Movies/series thread

I think Godzilla is gonna teamup with Mothra and the other dude to stomp King Ghidorah.

And I want to see tiny asian fearies with Mothra. If they wont add them (or blackwash them) im rating it 1 on imdb!
The faeries will be transgender, multiracial pansexuals, who chant in a gender-neutral voices. Mothra will also be ambiguous, it will resemble the cover of a Poison album so you can't assume or put your labels on it.

In the original 1954 movie Godzilla represented nuclear war. In this movie, Godzilla resembles the oppressive effect of white masculinity, and how men are ruining beautiful mother nature. Ghidorah will be a Trump supporter, and Mothra is still grappling with Hillary's loss.

Tywin Lannister stumbled on the set by accident, he was trying to find the Game of Thrones set so he could exact revenge on Peter Dinklage, for killing him on the god damn toilet like he were some lowly peasant. Tywin is most displeased to realize dragons are back, and they are bigger than ever. Eleven has wandered into the city in an attempt to find the perfect waffle, which will lead to a major plot twist when she discovers pancakes.

Or maybe it'll just be a dumbass movie with absurd monsters kicking the shit out of each other, so everyone can just turn off their brain and stop being outraged for a couple hours. That would be cool.
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Super excited for this new Godzilla movie.

With the exception of the action scenes and Bryan Cranston scenes, that 2014 one wasn't great...but Godzilla breathing down the other monster's neck was alone worth the price of admission. Hope they have a better story this time around time to match how great the character design is.
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy, found it mediocre, but watchable once.

Watched GoftG vol 2, liked it, got waifu Mantis.

I thought, hey, maybe there is something for me in Marvel movies after all:

Watched Infinity War.
Okay, this was garbage. Humanoids done with CGI and plot (or characters) are retarded.

Spoilers, although probably everyone see it already:

A. Destroy the stone on my forehead, it's a checkmate for Thanos
B. No, I love you

A. Okay, we almost got this, just 5 more seconds and we have the gauntlet. Just make sure Quill you dont punch Thanos in the face
B. I'm gonna punch Thanos in the face

A. Ok dude, Ill give you the pebble if you dont kill my friend
B. K, thanks

I mean, what the fuck. And every 5 minutes there were also retarded one liners taken right out of some girl's magazine.

And fucking rng killed my waifu, because never lucky.
You don't get it, the entire point was that love beats violence, good beats evil and it's better to be young, healthy and rich than to be old, sick and poor. It's very deep, really. But maybe I missed something actually non-trivial and having to do with the actual real world moral complications because I watched it in 15 minutes randomly fast-forwarding through.
I just hope when they inevitably ressurect dead characters they will bring back Hela too.

Because I want to look at best Blanchett's creation once again. And her goth ass.
Marvel movies are soulless. Watching a few of them here and there is okay, but 20 fucking movies with the same characters and constant empty looking cgi-action is hard to get through. I've been dipping into the movies in order for like two years, trying to see most of them and hoping they will eventually grow on me. So far it's not working out.

Every time I watch a Marvel movie I feel like I'm watching a continuous, big-ass, all encompassing formula. One where the villians are not at all interesting, the dialogue is borderline retarded, and the action hits like a soft pillow. Every action scene feels completely hollow, there is no punch or weight to anything happening on screen. It's almost sterile. I also noticed that every movie suffers from a really boring third act, where I basically check out every time. This is where most movies try to raise the bar and make the rest of the movie pay off, but since Marvel has shit villian's with no depth the last part of the movie drags. You're not invested in the bad guys in these movies, they are just goofy caricatures performing as a plot device.

Marvel movies may have overall better production and planning, but DC has more interesting portrayals of antagonists in their movies. Aside from Wonder Woman, where he was just a stand in for the last fight scene. Which is eerily close to a Marvel style movie...
While I was updating site tracking which movies I've seen I've realised one thing.

Since I started working fulltime my movies / shows preferances changed drastically.

Before it used to be melancholic drama, horrors, stuff like that. Now? Chinese cartoons, some wholesome stuff, easy to digest shit. Looks like I need just fixed amount of dread / stress / depression in my life. Work seems to be delivering just enough.


Educational series which teach you than in your body there are constant anime battles.

And cutest fucking things on this planet, platalets. After this show I will avoid all injuries so those cute things don't have to work ever again :3333333333333
After 12 seasons they finally killed my fav character on Supernatural.

At least now I wont have a reason to come back and watch it.

Crowley, King of Hell
Supernatural is STILL fucking going? I lost all interest by season 6 or 7. The whole recycled Angels and Demons plotlines got really old, really fast.

That show got way out of control after a few years, it was more interesting when they would actually come across new creatures to fight and you got to see something new every once in a while. It eventually descended into the same enemies over and over and same characters dying and coming back ad nauseam.

I thought they were going to try to get back to basics in season 6 when they introduced Eve and the Alpha creatures, and the idea of all kinds of new monsters released from Purgatory. But no they just focused on boring ass Leviathans who act and possess just like demons, hardly even a change. Then they eventually just went back to snarky angels and demons bitching and torturing and spewing exposition.

I did like Death a lot. I hear they killed him though. Yeah they can kill Death but Sam and Dean and Bobby and fuckin' half the world's population can come back to life as many times as is convenient to keep the show going.

How are people sitting through 13 years of that??
Has anyone here seen the movie Dark City?

I have not seen it since it came out, so I'm thinking of re-watching it sometime soon. At the time I thought it was cool but I don't think I fully understood the movie, so it should be interesting to go back to it. I barely even remember it, but I do recall it having amazing art direction and imagery.