Movies that never get old

I've got one that no one mentioned, or at least I didn't see it mentioned:


"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"He thinks he's Rambo, heh..."

"...Rambo's a pussy..."
couldnt agree more, this is the #1 example of a film with infinite replay value. from the brilliantly performed dialog consisting not of conversations but of exchanges of one-liners, to the over the top action and buddy-film cliches to the point of parody, and of course Kurt Russell's hair, you have pretty much the best of the genre. i just watched it the other day at my friend's house in fact! WATCH IT NOWWW!!#
Live Shit: Binge and Purge!

I wish James still sang like that :(
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Yus!!! Don't forget "A Year and a Half in the Life of..."

Some of the funniest lines I've ever heard a person say:

Interviewer: "So whaddya think about the cameramen following you around everywhere?"

James: "Yeah, know. You're laying down this heavy, kick-ass riff that you'll probably forget or never play as good again...and he trips over your guitar chord."

I've watched History Of The World... about 1000 times and it is still funny every time.

I hardly ever watch any of the movies that I own, but I never tire of showing them to new people, which gets me to watch them again and again. Currently I am whoring Låt Den Rätte Komma In around to my friends. Best movie I saw in 2008.