most solid metal album of 2007 so far?

Listening to Depressed Mode's Ghosts of Devotion album, and so far its awesome, definitely adding it to my top 5. :kickass:

It's like funeral doom but with lots of keyboards, symphonic-ish, and there's even a cover of Burzum's Dunkelheit song.
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW your right I better stop listening to them, that's a mega turn off, I can't believe that I forgot that DSO use satanic lyrics. Change my choice to 5th favorite metal album from Shitspell Omega - Fas to Shining - V.

From wikipedia: "Shining openly promotes suicide and self-harm in all its forms (e.g. drugs) in their lyrics. The founder of the band, Niklas "Kvarforth" Olsson, has claimed with content that there have been some cases of people committing suicide at least partially under influence of Shining's music."
you're not missing much.... I suggest Forgotten Tomb instead, they are more talented.
I've just got my hands on Aeon's Rise To Dominate.

I must say, I'm very impressed. The drumming is even more precise then it was previously, the guitars are grinding and harsh and the vocals are even more hateful and brutal then ever before. Not to mention some of the song names gave me a giggle.

Not sure if it's my favourite album this year, but it's definately one of them.
Don't know if it has been mentioned but Middian's Age Eternal has been getting alot of playing time. Looking forward to seeing how the new Exodus will stack up to previous efforts.