Movies/series thread

I've heard some good things about a collection of short animated films called Love, Death & Robots, gave it a watch and what a waste of time that was. Nothing but a bunch of fan service: boobs, gore and cliche fight scenes aplenty. Some of the shorts are well animated at least.
Quicksand on Netflix for all intents and purposes was gripping, well-paced and brilliantly acted, but managed to piss me off cuz the characters as well as the Swedish justice system were so fucking stupid
Even porn company doing cosplays is doing a fucking genderbend scenes instead of shooting something I could fap to. But nah, used all marvel chicks already, so it's time to womanwash other characters.

I aint fapping to that bruh.
I've heard some good things about a collection of short animated films called Love, Death & Robots, gave it a watch and what a waste of time that was. Nothing but a bunch of fan service: boobs, gore and cliche fight scenes aplenty. Some of the shorts are well animated at least.

Nah, some of the animations were great. And I loved that some of them clearly used women as fucking sex objects. West was crying about this 24/7 for no reason, so they just said "screw it, if im gonna be accused of this no matter what I do lets do it lmao".

Series was good overall, some of the shorts were amazing when it comes to animation.
Three things on "being free to create new characters...":
  1. None of us on this forum have been alive that long, but we're benefitting from decades upon decades of media starring people that look more like us. I could probably watch a different action movie with some straight white male every day for multiple years without repeating—and it's not as if they've suddenly stopped being made.
    Just like the Schumacher films didn't stop me from enjoying Batman as a character, if they remake in X amount of years with someone else, that's not gonna change it either. I don't own that character, no one does, so it can be molded however someone wants to. That doesn't mean it'll be good—it could be absolute trash—but I am not going to discount it just because they decided to try something different. (Just like it was silly to discount Heath Ledger from playing the Joker because he wasn't Jack Nicholson.)
  2. Of course there are still indie films/shows being made—plenty of which have come to light thanks to Netflix & Amazon producing their own media—but you have to recognize that the vast majority of people only care about the properties they've heard of. If it isn't a known property, it's an extreme gamble, so studios would rather stick to safe bets. ("Damned if you do, damned if you don't.)
  3. I'm well aware of how many shitty cover songs and remakes exist, but there are also good cover songs, and good film remakes—some of those even better than the original versions—so to act as if any media property is inherently sacred and can't ever be touched again is do discount what creative people can do..
and so
instead of cramming "someone not named osbourne" with a goblin-glider and carnage and felicia hardy and Adrian toomes into a single movie (sam raimi's script for a 4th tobey mcguire movie)
sony ended up having a horribly done harry-osbourne-being-a-goblin for five min in a horribly done electro-villian movie
with carnage and felicia hardy and adrian toomes being 3 different movies with disney's mcu planning on making a billion spiderman movies
Oh boy, ive been waiting for it.
Pirated Endgame.

Just for the record, since the moment I saw Infinity War I knew theyre gonna get back everyone, that previous movie didnt matter.

But I didnt expect it to be a lame ass time travel bullshit. I never thought superhero movies can surprise me on their stupidity but here we are.

Before I make my final complaints: Movie had potential, it's produced well visually, the sceneres itself are good, there is fanservice for fans who watched everything and now backstories of all characters, I can respect that.

But thats all good about this movie, because as I mentioned plot ruins it and I dont even want to point everything, just gonna say:

Oh, and maybe the silly thing -> Youre a fucking mage / witch, whatever, youre doing pretty good job at damaging Thanos from the distance. But nah, let's close the gap and fight in melee distance while youre a fucking caster. Would kick from the guild immediately.

They got rid of some characters.
But do not worry, titles will be kept, there will be replacements.

Everybode gone will be replaced by:
Or black women

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. It was inevitable.

MFW I see new captain america

At least my waifu had one line in the movie and it was some psycho shit about knives. Got my dick a little hard and hope there will be new guardians of the galaxy, because those characters are actually likable.
iirc, x-men: days of future past was a pretty nice superhero movie with time travel

Wanted to watch it, but it has this whore Jennifer Lawrence that acts quirky and relatable. Fuck this fake slut and her mayonaise stained ugly mug. To this day when I remember her fappening photos I want to puke. Disgusting creature.
iirc, x-men: days of future past was a pretty nice superhero movie with time travel
if binge-watch all the x-men movies
each movie contradicts all the others
then first class looked like a reeboot
then Days of future past says "no first class is not a reboot, all these contradictory movies are all somehow one single universe"

days of future's past actually creates more continuity issues than it fixes

emma frost in first class is old enough to be the mother of emma frost is origins wolverine

moira mctaggert in first class is old enough to be the grandmother of moira mctaggert in X-3

and the 2 other teleporters besides nightcrawler were each supposed to be nighcrawler's dad
but neither movie made it absolutely clear that either character actually had a kid
so which character did nightcrawler inherit his teleporting power from??

scott's younger brother alex is somehow old enough to be scott's father

and yet
somehow all these movies are one fucking universe??
they really should have just gone ahead with their original plan of having first class be a fucking re-boot
Chinese cartoons are really something else.
Just witnessed a scene where Succubus basically rapes her Lich Skeleton master. That questions everything I know about skeletons.
But everything is justified, because she was a virgin Succubus and was unable to ride Bicorn, which is reverse Unicorn, and only sluts can ride it.

You might like the Naked Director on Netflix it’s about a Japanese porn director. It’s got comedy, tons of boobs, high pitched moaning, humping, and a surprising amount of heart too