Most annoying countries

Basil Fawlty

Middling twat
Aug 8, 2004
The Americans are loud. And ignorant. And are exceedingly tacky.

The Canadians are so utterly bland that in comparison to them wheat, Fred Dibna, and the nutritional totals on the back of crisp packets are fascinating.

The English are repressed. And have green teeth. And are pessimists. And are still inexplicably snobby despite having been in decline for decades now. And think that a little bowl of jelly is a proper dessert.

The French are flakes. And contrarian to the point of being fucking absurd. And are poor musicians. Unless you think Jordy is talented.

The Germans are utterly fucking neurotic. And more into the obscure, unsavoury end of porn than is good for them. And are so rigid they make Cryten from Red Dwarf look hip. AND some of them wear leather shorts.

The Spaniards are melodramatic. "Look at me." "I am so dramatic." "I am Latin- I have-a thee hott-a blood-a." Right. Calm.... the..... fuck.... down and get your 'spicy' attitude out of my face.

The Irish are drunks. Which wouldn't be bad, if they'd just ADMIT that they're drunks.

The Scots are full of misguided pride. You LOST, guys. 600+ years ago. And even if you'd have won you'd have lost, if you know what I mean.

The Welsh are a fucking enigma. Any people who randomly break into song and/or cry in the presence of strangers frighten me.

The Italians just won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. What is wrong with a little- as in I'd settle for 8 seconds at this point- of silence? Stop flapping your hands about. Stop wearing pink shirts and tacky jewelry. Stop pretending that something that sounds like "BAHbahbahBahbahbahJahhChaChaYah!" is actual speech.
Basil Fawlty said:
The Americans are loud. And ignorant. And are exceedingly tacky.

The Canadians are so utterly bland that in comparison to them wheat, Fred Dibna, and the nutritional totals on the back of crisp packets are fascinating.

The English are repressed. And have green teeth. And are pessimists. And are still inexplicably snobby despite having been in decline for decades now. And think that a little bowl of jelly is a proper dessert.

The French are flakes. And contrarian to the point of being fucking absurd. And are poor musicians. Unless you think Jordy is talented.

The Germans are utterly fucking neurotic. And more into the obscure, unsavoury end of porn than is good for them. And are so rigid they make Cryten from Red Dwarf look hip. AND some of them wear leather shorts.

The Spaniards are melodramatic. "Look at me." "I am so dramatic." "I am Latin- I have-a thee hott-a blood-a." Right. Calm.... the..... fuck.... down and get your 'spicy' attitude out of my face.

The Irish are drunks. Which wouldn't be bad, if they'd just ADMIT that they're drunks.

The Scots are full of misguided pride. You LOST, guys. 600+ years ago. And even if you'd have won you'd have lost, if you know what I mean.

The Welsh are a fucking enigma. Any people who randomly break into song and/or cry in the presence of strangers frighten me.

The Italians just won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. What is wrong with a little- as in I'd settle for 8 seconds at this point- of silence? Stop flapping your hands about. Stop wearing pink shirts and tacky jewelry. Stop pretending that something that sounds like "BAHbahbahBahbahbahJahhChaChaYah!" is actual speech.
...Thanks for this very precise and useful socio-cultural approach...
We really needed you for that...i guess you don't belong to any of these countries then, because you're above all this weakness right?
:Smug: seriously.
HAHAHA sorry but that is pretty funny. and Fawlty towers is one of me alltime faves altho Basil ws never my favourite sign in as Manwell and I may have a little bit more respect.

I did once call a girl in school with hygiene issues Jinny Green Teeth. kids are cruel.
Maybe we need some humour, but via internet it is the kind of speech that makes you be mad, because you can't guess if it is said seriously or not.
And i am fed up with bastards wasting their time by criticizing other people.
When it is funny ok, but do we all have to know a such stupid name as Basil Fawlty?