Movies/series thread

I dunno, I find the way he set the skeleton on fire pretty hilarious. It can be a funny show if done right. Mind you, I don't watch modern tv shows at all so I wouldn't know if they're capable of doing it right nowadays.
The movie was hilarious. Not sure if it'll translate to a TV show or not, but having Matt Berry (also known as boss dude from the IT crowd :lol:) is a nice bonus. I'll give it a chance for sure.
The guy is a bonus indeed but I only know him as Bainbridge from Mighty Boosh, didn't see The IT Crowd. I didn't realize this series is a movie remake, looks like a good movie judging by the ratings, gonna watch. From New Zealand too, what ever comes from New Zealand.
I didnt like IT Crowd :(

When I think about it I guess last comedy I enjoyed was made during 90s or early 00's. And it was mostly retarded jokes that should not be funny or just great actors "overacting" their characters.
Never seen a single episode. But I see there is one good looking chick so might try few episodes.
Ok, question to people living in US / Canada, because there is some shit that annoys me in the movies recently.

There are characters that speak perfect english (gramaticaly speaking), but they have those fucking annoying words to show YUP IM A FOREIGNER GUYS, SURPRISE. Like chick's talking english 99% of the time but bitch just HAS to say "gracias" to show she's hispanic / mexican.

Is it normal? Those people really do that and I'm annoyed of something completely natural? Cant say its the case in poland, most foreigners go polish -> russian (if ukrainian/russian), otherwise english -> and then if everything else fails they use their native language or gestures. Never for obvious words that everybody knows.
People throw random languages into conversation sometimes, but it's just kind of a quirky random thing to do. I can't think of a single reason to be annoyed by it. In fact I don't even take note of it unless I actively think about it.

On ocassion I will throw a random language into a minor interaction as well. Such as "danke", or excusez-moi (excuse me in french). Usually if I do it's French because it's the only other language I've had experience with, but it's just kind of a fun thing to throw in. It's not even meant to be funny, or intellectual, or foreign. It's more like a random light-hearted quirk.

I worked with a lot of Chinese people for years, and I picked up "aiya" which is kind of a blanket term for "What the hell?!", "Oh my god!" used in many Asian dialects. Not that it's something I use normally, but sometimes it comes out when I'm around a lot of Chinese people and someone does something stupid. :lol:

I don't know, languages are fun. I'm fine with people mixing it up a little.
Curses are understandable.

Well then, I think being this kind of quirky annoys me then or maybe it's only because of poorly written and acted characters. Movie Knock Knock was terrible and I think every show I watch with someone forcing this strange type of persona was shit.

But languagues are indeed fun. I can curse in english and there is much lesser stigma for that, I can use japanese to cheat a little during bullshit exams at university and I can use german to insult polacks on polish servers and not get banned. Polnische schweine.
Wykurwiaj pokurwiona kurwo, kurwa.

I love that you can create whole sentences using kurwa only. "For fucks sake, get the fuck out, you fucked up whore" condensed to just 4 words <3
Finished The Sinner on Netflix.

Solid criminal drama, rating it 7/10, could go 8, but there were some bullshit moments to push / justify the plot sometimes that realistically wouldnt happen.

Just googled it, thought it's over but somehow it's getting Season 2, so I dont know how theyre doing that, series seemed finished.
Okay, maybe I like comedy, but it took weeb shit to make me laugh, but IMO its genuinely funny.

Or maybe its just relatable, because I can see creepy details too.
Ok, question to people living in US / Canada, because there is some shit that annoys me in the movies recently.

There are characters that speak perfect english (gramaticaly speaking), but they have those fucking annoying words to show YUP IM A FOREIGNER GUYS, SURPRISE. Like chick's talking english 99% of the time but bitch just HAS to say "gracias" to show she's hispanic / mexican.

Is it normal? Those people really do that
I haven't really noticed it in movies
But something people do IRL in America
And it never really bothered me
I've always lived in USA so I guess I just got used to it when I was like 8 years old or something
But I seriously don't even notice it in movies
Cuz it doesn't bother me at all when my face-2-face friends do it out loud in front of me or talking to me