Movies/series thread

Never read the books, played 10 minutes of the game, don't like it, but half my friends are the series fanboys and would talk about it at length.
Figures, explains why your opinions thus far have been idiotic. Funny to know you consider half your friends to be kids.
where have I implied I consider them to be kids? They aren't complaining about black actors in netflix shows on the internet. Unlike you. If your goal was winning this argument, consider it a success, I ain't interested in talking to brainless Witcher nerds. I know enough of the lore to have an opinion, whether your elitist ass thinks so or not. Stupid to bring that in at all after what you've said about Bond. Apparently you're a fucking idiot by your own standard for doing so, because have you read every single 007 book? Thought so.
This entire discussion: people getting triggered by other people's race in 2018. What was I expecting trying to argue lol
I've given several justifications for keeping the characters as they are racially, all you've countered with is "lol intolerance" and "people agree change the race" and the latter isn't even substantiated that's just your assertion. What actual reason is there to do random race changes? Because so far you've been the only triggered one here with your non-arguments and appeals to the fee-feez of "muh minorities" lol.

where have I implied I consider them to be kids?
kids love Witcher, kids are stupid and intolerant, thus the shitstorm.


They aren't complaining about black actors in netflix shows on the internet. Unlike you.

That's a disingenuous strawman as well as a blatant mischaracterization, ironically a very childish way of arguing.

If your goal was winning this argument, consider it a success, I ain't interested in talking to brainless Witcher nerds.

I'm not a huge Witcher fan or anything, but if you're trying to portray yourself as someone who isn't interested, consider it an utter failure since you've responded several times you fucking brainlet.

I know enough of the lore to have an opinion, whether your elitist ass thinks so or not. Stupid to bring that in at all after what you've said about Bond. Apparently you're a fucking idiot by your own standard for doing so, because have you read every single 007 book? Thought so.

I never said Bond's race is completely inconsequential, just that race in Witcher is much more integral to the story and characters and Bond's nationality is integral because he's a BSS. This doesn't mean I wouldn't say "that's dumb" if they changed his race.

This entire discussion: people getting triggered by other people's race in 2018. What was I expecting trying to argue lol

Wrong. You fail utterly to grasp the criticism and instead just see it as intolerance like a typical low IQ reactionary.
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So from the 2 statements "kids love Witcher" and "my friends love Witcher" you inferred my friends are kids? Talk about low IQ, buddy. Also talk about how I utterly fail to grasp the reason why the likes of these 2 clowns don't like the cast:
Yennefer looks fuckable enough. Edit: looked at more pics of her and she does seem to be a half-breed ah fuck it
So Ciri is not black, they picked a retarded frog instead.
Yennefer is a child and looks mexican/indian to me.
Black nilfgaard witch lmao.

Still no Dandellion or elves / dwarves, so slots for homosexuals and blacks are still open.

Asian elves
Not-black dwarves

One is downright racist, another's half-racist, half-nerd who wants the series to look exactly like the games.
Changing the race from white to non-white is in your opinion going to attract more people. If it's about targeting an audience racially it makes more sense to keep them white because white people are overwhelmingly the largest demographic in the west.

Alienating fans of the books and games by fucking with the canon in favour of trying to attract a different audience of people who potentially haven't played or read The Witcher also makes no sense and will potentially lead to the series being cancelled due to low numbers.

So from the 2 statements "kids love Witcher" and "my friends love Witcher" you inferred my friends are kids? Talk about low IQ, buddy.

It was a joke you mong. I'm sure your "lore nerd friends" don't care about the character trait fuckery though, very convenient lmao.

Arg is an Asian so he's just another minority who disagrees with your broad generalization about minorities. Dunno shit about Lifemocker.

You're pretty shit at this btw. Now you're responding to me by demonstrating that two other users have triggered and offended you? Stick to the points. Give me some rational reason why random race changing is justified.
It was a joke you mong.
yes, everything you wrote is a joke mate. Like saying I mistook actual criticism for intolerance, then when you saw the quotes from the 2 asshats you did a 180 and called me out for being triggered. Kindly get lost.
half-nerd who wants the series to look exactly like the games.

How utterly unreasonable of him! Imagine the entitlement needed to suggest that the TV series should accurately portray the source material. Fucking Nazi! :lol:

I didn't do a 180 I simply pointed out that you're exactly the triggered kid you accuse critics of random canon tampering of being. Your rebuttals are ass, you have literally no real reasons for supporting the canon tampering, you fall back on lame Internet shit like "I don't even care" and now you're trying to say you didn't smear criticism as intolerance.

Kindly eat a dick.
yours? Wait a sec, gonna go get a microscope :)

How utterly unreasonable of him! Imagine the entitlement needed to suggest that the TV series should accurately portray the source material.
imagine being so retarded you prefer likeness over acting abilities. But you don't have to imagine, that's literally you and the other 2 nerds.
imagine being so retarded you prefer likeness over acting abilities. But you don't have to imagine, that's literally you and the other 2 nerds.

If it's about acting abilities, why change the race needlessly? Plenty of perfectly fine, skilled white actors. This is why people like you with shitty justifications like yours are disingenuous as fuck.

The point of adapting something beloved by large swathes of people into a film or a series is to achieve a balance of likeness and talent. Otherwise you'd be arguing for non-white character roles to be open to white actors auditioning. If it's not about likeness, why not cast Ryan Gosling as Black Panther? Or Morgan Freeman as Ben Parker in the Spider-Man films? Hell, let's have a male Ripley in the next Alien movie.

Fuck outta here, your arguments are garbage.
I dont want to discuss the Witcher cast again because it sucks for many reasons (and I hate the 3rd game, I know how characters looks in books and I expect to them to look how they were described, not frog child, hindi hybrid or superman), but one reason triggered rj rl so here is my response to him:

Your mother is a clown.
imagine being so retarded you prefer likeness over acting abilities. But you don't have to imagine, that's literally you and the other 2 nerds.

Just felt like this post requires good reply.

Yea yea, its always "you should care only about acting ability" when scorched hides are playing white characters. But god forbid someone gets whitewashed then HOO BOY, its white male propaganda, misoginy, racism and failure of civilsation.

I could take your post (and people like you) seriously only if half of the cast of Black Panther was white and asian for equality. But they werent, they wanted blacks, which was racist, skin colour shouldnt matter for those characters.

Have I showed that youre retarded?
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I dont want to discuss the Witcher cast again because it sucks for many reasons (and I hate the 3rd game, I know how characters looks in books and I expect to them to look how they were described, not frog child, hindi hybrid or superman), but one reason triggered rj rl so here is my response to him:

Your mother is a clown.
worthy post :lol:
I could take your post (and people like you) seriously only if half of the cast of Black Panther was white and asian for equality.
oh for god's sake, it's not about casts of movies. Here, my dear Pole, see this?

That's your u18 national team. Wonder why they casted a black girl as number 9. It's not an ideology, it hasn't been for a long time, it's REALITY. Get a fucking grip. Tv shows follow, they don't lead. And people still dreaming of simpler times of the past are all backwards thinking idiots, because those times aren't coming back.
There isnt many things blacks can do in poland. Except getting mugged or beaten their only options are selling kebabs or playing fucking basketball. Fail to see your point though.

And im trying really hard. So let me make some points, so it will be easier for my racist mind:

1. Characters description:
- Yennefer:
* Pale
* Fierce
* Young body even though she's old AF (body not face btw).
- other characters

2. It doesnt matter how actor looks like.

3. In my country there is black basketball player (where most minorities are vietnamese, ukrainian workers that are waiting to go to germany and students (chinese, turkish, african, ukrainian) that are going to be fot 3-5 years and leave. Most blacks we have are from random black travelers that fucked polish girl and then left, leaving the spawn behind)

Fuck, I fail to see a connection. Are you trying to tell me that the world is diverse and thats why all source material everywhere should be raped, stories should be altered just to fit how our world looks like?
If yes, you are even more retarded than I thought. People play games, read books, see movies to escape reality.

If thats not your point, then insert expanding mind meme for me and explain what the fuck you want.
One minor character is black = source material raped. That's the mindset that makes this entire situation problematic. YOU make it about the race, not the producers. That's not always the case, there are truly retarded casts (see, e.g., Ghostbusters 2016), BUT IT IS THE CASE WITH THE NETFLIX'S WITCHER. So get over it, stop bitching on the internet and move on with your life.
At this point I know I am being trolled and baited, since I said numerous times that I dont give a fuck about black witch, she's minor character, it's just silly AF to create a black character in racist nation.

I complain about whole cast and this guy still bitches i didnt like a black actress. If thats not SJW essence I dont know what is. Waste of our keyboards, no reason to have more of this conversation, im a racist, dont believe in gender and race equality, hell, no humans are equal, but im done listening to nitpicking.
90% of this cast sucks, end of topic for me. I already moved on with my life 2 hours after seeing the cast, but looks like you cant.

And now to summarize everything in video game styles.
My Black Global Racism, as I describe my general hate for black race has been boosted for like 10% due to all this bullshit recently.
I still treat people as individuals, no single black person is hater by me, but im really fucking close to treat them like shit as individuals. West is living way too happy lives, people are bored and looking for problems to fill out their time. We need a global conflict, we need people to shit their pants everyday and this bullshit will end. The fear will not only unite us all, but retards with their ridiculous agendas will either die or find a real reason to bitch about.
Just dont die and winners will live happy rest of their lives. Next generation would probably would have to go through the same shit.

Closing edgy words from me:
War purifies.
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