Mikael and Bloodbath

I'm not Christian, but there's a whole lot of dim ignorance on this board. Have you ever heard of Martin Luther and the Reformation? When I was 13 my parents made me take a confirmation class at the local Protestant Church (it has the word protest in it, not by accident) the minister there showed more indivual thinking than anybody in this forum has shown. And Christian's are many things, but if they're gay then why do so many conservitive places in the US make gay marriage illegal?

Seems like you guys are the hypocrites, following metal bands blindly without thinking about it like it's a religion. And even if you all don't there's plenty of people who do, and don't know the first thing about Christianity or the history of religion.

Yup, I suppose those words engineered to make you get married, poo out six stupid kids and work 'til you die made you one hell of a free thinker.
Luther was the direct and indirect cause of untold bloodshed. He sowed the seeds of the wars of religion in Europe, and poured gasoline on the festering anti-semitism already present there. The Nazis used Luther's writings as justification for their actions ffs. Also, Protestantism is just as dogmatic as Catholicism. Why do you think there are hundreds of sects differentiated by tiny b.s. doctrinal and historical differences?

Luther was not responsible for any of those things; the "untold bloodshed" (that everyone who cares knows about) was caused by ignorant organizations using religion as an excuse for their own motives.

I don't care about participating in these debates, but I don't like it when people ignorantly portray important historical figures (more important than it seems you'll ever be), that were genuinely looking for relevant and important change. It's like saying that the Dalai Lama is responsible for the violence that was suffered in Tibet.

Oh and as much as Jesus is a great guy, ALL god metal sucks, and the Mock the Cross t-shirt looks great :rock: Is that new style of printing hard?
I'm not ignorant, fellow. I've got a degree in history in fact. No, the wars of religion were fought over bullshit doctrine. Politics and religion were one and the same at the time, it wasn't until people looked to nature rather than books for truth in the Enlightenment (itself a reaction against religious tyranny) that they became disentangled.

BTW, read Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies, where he says to burn down synagogues, expel all Jews and take their money, and then tell me that the most important religious figure in German history had nothing to do with sowing the seeds of the holocaust. I can live with it if I'm never as "important" as this fellow.
Well, it is the essential truth on protestantism. It had a good society effect on semi-hedons hundreds of years ago and shall now be scrapped. The faith itself was an absolute mental defect even then.

i own them, because they are only half of me
Luther was the direct and indirect cause of untold bloodshed. He sowed the seeds of the wars of religion in Europe, and poured gasoline on the festering anti-semitism already present there. The Nazis used Luther's writings as justification for their actions ffs. Also, Protestantism is just as dogmatic as Catholicism. Why do you think there are hundreds of sects differentiated by tiny b.s. doctrinal and historical differences?

No, protestantism isn't. The protestant church now is pretty similar to the Catholic church, but the principal (of when they were originally divided were completely different. The real difference is that Protestants let the common man have a relationship with god. In this day in age, we all know we can have a relationship with whatever god(s) we want. Before that educated people had to read and interperit the bible for common people, making them inferior, in some ways like the enlightenment. The protestant reformation was a step in making all people equal, it may be a little outdated now, but people can't lump Christianity together with not thinking independantley. Protestantism layed the foundation for the enlightenment.

White metal and many sects of christianity are dumb, but you still can't just lump christianity as a whole into being for followers. Not everyone that ever prayed wants to get led by the pope.
This is a fantastic thread!
I never really payed attention to the lyrics before... its disgusting!
My eyes are open now, its all so clear, im going to throw away all my DM-albums.

You are a saviour musicnerd, MY SAVIOUR! :notworthy
This is a fantastic thread!
I never really payed attention to the lyrics before... its disgusting!
My eyes are open now, its all so clear, im going to throw away all my DM-albums.

You are a saviour musicnerd, MY SAVIOUR! :notworthy

*watches as Qth performs oral on music nerd....

this thread is so shit it makes me sick


lol mortification have an album called Scrolls of the Megilloth
but megilloth in hebrew means scrolls
so its --> scrolls of the scrolls