Mixing Opportunity for The Empire Shall Fall (ex Killswitch Engage, Jesse Leach vox)

oops, I just noticed my bass is really loose, gonna fix that with the whole mix later.

This mix is def compressed to all hell and back but actually gives it an interesting vibe... Reminds me of Devin Townsend and his crazy mix compression haha... Great drum sounds... Just make sure too put in the double lead vocal for the singing "Rise Up and be counted" parts... Looking forward to the final mix of this...
Whats the deadline as ive got a bit of work that i have to finish. Really want to get involved and am mixing at the moment, but any deadline will be good. Cheers Marcus
I think I will try it...
Just give me a week or something, got some other work to finish first and I don't want to put up something half-finished.. And I guess there's no rush since you don't have the final recording yet?

- horns up -
This mix is def compressed to all hell and back but actually gives it an interesting vibe... Reminds me of Devin Townsend and his crazy mix compression haha... Great drum sounds... Just make sure too put in the double lead vocal for the singing "Rise Up and be counted" parts... Looking forward to the final mix of this...

Yeah, I'm more easy on the compression right now, was quite a bit there haha. Amazing what fresh ears reveal :D

Gonna post soon.

+1 on the deadline question
I joined to day to just say to all of you who have shown interest & support for The Empire Shall Fall. I am honored that all of you have taken the time to have a go at this! I never thought our pre-pro. demos would sound so good! Marcus showed me this forum & I was truley honored by it so I wanted to show my respects to all of you. I really may not be on this forum frequently moving forward so if you do not see a reply do not be offended. I just wanted to say Thank you to all of you! I hope T.E.S.F. finds it's voice & brings a new sound & energy to music.
For the love of music, not the "industry" For the message not the fashion...music is life!
Cheers & Blessings
Jesse D Leach
Ok soo the plan is to give everyone who hasn't finished up their mix until Sunday (aka late sunday nite in U.S. Eastern Standard time) to post it up on the site so you have the weekend to work on it... We will then pick a mix we dig the most and put it up on our site with credit and promotion to whoever the mixer was... Then in a couple of weeks we will host up another more heavier\aggressive song and have several of the mixers whose "We The People" mixes we liked most take a crack at it... I know most of you guys have other studio work or jobs as a main priority soo we can discuss and figure out when you will have free time to mix the next song for the guys we like so no one has to bust their ass over it... I'll prob host it back up here again also soo anyone else who wants to get in some extra mix practice can do soo... I figure we should have a solid idea of who we would want or don't want (like this guy --> ¯\(°_o)/¯ How do mix drums? hahaha) to mix the full length at that point...

thanks again guys for all the feedback and time spent mixing... it is much appreciated and hopefully fun for the most part...

- Marcus
Hey Marcus, Jesse and all

Didn't have too much time to do this rough mix as im busy busy busy but glad to get involved. Some really cool parts to the songs with great ideas.

Anyways please listen to my rough and let me know what you think


Id like more time to be honest, but let me know and ill be able to tweak :Smokin:

I never done anything big like this! but this is a great opportunity for an asian guy like me! hahaha...
Im getting to like this song! ... and your last saying is really true Jesse... "For the love of music, not the "industry" For the message not the fashion...music is life!"

So marcus, here's my mix: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zekijimzhnm (link updated)

im trying to keep as much natural sound on the drums. Added lil' eq on the vocals. Not much compression to keep its dynamic.
The track is compressed to an mp3 format, 256kpbs. If u like it i can send the wav format.

ps: Ive just listen it with my reference monitor (i was doing the mix thru my headphones last nite. lol), vocals too much upfront in certain time. Will try to edit it again.
OK, so here's my mix.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/425433/wtp master1 erik.mp3

I kept most of the natural drums, only blended some kick/snare samples in about 40% sample 60% mic to give consistency on hard hits.
Also mastered keeping some dynamics (goes from -16 to -10 RMS easily) because this song really needs to breathe.
I'm sorry for the clipping on some vocal tracks, i could do nothing as the dry files were already really distorted.

PS:Now i realise the drums (specially the snare) can be a bit too loud (solved my issue with limiting too well i guess :lol:).

Best wishes!