Mikael the Scientologist

South Park for t3h w1n. One of my favourite episodes is the Lord Of The Rings one..The bloke from BRI's avatar! I fucking die from laughter each time i see the part where he goes "YOU SHALL NOT paaaassss...." <3
^Haha, yes! The best Jimmy episode is the one where he gets a hooker
There's a "Church of Scientology" round the corner that i have to walk past almost everyday, and they try to lure me in for a free stress-test every day! (surprisingly...EVERYONE who goes in is too stressed - the only cure? BUY OUR BOOK AND PAY TO BECOME A MEMBER! :D)

Our student magazine did an article on it recently, was pretty funny. The bloke who started it actually said something along the lines of "if you want to make some money, just start a religion!" about 10 years before he started it ^_^ (clever guy!)
Does anyone remeber the SP episode about the (><God Damn) Hippies where they spoof "The Core" and Cartman says "Hippies Hate Death Metal" and crancks up SLAYER's Raining Blood

That was incredibly educational...
scientolgy takes things already known from differnt sources from the far east and some other shit you can understand when you ponder during meditating for as little as 2 hours a week.
about the scopometer or whatever that contraption is called. I think it just measures blood preasure to determine your mood. no big thingy.
this "religion" is a fucking placebo for the weak minded.But being a placebo it works on some people while the sceptical will never get results.

what is cool about scientology is that it's a great way to become filthy stinking rich from selling hubbard's books and charging an enterence fee.

like said in southpark, It's the biggest scam on the planet.
(besides jesus of course:D )
paradoxile said:
what is cool about scientology is that it's a great way to become filthy stinking rich from selling hubbard's books and charging an enterence fee.
It also gives you super-electric zappy powers!
Ayr said:
south park turned out to be pretty educative?
Anyone seen this episode bout Satanic Christmas?
yeah I saw that episode it was funny as hell, "HAIL SATAN" says squirlly the squirle

paradoxile said:
Does anyone remeber the SP episode about the (><God Damn) Hippies where they spoof "The Core" and Cartman says "Hippies Hate Death Metal" and crancks up SLAYER's Raining Blood

That was incredibly educational...
yea that episdoe was awesome too! the cool thing about that episode is that I was in Boulder Colorado visiting my cousin when that episode aired. The episode itselft rips on Boulder students, so yeah it was a great episode

but yeah, if in fact Mike is a scientolgist then he's went down a notch in my book........

"Fuck L. Ron Hubbar and fuck all of his clones"
paradoxile said:
like said in southpark, It's the biggest scam on the planet.
(besides jesus of course:D )

I dunno about that, cuz atleast christianity doesnt cost you any money to get in, you just believe and youre in lol
For more scientology humour, check out John Safran's episode off John Safran vs God (prob only applicable for Aussies)... "Xenu on this is your life!"
That series was fantastic.. the best part was.. I dunno even remember it too well.. but when he drank that shit over in Yankland and was chuckin for yonks.. mate.. it was a corker
He drank some kind of cactus, classed as a narcotic... this is taking alot of brain power to remember... there's a loophole in the law so that non native Indians can drink it... Peyote, wow I remembered, now someone pretend to care please
-Vintersorg- said:
It is actually pretty educational.. it's like the Simpsons; both have all these sub-textual historical and obscure facts underneath all the jokes..

You put it into the words I never could.
Goober said:
I dunno about that, cuz atleast christianity doesnt cost you any money to get in, you just believe and youre in lol

It didn't cost any money, It's just cost lots of lives, during the crusades.
Kill in the name of Jesus.
At least no one was killed in the name of scientology but I'm pretty sure somewhere sometime destiny will find the nutt that would change it.
amaranth said:
He drank some kind of cactus, classed as a narcotic... this is taking alot of brain power to remember... there's a loophole in the law so that non native Indians can drink it... Peyote, wow I remembered, now someone pretend to care please

yes,.. peyote! that's it.. haha.. he chucked.. quite a bit..

(that was me pretending to care :tickled: )
I took a free stress test outside the angel tube station and in the end they started saying things like:<<People in that age are usualy stressed...and if you buy this book it has lots of answers...>>.I then understood what it was about and left.Pretty lame way to reqruite members though
paradoxile said:
Does anyone remeber the SP episode about the (><God Damn) Hippies where they spoof "The Core" and Cartman says "Hippies Hate Death Metal" and crancks up SLAYER's Raining Blood.

I do, I fucking laughed my ass off with that episode, it was epic.
this thread is funny, southpark is funny
that scientolgy episode was hilarious (especialy the "this is what scientologists actualy believe" part)

Mikael isn't one, nor is he a christian or a Satanist (according to interviews i've read)