Movies/series thread

What the fuck is going on The Walking Dead, "i dont even" at this point.

Certain character died, and I am fine with it, they were annoying me for several seasons, but their death LMAO. And rest of the scenes this season are a fucking joke, show turned from horror to comedy, everybody deals stupid decisions, plot armor's thick AF.

Fuck this show and whoever ruined it. This storyline had such potential and it got wasted holy shit.
The new Star Wars sucks balls. Don't know if I expected anything else though, I was just hoping for some lightsaber eye candy.
The new Star Wars sucks balls. Don't know if I expected anything else though, I was just hoping for some lightsaber eye candy.

"Lightsaber eye candy" is exactly what I don't want from Star Wars—though, I think the battles of all types in this film are some of the best Star Wars has had—but I also wouldn't say this was an exceptional movie.

It has a lot of wonderful moments (seriously, the great scenes are really great), but it's strung together in an overly-long film that suffers from not-so-solid writing, a few almost-prequel territory moments, and because of how many characters the audience has to follow.

Edit: Good podcast about to the movie.
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Dropped "The Glitch" because snoozefest and got tired of aussie accent.

Started Stranger Things 2. Why did I wait? Well, same reason I hesitated with season 1. "Meh, this must be really lame", and even though I loved 1st season I still somehow was reserved.

But 15 minutes in, nothing really happened but the atmosphere is there. I don't know how it works, it can't be pure nostalgia.
Seen new Star Wars finally, obvious spoilers, ill mark them.

It was avarage, the quality of this movie and it's predictability might be brought down to this:
"I cannot be betrayed"
Get's betrayed 5 seconds later.

Some good battle scenes, although obviously with predictable outcome. For a moment I also thought they killed some major character without being all slow motion and teary about it, just one shot and it's gone but

Then later in the movie we have disgusting plot armor like
after destroyer gets kamikaze'd main characters are left alive while 90% of the ship are dead, even though the bad guys were literally standing next to them

Good thing about the movie? Hamill and his voice. Bad?
Fuck you guys, im tired of playing in this movie, lemme just vanish lol

Liked the bamboozle near the end of the movie though. Also liked the revelation about the Rey's parents.
There will be Last Jedi spoilers in this. Don't read it at all if you have not seen. It's gonna be TL;DR but I'll state my overall opinion right away.

The Last Jedi was decent but not amazing. I had a lot of nagging issues that took me out of it. Rather than a couple big things being wrong, there were just tons of little things that distracted me. I didn't care for Luke's attitude, and I would have liked to see more from him than a two-dimensional stubborn old man that just stays negative to the end.

My biggest problem with this movie could actually be solved with one fix, add more time between the movies. I wish they'd have put AT LEAST a year of time between Force Awakens and Last Jedi, so there was a chance for character growth and a reason for Rey/Kylo to be stronger than before without the anime style instant increase in power. Up to this point in time, Rey has had exactly ZERO guidance aside from one sentence of advice from Luke, and she's supposed to be a competent replacement for the Jedi? At the very least space out the events in the movie instead of having characters just totally change in the course of literally 24 hours. They should have had Luke (reluctantly) train Rey properly, and maybe give him a chance to be a more dynamic character. He ended up being annoyingly cynical with only the slightest redemption at the end before just snuffing him out of Star Wars like a grumpy old chump.

The last larger problem I had was how they handled that weird Finn/Rose story arc. I don't have a problem with the Casino world like some people, I don't care about people thinking it became a message (seriously? who cares?). I do however think Rose and Finn have no chemistry beyond being sidekicks, and that fake out with the cannon at the end was dumb. Either have Finn make the noble sacrifice and add some unexpected weight and sadness to the story, or don't do it at all. That whole situation was just a build up that was totally anti-climactic.

I saw plenty of positives too, I very much enjoyed the odd rivalry/relationship between Rey and Kylo Ren. I really like the idea of them being on totally seperate sides but both clearly have a bond and want to find a way to work together. They just can't because of the sides they have chosen. I enjoy that kind of honorable respect between the protagonist/antagonist, it kind of has that whole Xavier/Magneto dynamic. It keeps it from being so black and white. Unlike General Hux who was comically evil.

I also loved seeing Yoda in his old form and I didn't mind the surprising amount of humour thrown in, didn't bother me like some people.

I only hope Episode 9 takes place a long time after Last Jedi so Rey can study up on those Jedi books and have a reason to be a powerful force user. Return of the Jedi did that and it made Luke a much more believable Jedi. It will also give them a more reasonable timeline to explain why Leia is suddenly dead/gone. I don't want this to be a whole trilogy of movies where everything happened in the course of a week and somehow we killed off the whole old cast and got brand new Jedi masters already.
Youre actually right, their power increases even more than in chinese cartoons.

I still remember Bleach, kinda popular anime, where in the beginning unskilled main character defeats some captain rank dude.
Few season later main character, who has achieved 100x more power struggles to beat a bad guy. But hey, the captain rank dude appears again and shits on the bad guy.

And that's what I was afraid the most at the end of the movie, the "final" battle between master and his padawan. I was calling "Okay, so the dude that just tanked 10 AT-AT will be defeated by a guy who got rekt by crossbow and random chick with a lightsaber. Luckly that wasnt the case.

You also reminded me of Finn and the whole casino arc. Well, it was meaningless just like Finns character is. TBH he was only a tool to introduce another side character. He brings nothing to the movie, and I'm sorry, for me he's just gonna stay a token obligatory black character in a movie, nothing more.

Also, why dont all strormtroopers wear the armor of the Brienne Stormtrooper chick?
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Finished Stranger Things s2.

Good stuff. I don't want to spam too much about this, so quick thoughts:

The gang / whatever you call it / forced plotline that was a waste of time and didnt fit series at all.

Felt weird:
Dont like seeing kids kiss, looks wierd, feels weird.

The rest I can't complain about. Sure, it's not like there was any element of surprise, but the atmosphere carries this series. Some characters evolved, Steve and Nancy are no longer annoying, kids are still okay (even though Wheeler boy and Eleven are too salty about the redhead for my liking).

Oh, about the redhead...

RIP Samwise Gamgee :(

I guess I will be able to watch 1 more season before the kids start getting annoying i guess.
God, Black Mirror is bad this season...

First episode was fine, there was comedy, there was some "drama", but the outcome was easy to foreshadow. + they recycled concept.

Second episode, you knew what was gonna happen 5-10 minutes in. Oh look, recycled concept, annoying characters, old lady playing 15yo.

Third episode, I think the worst one, recycled concept, obvious ending and retarded plottwist
Sure, you have to stimulate human being to get anything, but fucking hamster remembered everything clearly. + cheap shot "hoo baby was blind" for extra shock that wont work for me, because i dont give a fuck if someones kills a baby or an adult for example

Fourth episode, heard it was almost as good as San Junipero (wasnt even fucking close). Again, kinda predictable (at this point I know I wont see any good plottwists this season so its easy), but at least I was surprised once.

At this point I dont know if i want to see the rest of episodes. I might eventually, but... It's like its no longer Black Mirror, just random shorts created by beginners.
Watched The Last Jedi yesterday
5th episode of s4 Black Mirror was fucking terrible. So it's confirmed that the show has been americanised so retards can enjoy it too.

If i wanted to watch shitty horror movies, with shitty plot, overused concepts and retarded characters I would watch something different than fucking black mirror. 3 out of 5 episodes Ive seen were absolute garbage, while 2 were okay. No hope for the last one.