Mikael and Bloodbath

why not just direct your anger at the christians instead of disrespecting something they hold dear. As Ghandi said (I'm paraphrasing here). I don't have a problem with Christ, its the christians I have a problem with.
On behalf of any christian who has hurt any of in any way, I'm sorry. Christians are people too and prone to make mistakes.

Or you could stop whining about something you're not going to be able to change anyway? Are you saying you will feel better if you listen to a song that is about Christians being gangraped by demons rather than the cross being mocked?
why not just direct your anger at the christians instead of disrespecting something they hold dear. As Ghandi said (I'm paraphrasing here). I don't have a problem with Christ, its the christians I have a problem with.
On behalf of any christian who has hurt any of in any way, I'm sorry. Christians are people too and prone to make mistakes.

This will be my last comment.


But seriously...do you listen to death metal? You say you listen to Opeth, but that isn't Death Metal. So I am genuinely curious if you even know what genre of music you are complaining about. It would be equivalent to me suddenly deciding to listen to Gospel music and complaining that they are always singing about God.

It's fine if you are Christian...I'm sure there are a lot of people who are Christian who listen to Death Metal, but they also don't complain about the lyrics because that's what this music is most of the time. I'm not hear to tell you what to believe...but I think you should just admit that this isn't your cup of tea and move on to something that is.

Or....check out Mortification aka "JESUS CHRIST METAL!"

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listen to unblack or 'white' metal. brilliant names for christian black metal :lol:
crimson moonlight is a good example
If you're christian and listen to Death Metal you're probably retarded.


Hammer of God,
Crushing the gates of evil
Reigning in Glory,
Satan bows to The Word
Fire, burning, swords, blazing,
Hate, dying, Glory, Raised.

We are light, spreading Gospel Truth
You just might listen to our ways
Now be converted, feel the blessed heart
Change forever, eternal life



D.W.A.M. Daniel was a mosher

[Verse 1]

A plan to kill off Daniel
by the administrators
get the king to issue a royal decree


Stage dived into the lions den
administrotors want him dead
But the lions surfed him all around
D.W.A.M. Daniel was a mosher

[Verse 2]

For thirty nights must worship just the king
But Daniel prayed three times a day
to our God on high.

[Chorus repeat]

[Bridge 1]

The enemies observed him pray
they went & told the king his ways
the king was sad he'd signed the plot
Daniel was a trusted man.

[Bridge 2]

There was no way out for the king
Bound by law to stick to his
Laws he made cannot be changed
Into the pit offenders thrown.

[Verse 3]

Daniel was throw into the lions den
But God closed their hungry mouths
and he was not dead.

[Chorus repeat]
To paraphrase that:



Uber gay
Blah blah


we are christians




we eat bags of dicks
zomg its jesus!
Yeah...I still remember some old live album of theirs that I heard where the lead singer said "YOU GUYZ READY FOR SOME MYETAL!!!!! *cheers from crowd* OH YEAH, WELL HOW ABOUT SOME JESUS CHRIST MYETAL!!!!"

Cracked me up for years.

I believe in individulism and people who can think for themselves without childlike guidance. Religion is the biggest threat to this for sure.

I'm not Christian, but there's a whole lot of dim ignorance on this board. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther and the Reformation? When I was 13 my parents made me take a confirmation class at the local Protestant Church (it has the word protest in it, not by accident) the minister there showed more indivual thinking than anybody in this forum has shown. And Christian's are many things, but if they're gay then why do so many conservitive places in the US make gay marriage illegal?

Seems like you guys are the hypocrites, following metal bands blindly without thinking about it like it's a religion. And even if you all don't there's plenty of people who do, and don't know the first thing about Christianity or the history of religion.
I'm not Christian, but there's a whole lot of dim ignorance on this board. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther and the Reformation? When I was 13 my parents made me take a confirmation class at the local Protestant Church (it has the word protest in it, not by accident) the minister there showed more indivual thinking than anybody in this forum has shown. And Christian's are many things, but if they're gay then why do so many conservitive places in the US make gay marriage illegal?

Seems like you guys are the hypocrites, following metal bands blindly without thinking about it like it's a religion. And even if you all don't there's plenty of people who do, and don't know the first thing about Christianity or the history of religion.

Luther was the direct and indirect cause of untold bloodshed. He sowed the seeds of the wars of religion in Europe, and poured gasoline on the festering anti-semitism already present there. The Nazis used Luther's writings as justification for their actions ffs. Also, Protestantism is just as dogmatic as Catholicism. Why do you think there are hundreds of sects differentiated by tiny b.s. doctrinal and historical differences?
I'm not Christian, but there's a whole lot of dim ignorance on this board. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther and the Reformation? When I was 13 my parents made me take a confirmation class at the local Protestant Church (it has the word protest in it, not by accident) the minister there showed more indivual thinking than anybody in this forum has shown. And Christian's are many things, but if they're gay then why do so many conservitive places in the US make gay marriage illegal?

Seems like you guys are the hypocrites, following metal bands blindly without thinking about it like it's a religion. And even if you all don't there's plenty of people who do, and don't know the first thing about Christianity or the history of religion.

no, i've studied the actual words of jesus, he had the right idea, hell... he was against organized religion.

bottom line about mock the cross, they're not mocking christ, they're mocking christianity