Mikael is back again, hooray!

I'll second that,

Although I still wish it was Peter that came back. Something about him catches me more than Mike. But both are perfectly brutal and fit perfect with this band so Yay.

I will say, however, that he better ditch the 'Pain' project and get back to Hypocrisy. Defenately a better fit than progressive/techno crap
I agree, but I think Pain is awesome as well though. I really like it, but then again my all-time favorite band is NIN.
Mikael wrote this in his new blog.

Im not exactly thrilled to hear they had to talk him into it, maybe im reading too much into it, but everything seems more unsertain when i read that post.

Hell yeah, very good news :kickass:
Best album since MA's Domination?
Maybe some gigs?
Maybe a complete album?

Fucking amazing! And now we know how the "because Bloodbath is back to DO-MI-NATE!"-announcement from march 27th on the bloodbath-homepage was meant ;-)