

And for Bloodbath, they honor the bands they cherish in the music and lyrics. I didn't hear anyone complain about childishness when they painted themselves bloodcovered at Wacken! ....

Christians ....:Smug:

i never said being anti-christian is a childish gimmick. i respect any religion, and i most certainly do not judge others, even satanists. what i said in my post is that i find bands that use satanism and even christianity as a gimmick are pretty using them as a fashion statement. theres just as many poser bands using pentagrams as there are bands using christian imagery. i respect bands/artists that create art using their true feelings, whether they be christian/atheist/satanist.

on a side note: i dont blame anyone for having negative feelings towards christians. i am ashamed of most christians past and present. u see christians judging and hating everywhere in the world, u see them proclaiming "gays will burn in hell" when as christians we are taught not to judge and to respect/love your neighbor. a christian who lives a life based on how Jesus would want is someone who has no hatred or disrespect for anyone and who does not judge other's lives or their opinions/views/beliefs.

It's weird how Christians, under the banner of righteousness and light, committed some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind - while death metal musicians, with lyrics and themes of atrocity and darkness, are pretty nice guys with an extremely low rate of violence.
Knowing that Mikael is not satanic/anti-christian....what's up with the new bloodbath album? Its vehemently anti-christian. Is this supposed to be just tongue-in-cheek death mental drivel...or is this outright hatred? Without getting into a religious discussion, the lyrics to mock the cross are just plain mean. What do the rest of you think?

If you look at Death Metal as a whole, you can see the themes are classic, and Bloodbath is sorta the classic Death Metal type vibe ya know.
Just listen to some others in the music style and you will understand.
As for the members actually belief, I have no idea.
But if they you can't write a whole album about toy trains and not have some intrest in toy trains. So the Bloodbath gang prolly have some views that are less than christian.
Ii've always viewed the album as a reflection of the natural hatred inspired by christianity since it crawled out of the middle east.
Knowing that Mikael is not satanic/anti-christian....what's up with the new bloodbath album? Its vehemently anti-christian. Is this supposed to be just tongue-in-cheek death mental drivel...or is this outright hatred? Without getting into a religious discussion, the lyrics to mock the cross are just plain mean. What do the rest of you think?

plain mean? fuck religion. mock the cross.

gtfo, ty.
Well, I was about to say that it bothered me as well, but then again that would make me a hypocrite because I love more than a couple of death metal albums with satanic lyrics. I try to ignore them. And listen to a healthy dose of Extol, Living Sacrifice, etc. to make up for it.

Seriously though, hasn't the anti-Christian thing been done to death? Why aren't there any vehemently anti-ISLAM bands, or anti-hindi bands, with song titles like:

"Sodomizing the Hellbound Corpse of Mohammed"


"Disembowling the Sacred Cow"

Are Christians just an easier target because we're more likely to 'shrug off' attacks on our faith? Or do we just have a better sense of humor?

Islam got enough of these things dude from media and everything else. I don't like lyrics that insult whatever religion tbh !!
i never said being anti-christian is a childish gimmick. i respect any religion, and i most certainly do not judge others, even satanists. what i said in my post is that i find bands that use satanism and even christianity as a gimmick are pretty using them as a fashion statement. theres just as many poser bands using pentagrams as there are bands using christian imagery. i respect bands/artists that create art using their true feelings, whether they be christian/atheist/satanist.

on a side note: i dont blame anyone for having negative feelings towards christians. i am ashamed of most christians past and present. u see christians judging and hating everywhere in the world, u see them proclaiming "gays will burn in hell" when as christians we are taught not to judge and to respect/love your neighbor. a christian who lives a life based on how Jesus would want is someone who has no hatred or disrespect for anyone and who does not judge other's lives or their opinions/views/beliefs.


+1 Like every religion/race/whatever we get massively shafted by all the idiots within. There are plenty of christians in the world who are extremely loving, tolerant people which is exactly what we are meant to be...
I'll go ahead and quote Mike... "Just because it's mellow doesn't mean it's not evil"... Mike has always had an evil streak, so let the black metal reign and have a nice day. Let's not worry about religious politics as it will only cause condescending amongst people. Music shouldn't be argued , just appreciated by those genres who care to have an ear to listen to it. Freedom to the speech always works for me.
Hell I would vehemently attack Withcraft and Sun worshippers with metal music if I found a media to do so just to make a new spin ..
Well, I was about to say that it bothered me as well, but then again that would make me a hypocrite because I love more than a couple of death metal albums with satanic lyrics. I try to ignore them. And listen to a healthy dose of Extol, Living Sacrifice, etc. to make up for it.

Seriously though, hasn't the anti-Christian thing been done to death? Why aren't there any vehemently anti-ISLAM bands, or anti-hindi bands, with song titles like:

"Sodomizing the Hellbound Corpse of Mohammed"


"Disembowling the Sacred Cow"

Are Christians just an easier target because we're more likely to 'shrug off' attacks on our faith? Or do we just have a better sense of humor?

its because its what they grew up around, they dont know islam, they live in europe and here in NA. you write what you know, they write anti religious themes it would be about christians because they dont live with a large population of any other group. perhaps if they lived in a town of all hindi people it would be differenet. but i for one live in a town where 60% of people are christians so i have to hear about it all the time, it was probably the same for them, you write what you know
"Buhuu they are talking poopoo about my waterwalking zombie messiah!"

Naaah but christians are nice people...

It's weird how Christians, under the banner of righteousness and light, committed some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind - while death metal musicians, with lyrics and themes of atrocity and darkness, are pretty nice guys with an extremely low rate of violence.

lol it is quite ironic, good point, i never saw it like that