Most Intense Opeth Song?

Danallica said:
I think ITMSWS
Yeh that is a jolly old intro aint it
Actually I think it is very sinister sounding, and the first half of the that song is pure evil. Maybe you are too GAY to understand the evil majesty of this song, but believe me it is there.
metal_wrath said:
Actually I think it is very sinister sounding, and the first half of the that song is pure evil. Maybe you are too GAY to understand the evil majesty of this song, but believe me it is there.

Fuck off Cunt :kickass:
April Ethereal? just the way there are like 4 lines of clean vocals in the whole song and the rest just grooves and canes then there's that breakdown... it's suffocating!

i really don't get ghost of perdition... i think there are some shoddy transitions, especially into the tooly section at the beginning and when it goes back into the *hiiiiigher* bit near the end...
Agreed ^ The whole start of ghost of perdition ( up until the soft bit ) Has no relation to the rest, and the majority of the song. Also the 'Epic' Solo in the soft section at the start ruins it a bit for me as well. Still, after all that, it is a brilliant song.
that's the great thing about opeth tho, all these risks being taken, some of them not doing it for me, but hot dang it's better than britney. to listen to. clearly.
most intense voice of opeth.... the scream of "the night and the silent water", all the grim voices of mikael of orchid and morningrise.

the voice of april ethereal, the moor, master's apprentices, wreath, the baying of the hounds
AcousticJames said:
Deliverance. Everytime that song comes on my iPod when I'm working out, everything gets amped up for the entire song. I bike faster, I walk faster, I lift faster... That song gets me so fucking pumped.

I'll give you a +1 there!
Also, all of Blackwater Park and the intro to Godhead's Lament is very intense as well
metal_wrath said:
Actually I think it is very sinister sounding, and the first half of the that song is pure evil. Maybe you are too GAY to understand the evil majesty of this song, but believe me it is there.

Are you kidding me? Moron.