Movies/series thread

Anybody seen The Annihilation thats currently on Netflix?

I really enjoyed it, especially on the big screen. (See original post.) Probably my favorite sci-fi movie in awhile.

Aside: I couldn’t care less about the Tomb Raider movie but, as others said, these grievances about her looks are such a fucking waste of (digital) breath and thought.
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Eh, okay, ill give it a shot, but there better be a good explenation why 5(?) chicks are going there and men don't.

Aside: I couldn’t care less about the Tomb Raider movie but, as others said, these grievances about her looks are such a fucking waste of (digital) breath and thought.

Again, and I know im not alone, looks matter.

I was just browsing Netflix today looking for something to watch:

Step 1. Look at the poster. Looks okay-ish?
Step 2. See how main character looks. Punchable face? Manbaby? Abomination? Skip. If not:
Step 3. Does the description sound generic and lame as fuck? Nope? Final step:
Step 4: Is it in english / finnish / japanese / korean? Watch it. Swedish, Norwegian, German, and similiar? -> More research about plot. Other languagues - > They better have a 10/10 score on imdb

Today I had to filter through tons of shit starring teenage / young cast with punchable faces. Can we have more movies with adults please? Like, 30+ at least?
Eh, okay, ill give it a shot, but there better be a good explenation why 5(?) chicks are going there and men don't.

Obvious troll is obvious, but I'll bite because it's not as if I wasn't wasting my time before posting this: You'll find out what's going in the movie, but it doesn't matter in the least why there are five women leads. (News at 11: Women do shit too.) If you wouldn't question five guys going in there then there's likely no good reason to question why there are five women.

As I alluded to in the aforementioned post, it's not perfect. I definitely would've changed a few aspects, cut a few scenes, but it's interesting sci-fi movie in a landscape that has had very few of those.

Again, and I know im not alone, looks matter.

For all sighted-people, of course looks matter; it's a sense we heavily rely on. But in terms of movies and television, whether or not I find someone attractive has very little to do how likely I am I'll watch something. I'm a straight male, of course I'm happy to see an attractive woman on screen...but we're not talking about porn, we're talking about interesting stories. Besides, what you find attractive is likely noticeably different from the next person, so focusing on finding movies staring actors that meet your fantasies alone is a good way to miss on compelling art.
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Obvious troll is obvious, but I'll bite because it's not as if I wasn't wasting my time before posting this: You'll find out what's going in the movie, but it doesn't matter in the least why there are five women leads. (News at 11: Women do shit too.) If you wouldn't question five guys going in there then there's likely no good reason to question why there are five women.

Id rather be rescued by 5 men with gun than 5 women. I'm heavy, men can carry me, women wont. Biological differences in muscle mass is good enough reason for me to not question seeing 5 man going somewehre dangerous. 5 women? Well, sorry, im gonna need to see their CV.

I'm a straight male, of course I'm happy to see an attractive woman on screen
Straight male here, but also enjoy seeing attractive men on TV. I also enjoy seeing normal people, both genders. I cant stand annoying faces.
Wont watch anything with Michael Cera after Juno, great movie, but this guy, holy shit.
Wont watch anything with Jennifer Lawrence. Get this fake ass bitch out of my face.
Wont watch anything led by basic white girl or Chad. Unless it's a slasher and I feel like its this time of year.
So far I think i didnt miss anything. I sometimes browse "what I missed" on imdb or similiar sites and the reviews are telling me I made the right call.
Id rather be rescued by 5 men with gun than 5 women. I'm heavy, men can carry me, women wont. Biological differences in muscle mass is good enough reason for me to not question seeing 5 man going somewehre dangerous. 5 women? Well, sorry, im gonna need to see their CV.

Picturing you, hurt in a ditch, holding up the rescue mission so you can get a background on the five ladies that came in. (I know you're being facetious, but you know, I'm just saying I'm not about to question whether or not someone is qualified if they show up in that situation.)

Straight male here, but also enjoy seeing attractive men on TV. I also enjoy seeing normal people, both genders. I cant stand annoying faces.
Meh, I'm closer to the other end of the spectrum. Sometimes, an "annoying" face can make a character more interesting, but even in the cases where ti doesn't, it highlights the wide range of human faces, which I'm all for. It adds to both realism & world building.
Well, obviously if they rescoued me, then I dont give a damn. But if they didnt and they were sent because "wemen are stornk too" I would see the shit out of somebody. Or haunt them after I died in a ditch.

Meh, I'm closer to the other end of the spectrum. Sometimes, an "annoying" face can make a character more interesting, but even in the cases where ti doesn't, it highlights the wide range of human faces, which I'm all for. It adds to both realism & world building.

Those are rare cases though.

As for the human expressions I can never decide. Sometimes I am pissed because of someone's permanent no emotion face, sometimes I'm pissed because someone is too expressive.

Edit: Fuck it's late and I misread the post. Human faces, okay:
See, I agree about the wide range of human faces. Thats why I prefer shows with unknown cast and absolutely hate when even videogames star hollywood actors. Just let me see more faces, not this guy ive seen in 20 different movies.

I thought with the use of CGI we would have more "virtual actors" or whatnot, instead we throw away costume and practical effects for shitty CGI. Fucking Hobbit ruined dwarves and orcs.
Watching Antman on TV.

Already tired of inconsistency. "your weight doesnt change".

Breaks through the wall, but does no damage whatsoever to a fucking vinyl record.
Halfway into Annihilation:

Medicine students are extremely interested when some chick says them that, hold on, cells fucking duplicate. Yea, better take notes, you havent heard that in your entire life. But please, stay away from me, id rather bleed to death than be treat by you.

Main character has issues and probably cheated on her husband, otherwise she wouldnt be nuts for almost a year.

Turns out women are not qualified for the job. They get ambushed twice by huge fucking animals which cause the ground to tremble when they move. Then only one chick shoots the thing, but requires whole magazine to kill one animal. Nice.

And then they stop investigating the corpse, because chick holding the jaws open says its heavy and she's tired.

And then they lose one team member, morale is 2/10 and they want to abandon the mission.

Please stop giving women guns and important missions, thanks. And black valkyrie still triggers me and she's in the movie too.


And finished it. Great visuals, terrible plot, mediocre acting. Best watched while skipping every scene were anomalies are not present. Not only 5 females turned out to be incompetent, the whole world seem to be incompetent.
"Oh look, probably aliens, better send few people to guard it and do the same shit that doesnt work all over again."
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Medicine students are extremely interested when some chick says them that, hold on, cells fucking duplicate. Yea, better take notes, you havent heard that in your entire life. But please, stay away from me, id rather bleed to death than be treat by you.

Has science in a feature film ever been super in depth? Also, the point of that scene wasn't that cells duplicate, it was mentioning that the students were there to try and stop that action in cancer specifically. That happens in classes all the time—teacher starts out with a concept that the students should be familiar with, and then goes into how this new class is going to take that information further.

Turns out women are not qualified for the job. They get ambushed twice by huge fucking animals which cause the ground to tremble when they move. Then only one chick shoots the thing, but requires whole magazine to kill one animal. Nice.

And then they stop investigating the corpse, because chick holding the jaws open says its heavy and she's tired.

Mmm. Mutated alligator that has some sort of hybrid characteristics of a shark—so glad you're able to determine how heavy the head is and how long said person's been holding it open before mentioning that it was getting heavy.

Please stop giving women guns and important missions, thanks. And black valkyrie still triggers me and she's in the movie too.


And finished it. Great visuals, terrible plot, mediocre acting. Best watched while skipping every scene were anomalies are not present. Not only 5 females turned out to be incompetent, the whole world seem to be incompetent.
"Oh look, probably aliens, better send few people to guard it and do the same shit that doesnt work all over again."

For a movie about how some weird phenomenon has been there for multiple years, and how every team of people that has ventured in to it hasn't come back (sans main character's husband), you sure are obsessed with how the people starring in the film didn't do well. Come on, dude. This is supposed to be a sci-fi horror film, things tend not to go swimmingly when those genres combine.

While this particular instance is slightly tough to defend because, as I mentioned in previous posts, I agree that some of the editing and acting choices didn't keep me 100% engaged, the gender obsession is trite.

Anyway, still recommending this movie despite its many shortcomings. The aspects that are good are so good. With a little more editing, probably removing all of the interview sequences, it would've been great.
Interview was ridiculous, gotta love when the movie puts spoilers in itself.

Also sorry, cant ignore the fact, that "scientists" are that stupid. Comms dont work? Every footage is broken? You keep sending people in? At least force them to use pen and paper, not realy on batteries and electronics.

Cant ignore the fact that government would not try to bombard / nuke the place, since silly little granade was able to destroy everything, especially when talking about country who randomly decided to nuke 2 civilian cities for teh lulz, but something dangerous? Nah man. Keep sending people.
Lifemocker, you're a mocker indeed. I know what you mean, but you gotta play along to be able to appreciate a good plot sometimes. Did you like Interstellar? I was pissed off with what they did with the inside of the black hole but chose not to get fixated on that and enjoyed the film.
I did not like Interstellar, and not because of black hole. I didnt hate it, but probably wont watch a second time.

I can play along, but you have to give me something, cant enjoy a movie where every part is illogical.
I hate big tits. Unless 3d real life asian top tier big tits that dont get saggy at the age of 20.

According to my website, my fav movies, excluding some polish classics are:

Cool Hand Luke
Human Centipede 2
The Devils Advocate
Dirty Dozen
Grave of Fireflies

So plenty, from all genres. They just dont suck and have better casting and screen play.
Not sure if comedy or horror, but therw are tentacles in it so i gotta watch it, despite CGI looking shitty.

And of course I could find flaws in those movies. Cool Hand Luke is probably too boring for most population, same for Kairo. Human Centipede is for psychos, but few scenes shocked even me (shocked as in "wow, they did that on tv"), VHS are just lame short horror stories but shot right, etc, etc.

But you've got to have a good plot / cast / screenplay to cover those mistakes. Can't cover mistakes where almost your whole movie is a mistake. Annihilation could be saved just by few scenes saying "we couldnt nuked it, because (...)". "Government stopped the funding, thats why we are understaffed" (wouldnt make sense, but its at least something).

What I also personaly hate recently is weird trend of long shots at main characters face. Even shows like Walking Dead started to do that. Stop. If the actor is good I will see the emotions. Dont need to look at them staring at something with poop-face for 10 seconds every ten minutes. Dont need to add Annihilation had tons of it.


My Raven turned into a junkie fat white girl

Beast is a fuckboy

Starfire is a fucking negro hooker


Gotta reach the diversity quota though.
Teen Titans. Saw like 10 episodes total during childhood, nothing special, probably wouldnt watch a movie / show about it now.

But this, holy shit.