Mithras...or Morbid Angel?

yeah, that one was released around 1999? i bought it, but kind of got bored after the first track...I forget which one it was, orbital decay or something. Apparently there was only one or two of the original members on there, but no mike browning.

Theres a cd out of their 2 1988 demos on Karmageddon media, worth checking out I would think!

But you're right, they are masterpieces. Greatly underrated and ignored, bit like Atheist really.
Emo Mowery (vox on Ethereal Tomb) was just an average/bad vocalist, in the context of Nocturnus. Mike Browning will always be amazing in my eyes, though. That guy was evil as fucking hell. Then he moved to drums for Thresholds.

I would like to check that out, because I've heard of it, but never bothered to look into it.

Nocturnus are better than Atheist, but yeah, they are similar. Atheist focused more on jazz than atmosphere, though.
I always thought it was Mike Browning who did vox *and* drums, but I think that was only on 'The Key'? i could've sworn he did the same for Threasholds...I have the original c.d issue and found no lineup mention, save to say that theres a photo 5 of them, as with on 'The Key' but...but recently found out that apparently the vocals on 'Thresholds' were performed by a guy called Dan Izzo...

The Demos are well worth getting hold of, theres a review here:

and also try Karmageddon Media's official page ( if you look under <catalogue> you should see it straight away. fantastic stuff.

Yeah Nocturnus are better (than most!) heh, but infinately better than atheist of course.
VIVIsectVI said:
I was going to say i prefer Nocturnus over Morbid Angel, 'Threasholds' was stuck on "ye olde recorde decke" (turntable) for far longer than anything MA did. 'Blessed...' failed to impress me as much.
Morbid Angel don't sound anything like Nocturnus, so it is hard to compare the two. Nocturnus play technical death/thrash somewhat similar to Atheist and Cynic, and Morbid Angel play pure aggressive death metal. Nocturnus undeniably exhibit superior musicianship on their first two CDs, but I personally don't care for the constant use of keyboards, which soften up the music.

"Morbid Angel might've been truly mighty if Mike Browning hadn't left after 'Abominations...'"

Haha, what a comment! Sorry, was actually laughing out loud when I read that. Browning is a horrendously bad drummer, and his vocals are rather weak.

I look for feeling in music, and so the obvious choice is Morbid Angel. Sort of a dumb comparison really.
I always thought it was Mike Browning who did vox *and* drums, but I think that was only on 'The Key'? i could've sworn he did the same for Threasholds...

Browning did vocals and drums on The Key, but was forced to leave behind vocal duties as he obviously couldn't play live like that (or I'm assuming that was the case, correct me if I'm wrong), so they got that other guy (Dan Izzo) to do vox on Thresholds, and he was good, but nowhere near the evil that was Browning.
yeah i think there must've been a lineup addition for live stuff, I got hold of an old music video for 'Alter Reality' showing Izzo singing and Browning probably wasn't a sensible idea for him to drum *and* sing at the same time. However I have an old Morbid Angel live bootleg called 'Unholy Blasphemies' recorded in 1984 where he drums/sings (albeit badly!)
Morbid Angel bores me. Sure, they're one of the first death metal bands and their early material still rocks, but to be perfectly honest, their continued existence isn't doing the death metal scene any good. Their last few albums have been stale and unoriginal.

Mithras on the other hand, are one of my fave death metal bands at the moment. Certainly about a bajillion times more interesting than Morbid Angel anyway.