Moonsorrow - Verisaekeet

J. said:
why do you people download this stuff when you're going to buy the album anyway?

Jeez, have a little patience.

Well if we're going to buy it, it doesnt matter either way. Verisaekeet is worth hearing right now.
No it doesn't, I was just pointing out that you people need to learn patience. Besides, CDs>>>mp3s.

And downloading is for wanks anyway. :grin: I guess I'm just old school when it comes to this.
Erik, it means bearclaw :)

... and seriously though dude, this is the Hvis Lyset Tar Oss of Viking/Folk metal. I'm in love with it. This is a genuine love affair.
like I said... Hvis Lyset Tar Oss of Viking/Fok. Verisaekeet is becoming my favorite album. It is seriously the way I believe music should sound, totally up my alley.
I love how you feel like you've just been through this epic, emotional, and beautiful landscapre - and then you realize that you're only done with the first two songs.
Marksveld said:
I love how you feel like you've just been through this epic, emotional, and beautiful landscapre - and then you realize that you're only done with the first two songs.
Well, that's how I felt about Kivenkentaja - it totally transported me to those landscapes. I think it was unfarily dismissed by some, and perhaps overly glorified by others. It was a great album IMO.

Now this one progresses onwards from Kivenkentaja and does it even better. I was sold on the new one halfway through the second song, "Hasska". It grows on you with each listen, there is so much going on.

Again, 'tis the album to beat in 2005. Unfortunately for Moonsorrow, they're releasing it very early in the year and you all know what that means when it comes to widespread publications making year end lists.

We had a thread recently about bands that progress AND improve....add Moonsorrow now.
Yay, I found the demo CD at, the mailorder advertised on the UM forum frontpage. $12.50 p/p for everything is pretty good, and they have a good selection. Lets just hope they're reliable.

In regards to Moonsorrow, Voimasta still reigns supreme. Hopefully this new one can surpass it.
I agree 100%, this album is amazing. I too, see the hvis lyset tar oss comparison. (in some of the vocals and repetition of the music in some places)
It totally blows away their last album, and is top 2005 already. (and this is just mp3)

P.S it shits on the new primordial sad to say. :cry: ( but i have heard a poor rip)