Mikaels interview kind of inspiret me to ask. Who's christian?

Anyone who says they KNOW the answers about the existence of a god and the creation of the universe is full of shit.

This. Atheism and Theism take equal leaps of faith imo. Agnosticism is the only "belief" based purely on intelligence - since it acknowledges we can't know for sure anyway.
I hope you're kidding, man; The Catholic church (Roman - apostolic) nowadays bases their whole Dogma on Jesus' Teachings, am I right?

ON the other hand, to reply to someone's post, I wouldn't think of hell as a Firey place but a dark and silent prison that would eternally drive you insane, caught by fear

Actually Sotua is quite sensible in this. Catholism, and most modern churches, do not just follow Jesus' teachings but what the heirachy of the church says. Why anyone should take what the papacy has to say as gospel is beyond me when you consider its disgraces throughout history. The line from St. Peter (if it ever existed) is certainly non-existant today. I've seen Catholic churces talk forever and ever about Mary with little talk of Christ.
Religion has never been shown to be correct (at least in Islam which I know the most) ? You sure you did your home work before you said that or you just think that you know it all?

Hinduism told me cows are holy in India! AND THEY ARE :kickass:
how did Hinduism know!?
I'm an agnostic that leans toward theism. I was raised a Tridentine Roman Catholic, so say what you will. I'm usually not the type to speak in absolutes, pertaining to religion and spirituality or on other topics. I recognise that my faith in God is just that -- faith, or belief, not absolute knowledge.

I don't see that this conflicts with my taste in music. The religious, political, and philosophical ideologies of the makers of music is generally irrelevant to me.
So I dont know if this has been said earlier on and I probably wont write it properly but whatever, here goes: I heard of this theory that talks about the existence of an inteligent creator. It sayed that there are various constants in the universe (such as the number of electrons that I hydrogen atom has) that are necessary for the existance and the sustainance of life. If these constants where slightly tweaked then life as we know it could not exist. So the fact that things are the way they are signal that someone wisely planned them to be that way......lest its all serendipity, pure lucky chance. Anyways, that is what I have heard.
peace and stop being assholes to each other
So I dont know if this has been said earlier on and I probably wont write it properly but whatever, here goes: I heard of this theory that talks about the existence of an inteligent creator. It sayed that there are various constants in the universe (such as the number of electrons that I hydrogen atom has) that are necessary for the existance and the sustainance of life. If these constants where slightly tweaked then life as we know it could not exist. So the fact that things are the way they are signal that someone wisely planned them to be that way......lest its all serendipity, pure lucky chance. Anyways, that is what I have heard.
peace and stop being assholes to each other

Another one. Something of low probability happening DOES NOT MEAN GOD MADE IT. If I win the lottery, did God do it for me? No, I just won despite low odds.

Please stop with these horrible arguments.
Oh yeah, Islam is correct alright. :lol:

Everything in the Qur'an is 100% accurate and true. :lol:

You betcha! :lol:

Why don't you do your own research to get some knowledge to support what you are talking about instead of answering in such childish way huh? I bet you never red one word of Qur'an did you? It's the very same thing as someone who never listened to metal, and insult it and say bullshits about it, yet they never listened to any band/album !! Grow up honey and make a statement of your own instead of repeating what others say okay?
Nope sorry, that's not evidence of God. Justifying one part of the a holy text (excluding God) does not justify God. And there is probably more fallacies in holy texts than truths.

Religion doesn't want you questioning it. The whole point of religion is faith. Can you deny faith is important to your religion? Faith is almost the polar opposite of coceivable evidence.

Religion is useful for controlling a population.

Reading your post about the pills your girlfriend takes contradicts what you say here... Think about the same way here... buying pills, getting them in front of you is part of your deal with your girl, but it doesn't mean she's getting them all the time when you aren't around, but that part of the deal which is justified true makes you trust all the other parts doesn't it? so this is trust, a faith isn't it? So here you and I are believing in the same way bro
Reading your post about the pills your girlfriend takes contradicts what you say here... Think about the same way here... buying pills, getting them in front of you is part of your deal with your girl, but it doesn't mean she's getting them all the time when you aren't around, but that part of the deal which is justified true makes you trust all the other parts doesn't it? so this is trust, a faith isn't it? So here you and I are believing in the same way bro

This justifies God how
Why don't you do your own research to get some knowledge to support what you are talking about instead of answering in such childish way huh? I bet you never red one word of Qur'an did you? It's the very same thing as someone who never listened to metal, and insult it and say bullshits about it, yet they never listened to any band/album !! Grow up honey and make a statement of your own instead of repeating what others say okay?

You find one wrong thing and come :lol:

It shouldn't be about subjective matters:lol:

You cant be more gay..

Did you guys know everything in the Bible is 100% correct too? :lol:

That's how the world was created! Honestly! :lol:

By the way, scientology is 100% correct too!! We all come from aliens who were thrown into volcanos!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Religion has the answer FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!! :lol: