Movies/series thread

Saw a cool South Korean horror movie last night called The Wailing, which came out in 2016. At about two and a half hours, it's a bit on the long side for my poor attention span, but I do recommend it if you're into slow burn horror. While not as funny as The Host, it does have a somewhat similar protagonist.

TFW new Lara Croft is actually a whiny bitch in the game, depending on others to survive, while the previous Lara was strong and independent.
Buy hey, old Lara had tits, and female body, while the new one looks like a man with retarded face, so it doesnt matter, doesnt fit the agenda.
I took a shit, thought it through and this needs to be a rant.

All those females calling themselves strong and independent are nowhere near strong or independent. They are weak, flawed and are looking for a reasoning to make themselves feel better. And it's a retarded circle "She's like me, maybe if I call her strong and independent, I will become stronk too, and she will return the favour" and cucks "wow, maybe if I support those retards I could finally get laid".

You are not fucking independent. Independent person doesnt need to scream 24/7 that they are independent. Unless my english got real bad and independent means "insecure".

I know only few real strong independent females. For example, one girl from my classes at uni. She dresses and acts EXTREMELY feminine. Long story short, she sometimes gets ridiculed by both men and women. Because, fuck her, she stands out and she doesnt give a fuck about it. Most modern weak snowflakes would in her situation shave their heads, dress like like a hobo, have tropical forest instead of armpits and scream "fuck XXXXX, fuck society, im so fucking strong I dont care about anything".

Im a loser myself. I guess I could say I'm living in a perfect times to be pathetic. But nope, it doesnt apply to men. Avarage / ugly / deformed female character in movies / games? Yes please, otherwise its sexist and objectifies women.
150kg and 190cm of living muscles and perfectly chiseled faces of men? Standard. "lol shortie under 180, u no real man" "shave hobo" "lol, his income is so low lmao" "look at this fat fuck, why is he on tv".

Would I personaly care if somebody said this about myself? Nope. Not because im strong or independent, but because im probably socially retarded anyway and just completely dont care what inferiors think about me. But I know several people who are extremely hurt by that. One comitted suicide. Nobody gave a fuck. A girl in similiar circumstances comitted suicide? Local newspapers lost their fucking minds, "rotten society" "everybody hate women".

I wish I lived in times where I could admire real strong and independent people. But they are hated and have to stay in shadows. The weak rule. I have almost no role models at this point and also losing interest in human contact more and more (and this applies even to the internet, where I felt comfortable for a long time). I often joked about buying and android or sex robot and never having to interact with real people again (outside of necessary shit like buying groceries, doctor apointments, work (which i plan to work remotely in few years anyways)). But now I find a real possibility.

I could go on and on, but fuck this. Now I need to see stefan's smiley face or "k" to sooth my soul <3

Feels like this needs a tl:dr so: "Lol at women not being allowed to be pretty and men not being allowed to be weak"
TFW new Lara Croft is actually a whiny bitch in the game, depending on others to survive, while the previous Lara was strong and independent.
Buy hey, old Lara had tits, and female body, while the new one looks like a man with retarded face, so it doesnt matter, doesnt fit the agenda.


yeah, definitely no tits and a masculine body right there.

i mean, the new lara is a prequel to tough adventurer lara, so it's only logical that she's not a super bad ass yet, no? they've also humanized her alot more in comparison to the old cliché action hero she was in the old games. not saying it's wrong with clichés, but i think it's alot more interesting following a character that feels human.
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yeah, definately no tits and a masculine body right there.

i mean, the new lara is a prequel to tough adventurer lara, so it's only logical that she's not a super bad ass yet, no? they've also humanized her alot more in comparison to the old cliché action hero she was in the old games. not saying it's wrong with clichés, but i think it's alot more interesting following a character that feels human.

Hey, never said anything about ingame new Lara (but I can see why you would think this way, i screwed up this sentence), where she was actually pretty pleasant to look at besides deformed face and annoying accent.

This however is fucking disgusting. And her dumbbell lifting technique sucks.

Im also fine with video game characters being "human". However, dont say newer version of certain character is strong and independent when the previous version was completely badass, stronger and already independent.

And dont hire an actress, who's only avarage role was playing a robot, where her single facial expression actually fit.
Most people look like idiots when working out, haha.
Alicia is a good looking woman and a very good actress from what I've seen from her. Haven't seen the new Tomb Raider movie yet, but it can't possibly be worse than the Jolie movies, those were camp as fuck.

I do understand with what you're saying about the strong and independent stuff; it's like if they'd do a Rambo (or w/e 90's action hero movie of your choice) remake and the new Rambo wouldn't be as tough as the old one and they'd call the new one tougher. With that said, doesn't mean the new one could be equally good or better, just in another way.

It's a bit like they did with the new Bond movies, they went more into the character to explain why he is the way he is.
Most newer movies are delving into characters pasts etc to give the audience something to relate to, and I enjoy it most of the time. Of course there's a certain charm with the mindless action movies where it's just "dude's got big muscles and doesn't feel any pain and is a general bad ass", but they seldom make truly good movies (with exceptions of course).
Eh, its not about how her face looks when working out. Cut out the face and Id be pretty sure its man (or to be more specific, boy) working out.

I want to see attractive people in movies and games most of the time. I want strong, muscular (or just not just fat) guys and I want women who actually look like women.

If they remade Rambo know I fear it would be new Ghostbusters all over again, or turn him into a sobbing, black, homosexual insecure cunt.

Why cant we just drop this strong and independent thing and just write good characters and cast proper people to play them? Just dropping all those stupid agendas? Please? If you want to send a message it can be done, just have a good screenplay. If you are sending message you dont need to shout about it 24/7. Were gonna see it.
I think it's going to be a shit movie anyway, but I think the obsession with her looking a certain way is overblown. In the promotional posters I admit she looks kind of weird, I don't know who approved those. It looks like someone stretched her out in a badly done photoshop touch up or something. As for her looking bad in that workout picture, first of all you can tell it's an awkwardly timed photo, anyone can look like a dunce if they're not actively posing for the camera. Like blinking right as a photo is shot or making a goofy face. Add on top of that, even if she doesn't look perfect there, she clearly has no makeup on and in Hollywood there are A LOT of celebrity women that are practically transformed by top-tier makeup artists. So basically half the women you see in film are probably not actually as attractive as you think. Also if you search for a more up to date pic of her doing her workout, she gets into way better shape by the filming stage, that picture looks like she is just starting the routine (and struggling with it).

In this pic, she looks about right for the part. Either way I don't think her looks are the most important part, it's whether or not she can act the part convincingly. I still stand by my prediction that it will be a mediocre movie at best though, so it probably doesn't matter.

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Solid 9/10 right there, just lacks the feminine hourglass figure, which our Pole is pointing out. Anyway, the film is certainly gonna blow but you'd be a fool to expect anything else. It's a Lara Croft film lol. All there is to it is a fine looking woman doing stunts, it's for teenagers.
Yea, she basically lacks a female's body. Fuck tits, as long as there is some unsaggy blob of fat with a nipple im fine, but if you have no indentation whatsoever i will classify it as a man and whoever likes it as a fag.

And yea, I actually have a hard time watching movie with someone extremely unatractive. Worst case scenario if they have punchable faces, then "i cant even".

But I'm also this kind of guy who almost couldnt finish Witcher 3 because Yennefer's voice was giving me cancer, it was that bad. Wished I could have polish dub for all characters but Yen, where she sounded solid in english.

Thought about playing in english, but then again I couldnt stand Geralt sounding like Batman trying to sound like Solid Snake.

Tl;dr I like my women with proper fat amount in proper places and feminine skeleton structure and this movie is going to be shit even if they casted 10/10 with top tier acting ability.

Which reminds me I have to fap to Hela again.


Anybody seen The Annihilation thats currently on Netflix?

Trailer looked extremely basic and it's all female cast, which already says a few things to me, but maybe its worth after all
I like small tits though.


Tits not found, still looks like a woman though. And has great ass for an asian.

But Portman was bald once for some role, and women should not be bald, therefore she's untermensch. Movie shit then?