Movies/series thread

Okay, last episode of Black Mirror finally felt right. Obviously I see a lot of flaws and perhaps stupid decisions but at least it had a feeling to it.

And obviously, black murderer has murderer daughter. Slut killed a genius and destroyed perfect hell for criminals. Blacks ruining everything yet again
Was lazy as hell this weekend and spent a bunch of time on Netflix – saw I don't feel at home in this world anymore., the recent Dave Chappelle stand-up specials, and (finally, I'm well aware) The Godfather.

Good weekend.
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I still haven't seen The Godfather :3 What did you think?
There are definitely reasons it's so well lauded—I think that even if you don't end up liking it as a whole, you'll appreciate aspects of it. I found the acting to be superb, the story was well-told, and, despite the three hour run time, it didn't feel like it dragged.

Granted, I've seen scarcely any mob movies—never been my preferred sub-genre—so I'm unable to compare/contrast/rank it with others, but I'm glad I finally got around to watching it, and I look forward to seeing Part II. (I've heard terrible things about Part III, but I'm masochist so I'll probably end up seeing it eventually.)

I dont even intend to watch godfather
Yeah? Unintentionally, I'm very good at not watching movies. I didn't purposely avoid The Godfather all these years, but I also didn't seek it out.
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I've never seen Fightclub, Scarface, Green Mile and lots of other films everyone around me seems to have watched. But I plan to rectify that, I'm just super lazy when it comes to watching films. I'd rather surf the internet aimlessly.
I only saw Green Mile. I will avoid Fightclub at all cost, too many edgy teenagers making shitty memes with this movie since forever. I hate it without watching it.
Sounds like something an edgy teenager would do :) I reckon you should ignore it and watch the movie. If it's shit whatever, if it's good you're missing out.
I only saw Green Mile. I will avoid Fightclub at all cost, too many edgy teenagers making shitty memes with this movie since forever. I hate it without watching it.

Yeah, @rj rl nailed it: Avoiding media because of its fanbase seems like, ultimately, a losing strategy. (E.g. I can't stand most Tool fans or Rick & Morty fans, but I can still enjoy those two entities on their own merits—I just need to avoid Tool concerts and comic conventions.)

Given our diverse tastes, it's pretty interesting when such a large number of people agree on the value on the something. In the case of Fight Club, while not the most complex/amazing story out there, by no means do I consider it easily-consumable trash. Sure, I may not want to talk about it with a super-fan—I would say that about most media—but I'm glad I saw it.
I'm not as big of a Fight Club fan as I used to be, maybe because I've seen it too many times over the years, but it's definitely a good movie and it's worth seeing at least once or twice. There are plenty of people that take it too seriously (it's a Black Comedy ffs), that think they are "edgy" because they want to relate (they probably don't), but it's still a great movie that has a lot going for it. It's also a pretty unique movie, even 20 years later I don't think I've seen anything else quite like it. It's good enough to be above the "hate it because teenagers like it" mentality at the minimum, don't let those little shits screw it up. If you're going to watch it just go in with an open mind and enjoy it for what it is, an above average dark satire with entertaining characters, an interesting story and well written dialogue/narration.

The Godfather 1 & 2 are both good if you like Mafia movies. I never saw 3 because its reputation turned me away, but I didn't feel the need for a third installment anyway. The two movies work quite well. I don't think either movie is "the greatest movie ever" as so many critics like to say, but they are both well-made, entertaining movies. Good acting, directing, writing, music etc. I don't think they are perfect but I also can't find all that many bad things to say about them. I know that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement but I would recommend them IF you like mafia movies. If you don't like that genre you probably won't be won over by the Godfather.
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Maybe Ill end up watching it one day. After all, I've seen House only when everybody calmed down about it and I catched up on the last season.

Before that I couldnt stand retards with dr.House avatars on forums, trying to use sarcasm, pretending theyre smart when they were fucking not.

Richard and Mortimer though? Nope. Not a chance. Seen one episode. See the fanbase. Nope.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
I agree about Fight Club; definitely worth seeing (although I haven't seen it since it came out, maybe it sucks now? haha)

I really do not enjoy most mafia movies, but people have been saying I need to watch The Godfather even so... if I have 3 hours to spare and have nothing else on my watchlist, then maybe I'll give it a try :p
The Godfather deserves a watch, even if only for Marlon Brando. Charismatic characters are always compelling and fun to look at.
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Would be good if not retarded narcotic mumbling and visions and monologues every 5 minutes. Plot looked promising but I cant deal with this bullshit.
I really do not enjoy most mafia movies, but people have been saying I need to watch The Godfather even so... if I have 3 hours to spare and have nothing else on my watchlist, then maybe I'll give it a try :p

Saw Part II recently, 3 hours and 22 minutes. I think the second part is equally worth it but, yeah, these movies are a time investment.

Aside, and speaking of time investments: Apocalypse Now went way over its original budget. To help raise money, Francis Ford Coppola put together a single version of the first two movies for TV called The Godfather Saga. The movies weren't just shown as-is, though, they actually re-edited them so that the story was shown chronological order. An interesting idea, though it would require seven hours to get through.

Also (finally) saw Get Out. While the story is fairly predictable, it's so well shot and acted. Tight screenplay, no wasted scenes. Glad it did well with the mainstream.
Also (finally) saw Get Out. While the story is fairly predictable, it's so well shot and acted. Tight screenplay, no wasted scenes. Glad it did well with the mainstream.

Saw the title and the poster and I was sure it's would gonna be about a black man breaking into a house (and somebody would want him to get out).

But since it's a horror I might give it a try lol
Finally saw first episode of new chinese cartoon - Violet Evergarden. I was hyped for this for almost a year when I first seen a trailer.

Can't say im dissapointed. Can't comment on a plot or characters, because it's just one episode (but probably won't blow me away) but the art.

Holy shit the art is gorgeous. Random print screen is wallpaper worthy. Characters are detailed and look different, the backgrounds are fitting with good details. The soundtrack, while not exactly fitting my preferences fits perfectly. Can't wait to see more, and probably even if plot sucks I might watch to the end just for the visuals.

Okay, just one complaint. Main characters claims she's been in the hospital for 120 days. Then why the fuck do you still have fresh cut on your cheek and band aids. If they didnt help for the first 10 days I doubt they helped in another 100
I started watching this pretty cool seies a few days ago, its fairly new, Im on season 1 episode 4 and its pretty damn good.
Its called Game Of Thrones, you guice should check it out! :)