Mikaels interview kind of inspiret me to ask. Who's christian?

I'm a strange guy who thinks that either bible'n stuff is just a lie, or god is evil.

At the side of that, I used to fear that what if I go to hell? Fuck...I think I'll be just fine there, if I really deserve it, I'm pretty peacefull and...just a strange blackmetal hippie in general.

Oh...I quess I strongly believe in Karma. Also I have a theory that god and devil are the same thing.
Christian till the day i die and beyond. My life is better in every single way because of it. The testimonies are enough for me to believe its true, not even to mention how you feel when the Holy Spirit is inside you. Indescribable. If I am going to convince anyone of what i believe it is going to be through the way i live my life, not by what i try to persuade them of.
I'm a strange guy who thinks that either bible'n stuff is just a lie, or god is evil.

At the side of that, I used to fear that what if I go to hell? Fuck...I think I'll be just fine there, if I really deserve it, I'm pretty peacefull and...just a strange blackmetal hippie in general.

Oh...I quess I strongly believe in Karma. Also I have a theory that god and devil are the same thing.

Try to hold your finger over flame for a mere one minute. Hell is not something to joke about:flame:
I come from a Christian family. I would probably label myself an "agnostic bordering atheist" at this point - hard for me to claim the existence of God or lack thereof to anyone. If there is God, however, I believe it to be manifested through some type of an eternal energy. I also like some of the Asian philosophies of being one with the nature, but it irritates me how the celebrities have been taking them over.

I guess that I just have a hard time believing the concept of immaculate conception and other stories found in the Bible (or in other organized religions) - no disrespect to anyone.

At the same time, my mind cannot comprehend how this universe was created - if you imagine an empty planet, or even no planet, and to get from this "nothingness" to this world with coherent thought and these creatures that can speak is just insane. So I am in a limbo. :)
Raised as a catholic. Don't practice anymore.

Nowadays I try to live my life by the ultimate teaching of that dude the catholic church seems to have forgotten. You know, Jesus.
no human can fully comprehend how life was started and how we are the way we are today, but to me it seems like just as big a step of faith (or bigger) to believe it was a scientific accident then to believe God created all. Why do we assume our minds have the capacity to understand everything on our own power? Can an ant understand the internet? no, just like our brains will never understand the way God works and creates.
no human can fully comprehend how life was started and how we are the way we are today, but to me it seems like just as big a step of faith (or bigger) to believe it was a scientific accident then to believe God created all. Why do we assume our minds have the capacity to understand everything on our own power? Can an ant understand the internet? no, just like our brains will never understand the way God works and creates.

But to think God created fossils, several billion year-old stone structures, glaciation etc, only to fool us into thinking the Earth is older than written in the Bible, that would make God one sick bastard...
I want more responses to the audiolink on page 1 (2 maybe)! It might be more than 1 hour long, but every damn second is worth it!

First message on-topic in this thread:

This is Christian!
hahhohhhoo i get it, because his name is also christian yeah that's completely lmao, he has been in like some of the worst films in existence
I was originally raised in catholicism, but at the age of 10-12, I just realised that it meant nothing for me, that it was even a pain to go to the church. However, I don't believe it totally explain my lack of belief in Christianism but it may be one factor.

Started to grow within me some convictions, results of my constant contemplation and introspection. I don't like to see humanity as exceptionnal enough to deserve a God; I always thought we didn't need a God, that there was no reason that it existed other than a symbolic way of expressing the beauty and perfection of nature (pantheism?). When you teach that concept to kids, they learn it as if it was a person that had the control on their life, someone behind the universe - it's more conceivable this way - and over the generation, many think about God that way. I personally always thought that this God was all that surrounded me, my mere presence and this feeling that I was someone and could control my life, have decisions... "It is how it is"; I wouldn't describe it better. No matter if there's an entity behind it, it just doesn't matter. The only difference it makes is the people who believes in God and that put themselves restrictions or rules, or just a life guideline because of it. But if there was a God, he wouldn't care whether you believed in him or not; he is the perfection and so you are, as the whole world.

I don't even know if I believe in reality; I really hate to believe in something, because I don't and often you need to take position - like I just did - and show that you are right about stuff. I don't think anyone can know the truth; I'm a skeptical person which kinda explains my paradoxal vision of the world.
Im actualy surprised how many Christians are here!
I'm still a little confused though... im raised as a Christian but lately, ive been having more and more doubts, though i cant really let it go either...
I do believe there is a God but i dont think its really necessary to go to church every sunday or pray before each meal or something like that
Im a huge Opeth fan btw ^^ and i cant wait for them to come here to Holland xD (gotta wait till friggin 26 juli, its way too long xD )
I am not sure about anything. I was raised Catholic by a mother that hated Catholicism (she was beat by nuns in grade and high school), but left organized religion when I was 12 on Christmas Eve. I was at church getting dressed to be an alter boy, and the strangest feeling of emptiness came over me. I took of my robe, and never looked back. I believe that organized religion is a power grab and a process of control. I believe in some type of higher power, it may be called Jesus, God, Budda, but these gods may just be very futuristic alien species that consider technology a deity on its own. I am not sure, but I honestly do think that our body is a container for the soul, and when we die, that energy, not necessarily our persona, is recycled into another vessel. That is where I came up with the name for our band as well.
But to think God created fossils, several billion year-old stone structures, glaciation etc, only to fool us into thinking the Earth is older than written in the Bible, that would make God one sick bastard...

how old does the bible say the earth is? the earth being 10 billion years old or 5 thousand years old ultimately has nothing to do with whether God created it or not
But to think God created fossils, several billion year-old stone structures, glaciation etc, only to fool us into thinking the Earth is older than written in the Bible, that would make God one sick bastard...

The Bible does not say how old the Earth is actually, good try though.
I personally consider "time" is a part of creation too, thus, God can't depend on it. Besides, I don't believe that our brains can't understand this whole system (the universe) fully as long as we are part of it, but it's worth trying