Mikaels interview kind of inspiret me to ask. Who's christian?

Which bible? You cant be that stupid?

ALL bibles! :lol:

They are ALL 100% correct! :lol:

ALL religious scriptures are right! Even when they disagree and contradict each other! That's what so cool! :lol

It's the new rage, haven't you heard?


All it takes is a LEAP OF FAITH!!! LEAP OF FAITH!!! :lol: !!!
I hope you're kidding, man; The Catholic church (Roman - apostolic) nowadays bases their whole Dogma on Jesus' Teachings, am I right?

It's supposed to be based in Jesus' teachings. Nowadays it's a bunch of old men in ridiculously opulent city-state pulling the strings, and there are some aspects of the overbloated dogma that simply defy all reason, like, for instance, the ban on birth control methods that aren't abortive, like condoms. It's a known fact that one of the factors that can make you and keep you poor is unwanted pregnancy, and to campaign to block it goes beyond dumb into almost evil.

Maybe I'm a little vitriolic, but what I'm saying is that the catholic church sometimes feels like it's a looooooong way from simply "love thy neighbor" (which is Jesus in a nutshell). This is not a blanket condemnation of the church, but it sure irritates me on some topics.
not even to mention how you feel when the Holy Spirit is inside you. Indescribable.

Sounds pretty erotic. :notworthy:

Christians crack me up. But hey, whatever works for you; believe what makes you happy, no difference to me.
Just as long as people are not trying to push their religion on me or incorporating it into law/government, I have no problem with these people. But the fucking evangelists and neo-cons (Bush and his supporters) who fucked up America even worse than it was before really piss me off.

Personally, I need more evidence than both religion and science have to offer at the moment. Neither have any real answers. Sceince at least uses logic to find answers, which is a lot more convincing than "testimony". Sceince might have a better explaination about how life reached its current state, but it tells me nothing about how it started, which is the important question. Lightning striking some water rich with amino acids and creating life sounds just as hoaky as an entity snapping its metaphysical fingers and creating it. Furthermore, while sceince tells us a lot about how the universe came to be arranged like it is now, it does not answer the more important question of where matter came from in the first place. Again, most religions' "snap of the fingers" is absurd.

As I see it, there is no proof for either argument, so they are hypothesis at best - hypothesis we cannot test. Basing my beliefs, morals and how I live my life on someone else's guess would be completely asinine. I think I understand the basic rights and wrongs, as do most people, and I don't see a need for any other dogmatic shackles.
First of all, sorry for typo in the title.

Mike said something in the video interview in the topic under/over this one, about having some christian fans.

Now, I DON'T want this to be a topic where non-christian and christian people argue and shit (even though I know already that this will happen), but I'm just wondering, are there any christian Opeth-fans on the forum?

I must say right away, I am christian, so that makes me wonder even more.

Is there a transcript of this interview anywhere? If not, could someone post a link to the video interview? Thanks.

I really hesitate to call myself a "Christian" without explanation on this forum (or any forum, really), since for most people it brings to mind most things that I'm not. Having said that, I am a Christian in the old-old-old-school sense of the word (like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul were Christians), not in the modern sense of being a part of a denomination or the kind of "Christianity" you find today on TV or the radio or in most "churches." Modern "churchianity" has no clue as to what real Christianity is. I'll stop there unless anyone is interested in knowing more.
all religion is, is the single cause of mankind's downfall. basically every single war that has happened in this world is due to religion. catholicism, christianity, judaism, etc etc etc.

intelligent design is just another way for the dogma of christianity to try to get its foot in the door of science. it's pure bullshit.
scientology is just a fuckin joke.
all religion is, is the single cause of mankind's downfall. basically every single war that has happened in this world is due to religion. catholicism, christianity, judaism, etc etc etc.

Really? What religion was Stalin? What religion are the Marxists/Communists who have and will go to war to spread their ideology?
I was raised in the Jehovah's Witness cult and left at 18, and have been an atheist since. I am now considering taking Harry Potter books as the word of truth.:goggly:
all religion is, is the single cause of mankind's downfall. basically every single war that has happened in this world is due to religion. catholicism, christianity, judaism, etc etc etc.

intelligent design is just another way for the dogma of christianity to try to get its foot in the door of science. it's pure bullshit.
scientology is just a fuckin joke.

You gotta try harder dude. These words are so cliche I am too bored to provide an appropriate answer.