Movies/series thread

haluan nuolla peraukon

(learned that specific phrase 5 years ago just for a Finnish stripper here in L.A. and never forgot it)
Ariel, depicted as pale redhead, around scandinavian seas will now be played by a negro

<3 Gingers just cant be played by redheads, seems pretty racist to me, especially since this trend continues for a long time
First they turn MJ into a negro and now Ariel it’s a fucking redhead genocide
Yennefer mexican/indian-white hybrid
Triss negro
Vilgefortz sandnegro
Geralt handsome baby
Negro nilfgaardian mages
Toruviel - dunno, some deformed ginger.
Characters not present in books -> negros AND worst polish actor ive ever seen.

Thank god they decided dwarves would be a pain to make, they would be black too, i guarantee it.

Thanks for ruining my fav childhood book series Netflix. At least you didnt ruin Zoltan and Yarpen. Fuckers.

There was one chick I thought was a good casting. Renfri.
Whoops, they ended up recasting and chose somebody else. Lmao.
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I cant respect french when there is 5 random letters making a single, one letter worthy sound.
this made me remember that King Of The Hill episode where the guest character keeps referring to himself in the 3rd person and he's mispronouncing his own last name

Because negros are cool now, but the trend will pass and hollywood will move to something else, especially since some random negro who had a dream few decades ago turns out to be a piece of shit
Disney is fucking racist, they cast a chingchong for Mulan!!!


But from the trailer it looks extremely generic, there is no tiny dragon and bug, so typical fantasy asian movie. Meh. Mulan was one of my fav when I was little.
I respect that dude, seems to actually benefit from having a brain of human size. Of course it's just done for money and a shitstorm will advertise it.

Besides, I dont know how aquatic race would be black. Don't think you need a goddamn sun protection in your skin when youre in the fucking depths.
Just want to clarify that MJ in Spiderman: Homecoming is not Mary Jane Watson, but a new character that "happens" to have the same initials; Michelle Jones.

michelle jones is a black person
even the name "michelle jones" sounds like a white-chick-from-the-comic-becoming-a-black-person-onscreen the way "pete ross" was a pale-white italian ["rossolini" or something like that] in the comic but then weirdly becoming a black dude in Smallville
Just came back from Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I see americans didnt learn from previous movie, nobody gives a shit about human story, especially if it sucks and characters are worthless. In 2014 you wasted Bryan Cranston and now Charles Dance. Congratulations.

Godzilla is thicc though, Ghidorah looks great (although he looks too CGI for me, even in never ending fucking rain at night, seriously, stop this trend), i warmed up to Mothra (my fav monster) but she was for like 1 min total, so yeah... Rodan sucked.

Cut 40 minutes from your 130min movie and give me more monster fights and godzilla destroying cities.

And now for the most ridiculous thing:
So Godzilla rekt his biggest nemesis. And now, in 2020 he's gonna fight a fucking Kong. Yeah, good luck. It's "we one shoted the Night King, because Cersei is the real threat" again.

6/10, just because fights were okay and they kept original Mothra and Godzilla theme (although some retard added skyrim chanting made by 3 random dudes, which completely doesnt fit orchestral score, but whatever...)

Welp, time to watch Shin Godzilla, maybe japs didnt ruin it
Watching chinese cartoon about dude who stayed on MMO server until the very end, because he was guild leader of the best guild on the server, so felt like it's the right thing to do to honor his teammates.

Servers shutdown, but it doesnt mean he got disconnected. He, NPCs (who have free will now) and his guildhall got transported to unknown land where he wants to spread the guild's name again. Oh, and he's extremely overpowered one shotting everything.

Sounded extremely cheesy and crappy, but to my surprise it's actually pretty fucking solid. OST is great, voice acting also, and even though main character is overpowered he's not an idiot and is still very catious about everything he does, making the series actually interesting.

It also has lizard sex in second season and cool engrish moments when characters are using magic and abilities:

Skeleton dude buffing himself for 1 minute straight. Pure gold.