Movies/series thread

Holy shit, I'm blueballed hard by Netflix right now.

Was watching Kingdom, which is basically Walking Dead in Korean medieval times (google says the era is between 1400 and 1900, but it's probably 15th, 16th century, I dont know shit about korean history).

First episode maybe was a little boring, but since second part of 2nd episode the show is very good.

I was on episode 6, there was some plottwist and a huge pack of zombies were just about to attack the city. Episode ends, I wanted to go to episode 7.


Season is only 6 episodes. Fucking ching chongs dont know the rules, it's 10 + episodes per season her in the civilised countries damnit.

Now I have to wait a year for more asian zombies :( Might rewatch Train to Busan, as it was great too.
So, what are your thoughts on newest GoT?

Keeping in mind that this final season has only 6 episodes they wasted one already. The pacing is like in an anime with 100 episodes to spare.

And this is what got looks to me now. A real mediocre, shounen anime for teenagers. Even dialogues are like that. Most of the scenes in Winterfell and half the scenes in King Landing just scream "we dont have any source material".
Cersei like a real bad guy staring in the distance, smirking, because you know, she's evil. Deanerys with her knee bending and queen bullshit I just cant bear it anymore even after 2 year break. Every scene with Jon and Dany is like filler for girls to squeel about.

Best scene was with Bronn of course, that was some quality thicc whore right there.

I could complain more but I dont care enough. in 2 weeks at the same time I will be watching new season of Attack on Titan instead of GoT, unless next episode delivers.
About witcher netflix series.

Me: "Well, to me actress playing Triss Merigold is black-ish"

3 months later.

A young actress dies that is playing young Triss Merigold


Look at that fair skin and white facial structure.

I was right yet again. They blackwashed main character.
this reminds me of when pink-skinned alicia keys got a sunburn while doing an outdoor concert and nobody was willing to acknowledge that alicia is clearly a white girl pretending to be black
come on
she even has a white girl name
the first time i saw her i thought she was just a crazy white girl in cornrows untill everyone started calling her black
it's just a what the effing hell kinda thing here
if you're getting a muther-fucking sunburn, you're a fucking white person
Halle Berry
white-er skin than siblings
grew up with white parent
all her friends are white people
all her co-stars are white people
got herself impregnated by a white guy
but then Halle says that when her daughter (3/4 white) grows up and has kids with a white guy
she's going to call her future mostly-white-grand-kids "black people" because of "one-drop rule"
and it's like
no, no, no,
no, no, no,
i can't even call Halle herself a "black person" let alone her future-blue-eyed-blonde-grand-kids
you're a white person Halle Berry, and also a dumb-ass
If I see a trace of black features / genes its not a white person for me and I would not lay with such hybrid, dont want a black kid.

From the other hand I wholeheartedly support slav / asian hybrids. While slavs are ugly, when combined with asian genes the kid turns out suprisingly nice.
if you go to Africa
there are dark people where you're skin-tone-is-your-skin-tone

if your skin changes color in the sun (especially if you fucking BURN like Alicia keys did) you don't get to go around BRAGGING about "being black"

in america black people have this weird-ass thing of walking around thinking that they are somehow better than white people
especially the 1/4th black women that would look like a white woman if she put on a blonde wig

in my head
Halle Berry and Alicia Keys are white women

Men in black

MEN in black

Just disregard the "men" part and get BLACK valkyrie, thanks.

Can states stop ruining good franchises?
If I see a trace of black features / genes its not a white person for me and I would not lay with such hybrid, don't want a black kid.
in america there's a huge difference between black culture and white culture

and then people where their skin doesn't match their culture
blue-eyed women with snow-white skin and pink nipples bouncing around to ghetto-gangster-thug trap-rap

and then chocolate skinned women that we call "Oreo-girls" because they are "black-on-the-outside and white-on-the-inside"

i think i'd rather impregnate an oreo-girl than one of those black-ghetto-thug blue-eyed-girls
It just shows how fucking pathetic west is. They are afraid to say a word even without a context, without insulting anyone. I'm gonna say my pals all I want, not gonna pretend this word doesnt exist. If they dont want it to exist they should stop using it themselves.

It's like Im not offended when somebody uses word "fat" or any slur that could potentially target me. Im fat, whatever man. Im not sensitive bitch, go on.

I seem to be born in the perfect place when it comes to political correctness. We shut that bullshit down but were still not as savage as russian animals.
Doesnt change the fact that I would nuke poland and all retards in it. But at least I can use words that exist, I can dress as anybody I like, I can have black / asian friends and make racist jokes with each other.
So it happens than new season of Attack on Titan just started too and I can diss game of thrones even more now.

GoT final battle:
Enemy: Zerg rush b no stop
Good guys: Spawn rush, and when it fails camp B without utilities. Main characters having 99999 hp.
Boring fights
Ridiculous saves
Cant see shit
Anticlimatic ending

AoT "final" battle:
Plan beforehand.
Quickly complete first part of the plan.
Shit, something's wrong, there are no enemies, stop plan execution and look for clues.
10-15 minutes of pure thriller, what's gonna happen?
Good chess plays from both sides, time to improvise and start a bloodshed.
Ending theme, cos you have to build the hype

TFW fucking cartoon aimed mostly for teenagers (although I think it's 18+) makes more sense and portraits battles better than a huge series with virtually unlimited budget created by tons of people.
So it happens than new season of Attack on Titan just started too and I can diss game of thrones even more now.

GoT final battle:
Enemy: Zerg rush b no stop
Good guys: Spawn rush, and when it fails camp B without utilities. Main characters having 99999 hp.
Boring fights
Ridiculous saves
Cant see shit
Anticlimatic ending

AoT "final" battle:
Plan beforehand.
Quickly complete first part of the plan.
Shit, something's wrong, there are no enemies, stop plan execution and look for clues.
10-15 minutes of pure thriller, what's gonna happen?
Good chess plays from both sides, time to improvise and start a bloodshed.
Ending theme, cos you have to build the hype

TFW fucking cartoon aimed mostly for teenagers (although I think it's 18+) makes more sense and portraits battles better than a huge series with virtually unlimited budget created by tons of people.
i might binge-watch the 1st 7 seasons of GOT but at this point it's gonna be hard for someone to convince me to watch season 8
Watched Aftermath (2017).
Never expected Schwarzenegger to play a serious role in a drama, buy he even did a good job.
Overall movie was 6/10 for me.
In the meantime some british screenwriter, obviously WEMEN, typical waste of space and air complains that Chernobyl didnt have negroids in the cast.

If she wont complain about sequel of Black Panther when there is no white guys (and if there are, they are the baddies) I hope she dies from the most horrible cancer there is and hope it will be a long death.

Fucking PC scum try to ruin fucking EVERYTHING with their bullshit. At least thanks to them I can be proud to be racist, because im fighting a good fight.