Movies/series thread

I watched Lords Of Chaos at the Stockholm Film Festival this week. Not that great. Weird mix of humor, drama, horror/slasher and shock tactics. And when you think about much of it is based on real happenings it got a little weird. The way the story is told is also kind of cheap and bad, instead of good screenplay, dialogues and character building the main character just narrates alot and tells us how it is. Also the sense of time is lost, it kind of feels like the entire movie plays out in one week, which it really isnt supposed to.
I feel like Jonas Åkerlund kind of wasted a good story here. Such a shame.
Started Haunting at Hill House. I think it's my first time watching a horror show. Im just 2,5 episodes in but I think I'm willing to commit. Can't say too much about the plot or scares yet (although they seem boring for now, mostly doorknobs / door scares or twisted faces screaming) but the scenography is nice and actors arent especially annoying.

The series has this time jumps where you see children and then their adult forms. And I'm actually impressed because two girls were casted so well look wise that I could believe they grown into their adult counterparts.

Also people say asians are the same. For 2 episodes I thought that two characters were actually the same person and I got so confused. Talking about 2 Premium Angelina Jolie looking chicks
And finished it. During the last episode/s I felt real Silent Hill vibes. Horror element with feels, the purgatory.

Solid 8/10 for me.
Just watched Koe no Katachi (Shape of Voice). It's been rare that I do a movie in one sitting nowadays. I was planning to watch it in 40 minute intervals but I got invested so hard I just had to finish it.
TL:DR of plot: Deaf girl joins new school, she gets bullied, and forced to leave school again. After that bully realizes his sins and is doing everything to make things right after few years. Also the deaf girl hates herself

And its fucking beautiful. From visuals, through music, characters and plot. It even partially hit close to home.
Maybe I didnt exactly bully anyone in my youth, but in middle school I saw a girl bullied and did nothing, hell, maybe even once or twice I also bullied her in some way to not stand out that much. In my defence, I just focused on my own survival since our class was basically taken over by 2 retards that had to retake the year, and you either joined their "gang" or were against them. I just didnt get intimidated and was telling on them 24/7. Now I see that was a huge gamble but it paid off for me. Still, I feel guilty as fuck that I didnt help her and I wish I could go back in time and change that. I hope she's okay now.

Anyway, nice offtopic, but the movie resonated within me and I guess I just had to confess my sins lol.

Not giving it 10/10 because there could be some elements in plot that could be more expanded, but solid 9/10 is justified. WIll probably watch again in the future with english dub to see how they did it.
what is this, positive polish boi post?

Tbh single player games and chinese cartoons brought me a lot of positivity, allowed me to grow develop empathy, especially things like Koe no Katachi or Violet Evergarden.

Downside is the hate is not vanishing, but I have to let it go somewhere and one day I might just kill some retard on the road by smashing his head with the doors of his car. Or just nuke supporters of current government.

All in all I see positive change in myself, I dont want to kill everyone, I just want to kill some people and are willing to understand other people's feelings. But that also makes me depressed so I dont know anymore.

Also forgot to link a trailer, just visuals and ost alone is good enough to watch this

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Well, there goes positivity. Just watched new netflix original Bird Box, the premise sounded cool and it just doesnt deliver.

TL:DR of the plot with no spoilers is:
Something happens, people on the outside are commiting suicide, because if you look outside you die, because of some invisible creatures.

Sounds mysterious, thought it would be cool it wasnt. Shouldve know that when obviously main character is a woman with children (seriously whats with thrillers getting constantly ruined by mothers with children). Then the "survivors" were like perfect diversity. Every race, gender, gay, straight, old, young I was thinking to myself "Lol looks like theyre missing a fat chick"

Guess what, Snorlax appears 5 minute later. Right after they said they are low on food so good luck feeding this monstrosity.

Movie is slow, has tons of cliches and doesnt really deliver or solve the mystery. We just see a dumb character doing dumb things shielded by plot armor.

Do not waste 2 hours of your lives.
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Oh, and I always repeat this protip after watching garbage movies like this:

ALWAYS kill mothers with children and fatties. They ALWAYS fuck everything up for everyone.
As always, I'm behind, but here a few things I've been watching/have watched recently.

Schitt's Creek
(TV Series): Finished the first season, halfway through the second, and it's so well done. The whole family is perfectly cast, Catherine O'Hara and Dan Levy and extra eccentric. Wonderfully over the top.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
(2018): What a spectacle of a movie. I haven't seen any of the Spider-Man movies since Spider-Man 2, and I went into this movie thinking it was going to be a fucking mess, but they 100% pulled it off. The story was well-constructed, the animation is a triumph (it actually feels like a comic book), and it both contains nods to nerds without being too referential for newcomers.

The Florida Project
(2017): Simple but captivating slice of life story. Willem Dafoe is great as always and the kids that the story centers around are all legitimately great.

Total Recall (1984): I had avoided this one for a long time because all of the major clips had been ruined long ago. Still enjoyed the hell out of it. All over the place, wicked fun.
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