
I'm surprised you guys are even giving kevin smith the time of day. Am I the only person in the world who realizes he is a talentless hack? Please tell me what movie he has made that has any artistic merit. Clerks? Give me a break. My butthole couldve written that. Mallrats? Enough said. Chasing Amy? Dogma? These are tripe. They remind me of The Blair Witch Project in that you hear they are cool movies until you see them and then you think, "this movie FUCKING SUCKS."
KS can only be appreciated if you saw his early films, while you were the same age as his characters ...

I think he's a funny fucker personally, horrible director and visual stylist, but he has admittend to this numerous times over and over. He is "everyman" in Hollywood, a lot of the love for him comes from this.

Try to watch the An Evening with Kevin Smith documentary ... some speeches he does at colleges ... much funnier than a lot of his flicks.

The story of him at some Prince event and how he met his current wife are fucking classic.
My chick calls Kevin Smith's stuff "movies for middle-class white boys" and she's right.

Clerks rules because I worked retail, and the Star Wars discussion is fucking ace.

Dogma rules because it's funny and has excellent characters. Plus it is very comic-book-like.

Chasing Amy is pretty good because it's real, and Banky kicks my dick in.

The rest I can take or leave, but lurch is right that it's good to be have watched his stuff from the beginning while being a 20-something.
i like most of the kevin smith movies, they're just...funny. it's not bergman or kubrick, just funny. even mallrats, i must be the only one here that really likes that movie...something about the over-wrought dialogue is hilarious in a bad way.
dorian gray said:
Most offensive though, is the ability of these jerks to incorporate religion into government policy.

Yeah, that always amazes me as well, like the Arkansas equal time act. I know that it's been overthrown now, but how do people even argue this stuff isn't a breach of the first ammendment? Crazy stuff.
har har
Creationism/Intelligent (yeah, real intelligent) Design: a pipe dream AT BEST
Evolution: actual FACT
I looooooove stuff like equal time. Something to laugh about at the very least.
Wow, sounds good to me. Added.


So god damn love this movie. :rock:
It's been a good weekend, had a load of friends around and we watched stuff for two days straight. Saw Nightmares In A Damaged Brain, Boogeyman ( :zombie: ), Born To Fight (insane matrial arts movie from the guys that did Ong Bak, very etnertaining!), Der Golem, Legause of Gentlemen series 2 & 3, Hills Have Eye (original), The Omen (original), V for Vendetta, House By The Cemetary, Series four and some of five of Family guy, England match, and Cannibal Holocaust. :cool:
hahaha ... those of you that have HBO .. .check out this new "sitcom" LUCKY LOUIE ... it's like a male Rosanne with uncensored vulgarity ...

Louie CK, the comedian, is the lead ... that dude is a pisser.

"my dick says your pussy is a cave of financial ruin, so I can't fuck you tonight"
I saw two movies tonight, "Casanova" and "Underworld: Evolution". "Casanova" was surprisingly good, with a unique story and interesting characters. Very funny, too. "Underworld" was alright. Nothing too special, really.
went and saw "an inconvenient truth" (the al gore movie) last night

i can't believe there's actually a debate about global warming in this country. man, we're so fucked, within our lifetimes the shit is really gonna start flying and we're not going to see the end of it before we're all dead :erk:

i mean the consequences of it are not only ecological--ice shelves in greenland and antarctica melting = raise in sea level = millions of refugees = unprecedented humanitarian disaster = political turmoil

not to mention the last time a huge ice sheet in the north atlantic melted it was another millenium of ice age for europe
I might not watch Clerks 2 :erk:

In a lot of ways it’s like going to a family reunion full of people you’re really sick of, or being stuck on a two-hour business flight with that guy who’s still forwarding Chuck Norris emails around the office. For you sports fans, I’ll use this analogy: You know all the coverage Terrel Owens got a few months back and how sick of it you were? Watching “Clerks 2” is a lot like watching an All-Star game full of nothing but a bunch of Terrel Owenses, except instead of playing football they’re clerks at a fast food station and instead of catching touchdowns they argue about Star Wars and anime and shit.