Mixing Opportunity for The Empire Shall Fall (ex Killswitch Engage, Jesse Leach vox)

Man that's a lot of tracks... Just getting it all organized took a while.

What's with the drum tracks being stereo? I used just the 'left' from each of those, same with the vocals.

About 2 hours total, no automation, static mix... I'd figure if it was paid I'd have spent a lot more time :loco:

I dig the tune though. If there are any digital noises, I have PT set to ignore errors, so it makes errors sometimes (to deal with the large track count, this makes it more stable on my end)

4 tracks of snare, and I'm still unhappy with it, I just felt it didn't have enough weight.

http://ryanojohn.com/mp3/We the People.mp3


Pretty solid mix ryan it def has some good punch to it... like you said needs a tad bit more weight but def a solid first mix esp for only 2 hours of work... Diggin the snare snap and kick... as for the drums being stereo they were tracked in logic express and our bass player exported them... He couldnt find any export as mono... perhaps due to the fact it is Logic Express haha...
Quick mention for the mellow clean parts and jazz parts the music is supposed to be in the foreground and upfront while the talking parts and screams are in background...
Jesse Leach seriously has the most insane voice ever....Glad he can do what he does best again :]

Thanks for uploading the tracks!
Im using a mac comp and pro tools 7.4 and i cant figure out how to get these files from a rar to a pro tools file? im not a computer savvy person....
Heres mine so far....

I don't really have time to do anything on this as I have paid jobs in line - just been doing bits on pieces on this inbetween to keep my ears fresh. I haven't listened to the reference mix yet, so I'll probably have to change the way some of the parts are.

here it is!

I like it!.
Heres mine: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/451140/Wethepeople_jaymzmix.mp3

Only a quick one, its horrid without a proper soundcard for now, so bloody slow! :lol:

Marcus let me know what you think :kickass:

I think youve got the best guitar tone and overall vocal sound soo far man... Guitars have some nice beef to them and hte vocals are sitting well in the mix... If anything maybe a little more 200hz meat to the snare and less click to the kick would give a little more power to the drums... Sounds really solid though man...

Diggin this mix as well... Good drum sounds, maybe a little more beef to the guitars and less verb to the vox at certain parts... Otherwise its def one of the better overall mixes soo far as well... ohh and you soo didnt put in my little bluesy lead lick in the mellow parts haha... check minus on that part haha...