Movies/series thread

This sample or similar would pass my standards I suppose

P.s. she has porn
You guys are obsessing over something you already know you're going to hate, and coming up with even more retarded casting choices in the process (a porn star? really?). They are almost guaranteed to trigger you with the "wrong" casting of some character, because race, or ugly, or not meeting some other narrow standard. Just forget The Witcher and accept that you're going to hate the show.

All the dumb arguments aside, I'm pretty sure it's going to suck anyway. For actual credible reasons, not because one female was the wrong race. I have very little faith in most adaptations, especially when video game culture gets involved.
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I already care little because of retarded casting choice for Geralt.

However, what's more retarded is casting pale, green eyed girl with ashen hair as a minority. What's worse theyre not like "girl from other race turned out to be a better actress". They look for diversity on purpose, they dont even consider white actress, which is racist.

I wanted Witcher series since I was 15. Now im not getting anything good so im just staying for the shitstorm
So I did some reading on the whole Ciri thing out of curiosity, and I'm starting to understand the more in-depth reasons that are even making a lot of reasonable people upset. In the posts above you basically just said you were mad because she has to meet your aesthetic standards and you don't like black women, which to me is not something I agree with and it sounded like a shallow argument.

I'm not far enough into the Witcher games (just started 2) to know anything so I figured I'd do a little research. As I read the story implications and how it would have to radically change her entire lineage and therefore the regions, history and bloodlines of her character, I can understand why people (especially Polish, on which the mythology is based) feel like they are seriously fucking with the novels/games. It would also screw up the dynamics between Ciri and Geralt's characters since a lot of that relationship grows from people believing she is Geralt's daughter due to how similar they look. Added to that, it does indeed seem to be confirmed that they basically said no Caucasian's would be allowed in the casting call, for a character that more than most, should be white.

I know the whole "would you cast a white guy as Shaft" or "make the Black Panther white", argument is a bit on the nose and kind of a political talking point now, but it is a fairly accurate example. If a character's heritage is an important key to that character, and one of the most important pieces of lore would be completely turned upside down, you probably shouldn't make it a specific requirement to change that character too much.

So... Reluctantly. I agree it's a stupid choice. They could have easily made another Witcher or major character another race and most people would barely notice. But don't do a minority only casting call on a pivotal character that's designed to be ghostly pale. If the casting call turns out to be untrue fine, but Netflix is not denying it and copies of it are popping up everywhere.
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You are absolutely correct.

But it doesnt matter to those people if I make valid points about Ciri. She should be white, period, lore is really clear about that.

But since Im gonna be labeled as racist anyway I might as well be racist.

Tbh even Dandellion (is this how they translated Jaskier?) could be gay for me, they can make it work somehow. But black Ciri? Gtfo.
Worry not guys! After shitstorm there's been rumour that they started looking for polish actress for Ciri.

But they wont trick me, I know we do have one black actress, you wont fool me!

She will look good in ashen hair I know it, I trust them!
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I just watched He Never Died, and I actually really liked it. It's kind of a black comedy/action movie hybrid, with a very dry sense of humour and a bit of gore(not a lot). It stars Henry Rollins as a guy who is cursed and an addict (of sorts...), is socially inept and is extremely literal and direct when he speaks... He might also be immortal. It has a small touch of paranormal tossed in as well. Despite all that, it's played subtle, nothing flashy or over the top. I'd recommend it if you like slightly unusual movies. I found the main character very interesting to watch.

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I also watched the movie Upgrade, and I would highly recommend it. It's a movie about a man whose neck is broken, and he gets a unique computer chip implanted in the fracture to make him mobile again. However the chip is also an AI so it has a degree of control over his body, and is able to communicate with him. The movie also addresses some of the philosophical questions regarding the boundaries between man and machine. It's a very solid action movie, laced with drama and a bit of comedy, and I'd definitely recommend this one.

I was shocked to see how tiny a budget this movie was made with.

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Watching Extinction on Netflix, not even halfway through and I think im gonna drop it.

Main character cant act for shit, he's terrible. Rest of the cast can somewhat act but they dont know how to show terror / fear. No, you slightly opening your mouth isnt good enough. If there are aliens trying to kill everybody i expect something more.
And about aliens, humanoid, human weapons but oh boy, how do we make them look evil then? Lets give them retarded space zerg suits.

And of course theres fucking kid ruining it for everybody:
- "Okay sweetie, shut the fuck up and stay here, k?"
5 seconds laters the kid realises it fucking needs its stuffed animal asap.

If i continue watching this shit its only because there was some postapo scenes in the trailer. How it gets there quickly.
Okay, finished it, so:

first 60% of the movie is total garbage. Then there is plottwist, a good one. Execution is still mediocre though, so spoilers:

Turns out humans are androids and aliens are humans. A long time ago people decided that "synths" suck (and obviously every human that ever interacted with android had to insult it, because you know, thats what every movie does). So they tried to exterminate them, i guess? But somehow androids won? It's not shown. Then androids have their memories altered and act like humans.

So real humans come back from Mars (what is this reverse Nier Automata bullshit) to reclaim the earth. Humans claim that "we know all about you". 10 seconds later "we didnt even know if we could still breath here).
Nigga what? Then you dont know shit.

Overall good idea ruined by retarded script.
Oh, and kid ruined it for everybody one more time.

3,5/10, would love to see this idea executed by someone who can write movies.

So Ciri is not black, they picked a retarded frog instead.
Yennefer is a child and looks mexican/indian to me.
Black nilfgaard witch lmao.
Myszowór (no fucking idea how they translated it into english, literal translation would be Mousebag so I dunno) doesnt look like an old wise druid, maybe heavy makeup will change that.
No idea who Tissaia is, perhaps another witch.
No idea who Eist is.
Sabrina probably another witch.

Renfri is hot though.

Still no Dandellion or elves / dwarves, so slots for homosexuals and blacks are still open.

Asian elves
Not-black dwarves

What's good:
Boring Mikkelsen is not Geralt.
5head Eva Green is not Yennefer.
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Not only games, but in order to be considered Nilfgaardian youde have to be from around there. And Nilfgaard geographically is nowhere close enough to have darker skin tones.
But then again Nilfgaardians were also called "blacks" so I guess showrunner read it literally.

But screw it, probably minor character (unless they will want to empower her for PC). Im more concerned with Ciri, for now she can play a small child with this frog face, but Ciri eventually grows up and this chick is already 17yo so her face wont change to mature. It will be a disaster.

And Yennefer is way too young and not pale skinned (Because you know, sorceress made themselves beautiful with magic and pale skin was considered beautiful). But biggest concern is her age and looks, she playing surogate mother for Ciri will be awkward as fuck.

It's like everyone casted from the main characters is too young or looks too young.
It'll be shit anyway, where there's smoke there's fire and the fact that this series even had a casting controversy over race means the people behind the scenes are probably twats looking for any angle to shove in some SJW nonsense.
Well Ciri is not a darkie at the very least but they picked the most boring ass plain looking white girl fuckin hell

Yennefer looks fuckable enough. Edit: looked at more pics of her and she does seem to be a half-breed ah fuck it

Is there no Triss character?