Morbid Angel - Overrated?

Mtaclof said:
I didn't really mean that every band should sound like the three I mentioned. I was just playing around. But really, I do believe Morbid Angel is too often cited as "THE" death metal band.
I rarely see anyone post in a thread on a message board or right in a magazine or webzine that MA are THE DM band. I have only really seen Death mentioned as THE DM band, which I really disagree with as I don't like Death one bit.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
"Blessed are the Sick" is mildly decent, at best. The remainder of their work is painfully unlistenable. The riffs are monotonous, the lyrics are infantile, and the holistic effort is simply uninteresting.
You listen to much death metal do you?
Meh, I just like Obituary's sound better than Morbid Angel's. I do however think Morbid Angel's newer stuff is pretty decent.

Still, Death > all those bands ;)
Death is "the" overrated band IMO. "Human" was their best album, and it certainly isn't a surprise that two members of Cynic were needed to make that album what it was.

Everything before this album was bland death metal, and everything after this album is melodic heavy metal.
Funeral Portrait said:
Congrats on being the idiot of the day.
Woah woah.Chill there buddy. My point was to Vanelv or whatever the fuck his name is, because he made such a point of hating Extol over their fath.

For what it's worth, I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Pagan or even if you fuckin' worship electricity. I hate fundamentalists on all sides, and people who show no respect to someone else's faith.
Those two usually go hand in hand though.
heretic was surprisingly pedestrian but up till formulas they were great, and hardly overrated. gateways sucked too... these days trey seems more of an self-indulgent gamer type than a musician trying (note: i dont even think he tries anymore) to make art. ive pretty much given up on MA and am wondering if i should bother seeing them this time around
LordFireworm said:
Woah woah.Chill there buddy. My point was to Vanelv or whatever the fuck his name is, because he made such a point of hating Extol over their fath.

For what it's worth, I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Pagan or even if you fuckin' worship electricity. I hate fundamentalists on all sides, and people who show no respect to someone else's faith.
Those two usually go hand in hand though.
gotcha. i just thought you were just one of those people that stopped liking death because chuck got faith or whatever. sorry for jumpin on ya man.
I don't give a shit if Chuck was a Christian or not. Being spiritual does not necessarily mean someone's a Christian. Besides, his music didn't scream, "WORSHIP GOD!" like 99.9% of 'Christian metal' bands... I respect that.

I have no problem at all with Christians [most of my friends are Christians]... of course, that's until they preach their religion where it's not wanted.

You idiots need to stop acting like you have sore ass-holes, just because I don't like your beloved Extol. Just so you know, it's not totally because of their religion; I don't like their music either.
Morbid Angel is an amazing band. A few releases I do find quite boring, but especially albums like "Altars Of Madness", "Blessed Are The Sick", and "Domination" fucking own all. It's undeniable that they are no matter what one of the most influential death metal bands ever.