More hate from the posers last wknd ...


The Wallonian Redneck.
So we are at our regular hang out bar ... get our beer and food.
Of course all the hip-hop shit is playing on the jukebox ... so in good heathen fashion, yours trully decides to go to the jukebox and see what I can download to change the silly tree hugging, jumping jack bozo music .... and blast some metal instead.
Just out of pure joy, I put 4$ and download Deicide - bible basher and pay $1 extra to have it played next and also choose a guns r roses with remainder credit.

By the time I walk back to my seat, the intro riff ... and to our suprise; 30 secs in the song ... the music goes down to where you can't almost hear anyhting. Same thing for GR song ... next song back to rap and on full volume.

That had me so pissed off, I walked to the bar and asked the manager what happened and told him they did that shit on purpose. He replied it was a coincidence that it went down and he was in control of the remote ... he offered to refund the money but I told him to fuck off, that wasn't the point. The point is that they offer a juke box that allows for music download if you pay extra. I paid to hear my song and they fucking turned it down.

Anyways ... with all the money we spend on beer every wknd, I thought we would get a good treatment.
Metal will never die and they better live with it ....
yeah...the ole touch tunes juke box download, they have on deicide album, one death album, two obituary albums....i think that's it for death metal.
When you guys are driving around, do you have Amon Amarth blasting with the windows down? I wish it was like that here, but my city is over flowing with a bunch of white guy thug wannabes...So its always rap...Either that, or some lame ass gino crap...
Im not trying to be rude or anything, and i do think its unfair that you didnt get the service you paid for; but what did you expect? Rap has been in typical fashion for like ten years. If you go to a club and dance with girls its most likely they play whats the hottest song and whatnot. I dont think GnR would be played at a Perkins near you anytime soon. anyhow, big thumbs up on telling him to fvck ovv. He didnt have to screw paying customers over if he didnt like what was being played.

you should've told him you come from a place that makes yummy chocalates and that you would give him some. i know i wouldve taken the offer.
OnceSealedInBlood said:
When you guys are driving around, do you have Amon Amarth blasting with the windows down? I wish it was like that here, but my city is over flowing with a bunch of white guy thug wannabes...So its always rap...Either that, or some lame ass gino crap...

Yeah driving around with the windows down....that's me and my friends!
And we blasting much Death Metal last time...funny to see how people react when they hear Endstille through an 800 watt system the first time :headbang:
Belgar said:
So we are at our regular hang out bar ... get our beer and food.
Of course all the hip-hop shit is playing on the jukebox ... so in good heathen fashion, yours trully decides to go to the jukebox and see what I can download to change the silly tree hugging, jumping jack bozo music .... and blast some metal instead.
Just out of pure joy, I put 4$ and download Deicide - bible basher and pay $1 extra to have it played next and also choose a guns r roses with remainder credit.....

Seeing as you paid for a service they were offering, they were wrong to turn it down; even if everybody but you in the place hated what you selected. If they don't want certain music played, then it should not be available. Period.
At the very least your money should be refunded, both for the music you chose AND the beer. Anything less wouldn't be enough to go there ever again.

Belgar said:
Anyways ... with all the money we spend on beer every wknd, I thought we would get a good treatment.
Metal will never die and they better live with it

It's the same no matter where you go, it seems. Even in the gym I go to, they play "estrogen rock" instead of good, aggressive music. Hell, I'd be happy with some good hair band music from the 80's instead of the garbage that's being cranked out today. I mean, hell... what kind of man can lift some heavy weight to this drivel:

And i don't wanna fall to pieces, i just wanna sit and stare at you.
I don't wanna talk about it
And i don't want a conversation, i just wanna cry in front of you.
I don't wanna talk about it, cuz' i'm in love with you.

No, not everybody likes metal... but people would be surprised at how few people actually like the crap they play on the radio today.
thats why when i play pool with my buddys i always request nwobhm at the juke. noone turns down the scorpions because they know i will fucking kill them and who in there right mind doesnt enjoy an occasional paradise city or civil war???
I am an Odinswoman all the way. It is my job to create strife, a la Odin. You bet I drive with the windows down and AA blasting, especially as I pull in to pick my kids up from school. How mature of me, huh? It pisses the other Mennonite stay-at-home-soccer-moms off so badly, and my kids love me twice as much for doing it, too.
That's some bullshit.. and the reason for not going to bars around here. Shoulda took your money back, found some more metal and played it, then repeated if need be. Or just took the money back for more beer.

As for driving with the windows down and metal pooring out the window: hell yes. Nothing better than pulling up next to someone at a stoplight with any kind of metal turned up nice and loud.
DemonsAndLies666 said:
thats why when i play pool with my buddys i always request nwobhm at the juke. noone turns down the scorpions because they know i will fucking kill them and who in there right mind doesnt enjoy an occasional paradise city or civil war???
The Scorpions are German...NWOGHM?
i wasnt exactly saying that scorpions and gnr are nwobhm. i was just mentioning that i always put on nwobhm, and as a side note i always put on scorpions and gnr. i guess i coulda phrased it better... oh well...
similiar problems at my school. Everytime I go to the CD-Player and shove in some Metal no matter what kind off all these bastard-hiphops and RnB-gangsters are trying to storm the player. In the past my mate Kremsman (he pushes 140 kg at benchpressing ^^) and me had to keep them on distance. Now we simply go to the room with the pcs and play it loud!
Like one said "Hip Hop is an awfu desease that strikes our world. He have to stop it and prevent it from taking over this place." At my school there are many Hiphops and gangstas and crap like that but the percentage of brothers-in-metal is rising slow but continous. Just yesterday me and some friends of mine founded the "1st Assembly of German Metalers" (corresponding translated to english). It just some kind of association of people who live and die for metal and hate the pollution of hiphop.
Members from Duisburg and surrounding are welcome by the way ;-).
here some funny pics:

Translation: This is why I'm listenig to metal!

supported by: Kremsman :headbang: