Most Anticipated Releases for 2008

Fuck no.

A new Slayer album this year would mean (1) less shows due to time spent in studio and (2) more shit songs on their setlist when they do get back to playing.

Hey whoever said the Slayer album was going to be shit, jumping to conclusions aren't we. Kerry King isn't writing the majority of this record, therefor it will already be better in my eyes since I like Jeffs writing style more anyhow. They already said their doing a major tour after the albums release, so Im enjoying what I can while I can... you can have fun listening to your Borky albums in the meantime.:erk:
Fine, I'm sure Borknagar's release next year will blow Slayer out of the water. Just as long as Oystein doesn't let Vintersorg take over the creative control of the band, as I'm fearing.
A new Slayer album, to be honest, wouldn't be worth their effort or my money. Or anyone elses, for that matter. They've peaked, and gone far down from there. Quit while you're ahead, is what I say.

Meanwhile, I do look forward to any new Borknagar.
Any1 think that Dripping might be recording a new album cuz in my opinion they are the most unique slam band to ever emerge. Also Defeated Sanity might be making an album for a 2008 release since they already have a new promo in their myspace and its a fucking ace song!
Yeah the new DF song is better than anything off Psalms Of The Moribund...hopefully Dripping does some more stuff. Also welcome fellow slam fan.
thx, i was just browsing over this site yesterday and i loved it so i wanted to become a member.
Secrets of the Moon, Wintersun, Norther, hopefully Belphegor and I come up with something new and of course just about anything POWER METAL!!!!! :heh: