Most over-rated metal band/singer?

Originally posted by IcedMadness
I would have to say that Pantera is an overrated band right now. Sure, I love CFH and Vulgar, the rest of the albums are listenable. But the fact that Phil is not spending any more time into making Pantera better is shit! I do think that Pantera is overrated, but that's because of Phil, however, I think Dime and Vinnie are 2 of the most talented musicans out right now.

Just by looking at previous posts regarding Pantera, it seems the majority of fans & casual listeners of the band really love the first two & their third discs. They are great! Like you said it's like with Phil, Pantera is now the side project & they other bands he's in are the priority. Don't get it. Maybe, it's his way of staying underground?!
Originally posted by As We Destroy
Lee Dorian. Couldnt carry a tune in a bucket.

That might be true. Although, I don't really think that was ever his intention. To be a "great" singer. But I love what he does for Cathedral. He might have suffered a bit on Supernatural Birth Machine but Ethereal Mirror and Forest... he was on fire. But the man and his band are far from "overrated" don't you think?
well, I always liked the music, just could never figure out why they would use a singer that was tone deaf. maybe if he went back to his Naplam Death style, it wouldnt show through? But that might be a little too aggressive for most folks. But you are right, they are not overrated.
someone said Manowar
Manowar wrote the greatest epic metal tunes in metal ever think again about how "overrated" they are.
Ozzy: anyone seen Ozzy live? see him and then say that he is "overrated".one of the most authentic guys in the scene.i dont care about the mtv thing , this is an action of his wife , and i think ozzy didnt care and saw it as a game.
Metallica: ask almost all thrash/death metal bands about their idols and about the thing they said when they were young " oh man one day i want to be like them" when they were listening to master of puppets for example.
Ozzy: anyone seen Ozzy live? see him and then say that he is "overrated".one of the most authentic guys in the scene.i dont care about the mtv thing , this is an action of his wife , and i think ozzy didnt care and saw it as a game.

I'm not taking into consideration his MTV program, i've said this before and i'm going to say it again ''Ozzy is overrated as a singer'' technically he's a mediocre singer at best. That's why I think he's overrated.
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
someone said Manowar
Manowar wrote the greatest epic metal tunes in metal ever think again about how "overrated" they are.
Ozzy: anyone seen Ozzy live? see him and then say that he is "overrated".one of the most authentic guys in the scene.i dont care about the mtv thing , this is an action of his wife , and i think ozzy didnt care and saw it as a game.
Metallica: ask almost all thrash/death metal bands about their idols and about the thing they said when they were young " oh man one day i want to be like them" when they were listening to master of puppets for example.

As much as I hate Man O War, I don't think there overrated. They are still a very underground band brought to life purly on the love of the fanatics.

But I still hols firm to my view on Ozzy. I'm with Ultimat Symphony. He is nothing special. Mediocre. Metallica deserve all the praise they get regardless of the load albums. They are godly.
Ok let me post the sentence again ''Ozzy technically is a mediocre singer'' you can't argue the technical aspects of a singer. If you like his voice, that's fine, but you can't argue the technical aspects of his singing.
Originally posted by MURAI
You can argue the range of a vocalist though.

What can you argue about range?

I see nothing wrong or mediocre about his technical aspects (or at least what they once were).

There's nothing wrong with out of key live performances then?

My point is that i've seen so many people claming that he's the ''metal vocalist'' and that he's such a great singer, when he's certainly not very good (from a technical aspect).
Oh btw I forgot to say something. If you like the guy, that's ok (you can't argue taste) but as I said before he's not so good (read the posts I made before) there are many vocalists that deserve more recognition than Ozzy.
Originally posted by IOfTheStorm
the love of some fanatics comes because of great music.
Ozzy's VOICE is special and so unique ....just listen to "planet caravan" and "solitude" and and and ...

In my opinion, Pantera's and Cathedral's versions were way better.
Opeth, Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Blind Guardian, Lacuna Coil, Pantera, Entombed, Dream Theater, Death.

Soilwork, Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Dream Theater, Pantera, and Entombed are the ones that I think suck. Maybe I need to give Entombed a few more listens...but the rest of the bands I mentioned aren't too bad besides the ones I mentioned that I think sucked.... and Pantera had one album I liked.
ozzy wasn't known for his vocal talents, ozzy was known for being an amazingly charasmatic frontman, he was the heart of sabbath and managed to get crouds off their asses in no time. Stop copying each other with your answers, trying to look intellectual...

I think a lot of death metal singers are over-rated, i mean you can growl, well done, what do you want? a fucking medal? I'll probably get a fucking slating for that comment but to be honest i dont really care, im entitled to my opinion. Rock music isn't about having an amazing voice, if you want amazing voices go and listen to fucking r&b or soul etc.. a rock singer's job is to have a gritty voice, get the crowd going and make some noise, get over it
What I mean by vocal range is that some heavy metal singers can both sing melodically or scream or growl like Phil Anselmo for example. I never thought Ozzy's vocals were that great but he still has an original voice I think. Another aspect in metal or any kind of rock music I think is important is lung power (how loud you can yell for a long time).

Some death metal vocals are boring but I think some of them are great. I hate the sound of Black Metal vocals cause they fucking shreak.

R&B vocals? They can go eat my remains from my :Puke:
ozzy wasn't known for his vocal talents, ozzy was known for being an amazingly charasmatic frontman, he was the heart of sabbath and managed to get crouds off their asses in no time. Stop copying each other with your answers, trying to look intellectual...

It seems you're the one trying to look like a smartass here. Get over your fucking arrogant self. I was talking about the people that consider him one of the best metal vocalists of all time (and trust me, i've seen a lot of those) now if you can't stand my opinion (based on the technical aspects of his singing, not a mere opinion) please shut the fuck up.

Most over-rated metal band/singer?

Read the title of the thread, (again) if you don't like what I say, ignore it. We are talking about plain singing (or at least me) not frontman's abilities to entertain the crowd.

What I mean by vocal range is that some heavy metal singers can both sing melodically or scream or growl like Phil Anselmo for example. I never thought Ozzy's vocals were that great but he still has an original voice I think. Another aspect in metal or any kind of rock music I think is important is lung power (how loud you can yell for a long time).

Cool, I thought you were talking about vocal range (octaves and that kind of shit) you have your opinion and I respect it.
"I said Manowar because I don't like them! They have yet to write anything I like, plus they look like Richard Simmons' wet dream."

DAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. I hate Kiss and Richard Simmons man.