Morals in metal?

Nina - Unless you yourself perform in ,say, a nun's habit and/or burqa, I'd say there's a fair amount of hypocrisy in your point.

Well, that's why I say, I'm not certain about my standing. It makes me uncomfortable, but at the same time, I'm not upset or angry about it. It just makes me think, that's all.

It's kind of like... if a dude were to whip out his balls on stage. Wouldn't that strike you as a little weird?
Two words: ROCK BITCH


Sex has always helped sell music, prior to the current female fronted band craze. Crap music is crap music. Period. No amount of sexiness will change that.

As for Lacuna Coil, Epica, and Nightwish, I never felt their leading ladies overdid the sexiness. They are just extremely attractive.
As with most things in our culture, there's a significant double standard when it comes to women and music. Male musicians have been marketed to women for decades and decades, from Elvis to Motley Crue, from the Beatles to the Jonas Brothers. However, as men are more visual by nature, the marketing of female musicians to male consumers typically feels more explicit. That said, it all comes down to the songs. If they suck, than the "artist" looks like what they are; a talentless musician, who's easy on the eyes.
As with most things in our culture, there's a significant double standard when it comes to women and music. Male musicians have been marketed to women for decades and decades, from Elvis to Motley Crue, from the Beatles to the Jonas Brothers. However, as men are more visual by nature, the marketing of female musicians to male consumers typically feels more explicit. That said, it all comes down to the songs. If they suck, than the "artist" looks like what they are; a talentless musician, who's easy on the eyes.

Very true.

I'd love to see someone do an SNL-style skit with this.. have a dude singing on stage suddenly whip out his balls and grind the mic.

"What?! I'm a REBEL!"
As with most things in our culture, there's a significant double standard when it comes to women and music. Male musicians have been marketed to women for decades and decades, from Elvis to Motley Crue, from the Beatles to the Jonas Brothers. However, as men are more visual by nature, the marketing of female musicians to male consumers typically feels more explicit. That said, it all comes down to the songs. If they suck, than the "artist" looks like what they are; a talentless musician, who's easy on the eyes.

Agreed. Which is not to say Good = what sells.
I mean Zod is 100% right. The entire world that we live in, let alone the alpha male uber macho metal scene, is male-dominated. It's socially acceptable for men to be whores and sluts, but heaven forbid if women show a little skin. Why does Lauren Harris get shit for dressing sexy but with dudes...


it's perfectly normal to hop on stage without a shirt.
I mean Zod is 100% right. The entire world that we live in, let alone the alpha male uber macho metal scene, is male-dominated. It's socially acceptable for men to be whores and sluts, but heaven forbid if women show a little skin. Why does Lauren Harris get shit for dressing sexy but with dudes...


it's perfectly normal to hop on stage without a shirt.

I think because there is a social difference between a woman going topless and a man going topless. I completely agree with you in the fact that this is wrong, but, I suppose it's a matter of how and why a woman is going topless? For example, that dude in your photo probably isn't going shirtless to sell everyone on his sexiness.. but a woman going topless (depending on the situation!) is more likely trying to sell everyone on her sexuality.

Now again, I'm not saying this is "wrong", per say. But it raises the question, in my mind, as to whether or not a band that does this is credible. Because like someone else mentioned, if a local band does it, it's no big deal. But then we've got Brittney Spears, and she's been selling out her tits for YEARS.. so maybe it IS credible? Or it could be?

EDIT: And then again.. who cares if a band is "credible"? That's another question entirely...
but what about the differences between American and European culture where nudity is more accepted as part of every day life and culture? i would say it's less about shock value for European bands. i mean "crazy" is "crazy" and that could have been their real selling point but who knows. Sex sells everything because it's a huge driving force with our species (male and female). It's as basic a need as one can get so why not market to it? not everyone is going to support it, but who cares in the long run. you appeal to who your fans are don't worry about the rest.
Sure, it annoys me, but it doesn't annoy me nearly as much as the double standard that exists for women in metal. If you're and attractive female, and you're in a metal band, the overall consensus seems to be "Oh, this band is just popular because they've got a hot chick." HOWEVER, if you're a female who perhaps ISN'T conventionally "hot", and you're in a metal band, the same people tend to bitch and moan about the ugly chick in the band. No one gives a shit if metal guys are hot or not. It doesn't generally appear to be a selling point. If you're an ugly dude in metal, chicks still seem to want you, and it doesn't affect the general public's opinion of the band.

I really care more about whether or not the band is good. If any of the members are eye candy (whether male or female) that's nice and all, but I'd rather the music be something that gives me goosebumps, and makes me want to rush out and buy the album ASAP.
HOWEVER, if you're a female who perhaps ISN'T conventionally "hot", and you're in a metal band, the same people tend to bitch and moan about the ugly chick in the band.

I absolutely agree. There is a lot of pressure on women to be attractive; not just in metal, but in music in general, but I see it more in metal because of course, that's what I pay attention to. Men are fucking BRUTAL when it comes to girls that aren't skinny, or aren't conventionally beautiful, or anything that they personally don't care for, physicaly.

No one gives a shit if metal guys are hot or not. It doesn't generally appear to be a selling point. If you're an ugly dude in metal, chicks still seem to want you, and it doesn't affect the general public's opinion of the band.

Agree with this, too. God-forbid someone say, "look at that fat guy on stage!", but saying "look at that fat chick on stage!" is absolutely fair game.