most solid metal album of 2007 so far?

What's been released so far is only the tip of the iceberg of 2007's potential to be a knock-out year for metal. Behemoth, Mayhem, Limbonic Art, and plenty of others will be releasing albums and I'm pumped.
Naglfar - Harvest

I just got this album. I don't know what to think of it yet.

Im looking forward to Vomitory's - Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize

New Guitarist (Peter Östlund) maybe a new sound and direction.

The production I hear is going to be top notch. 10 tracks of relentless death metal, the only way vomitory can compose it.

2007 also marks the debut for vomitory on American soil as they are playing the Maryland Deathfest in May 2007.
Novembers Doom-the novella reservoir
Demiurg-breath of the demiurg
It's been leaked for a while, but that is the correct release date (10 days!).

I haven't heard the new DT album yet but I have tremendous faith in its potential.

You'll like this album, it's kickass

I have to say from the albums that I have heard which have been leaked

I have to go with:

Beneath The Massacre - "Mechanics Of Dysfunction"