Movies/series thread

oh for god's sake, it's not about casts of movies. Here, my dear Pole, see this?

That's your u18 national team. Wonder why they casted a black girl as number 9. It's not an ideology, it hasn't been for a long time, it's REALITY. Get a fucking grip. Tv shows follow, they don't lead. And people still dreaming of simpler times of the past are all backwards thinking idiots, because those times aren't coming back.

Literal drivel.

YOU make it about the race, not the producers.

You stupid motherfucker, the producers made it about race when they intentionally looked for non-white actors to play white characters. If race is irrelevant and it's all about the talent or whatever horseshit you pulled out of your ass, why was it even necessary to randomly change something as blatantly noticeable as a character's race?

You've self-owned in here so many times it's actually funny at this point.
Yennefer is supposed to be a beautiful brunette Caucasian woman like this:


See? That is an actual female human that looks perfectly like her, not so hard to find.

Instead they cast this:


Who looks like she just came out of an Indian restaurant smelling like curry and tandoori. What a joke. I'd still fuck her but that's beside the point.
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Yennefer is supposed to be a beautiful brunette Caucasian woman like this:


See? That is an actual female human that looks perfectly like her, not so hard to find.

Holy shit, I hate Yennefer, especially in the game, but thats damn good cosplay, and her face is bitchy just like I imagined. DOnt know about the "perfect beuauty part" but thats subjective, if she was casted I'd be happy.
Warner Bros announced they will be making Attack on Titan movie.

Cant wait for blacks in this PURELY European settings, whever everyone has german / scandinavian name and there is only one asian. The asian chick will be black, I guarentee it.

Other than that, yes, please, I want to see a zombie movie with 15meter zombies.

Fucking trash.

Looks like a trailer for Harry Potter spinoff starring Lucius Malfoy.

I thought they would at least hide his fucking face in a beard, nope. Teenage Mutant Human Garbage
I didnt either.

But he looks like babysitter, not killer with scarred, unpleasant face. Is he going to charm basilisk and fuck it instead of killing it?

Triss Merrigold, another imported shitskin hybrid.

Im done. Yennefer is a child, Triss some hag. Both shitskinned, while sorceresses strived to have pale skin. Noice.

Oh, and no elves and dwarves in the main cast, just like I predicted, negros will be used instead of them.

Full cast here. Its in polish, but names are in english and there are photos.

So many negros and sandnegros, not a single asian.

I was going to ignore this show, but i must fight this racist bullshit now, they just shit on whites and asians with their casting.
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God, we need to move to another page, because as I scrolled down I had to see this abomination I posted...

Anyway, seen Nocturnal Animals. Pretty good movie, with nice atmosphere (minus the first 10 minutes or so, felt too pretentious and deep + we are forced to see completely naked femiwhales. I wanted to watch it during dinner but hell no, disgusting. I often eat while watching weird shit on the internet, but no, get those whales away from me).

Dont want to post more so to not spoil anything or suggest onto someone my interpretation of the movie.

Oh, and beware of the fucking screamer in the middle of the movie. Music is loud, dialogues are sometimes drowned in it and then BOOOM heart attack.
Wow, Cavill looks like a total joke and the females are played by shitskins, fuck this, not gonna watch a single episode
Season 2 of Castlevania kicks ass :kickass: Don't know if I wanna watch the third one though not that Dracula's gone.
I knew AMC wouldnt do with Walking Dead what they announced would do. And with that move the past 5 episodes in new season that were fantastic might be ruined again.

Hate Reynolds, shame he's probably gonna stop me from seeing the movie.