
Went to see Hard Candy at the cinema on Saturday - absolutely stunning movie - ridiculously intense, controversial subject matter intelligently handled, enough moral ambiguity to keep you talking after the film ends. The acting is utterly top-notch as well - Ellen Page is gonna be a young Oscar winner, no doubt.
watched the first half of AKIRA last night

i CANNOT finish that movie in one sitting

probably because every time i put it on it's already 1:30 in the morning and i'm hella baked/washed and on the verge of passing out
Watched "Doom" tonight. Pretty shit. Too much action, not enough story, and a really lame part where they tried to make it look like the videogame. It was nothing like the game, the new one or the old ones.
Wow, that was awful. Lousy characters, go nowhere story with no point of introspection, and ANNOYING voice actors. Good animation!

The Constant Gardener
Pretty good, but I all but forgot about it by the next day. Either way some cool shots and I liked the acting. Story sorta pooped out toward the end.

Ninja Scroll
Rad on nearly every level, excellent animation, great use of color, good characters and story, and lots of tits and violence. :kickass:

hahaha holy shit I can't believe I just barely watched it. Not a good movie at all! Very inconsistent and full of AWFUL music. But still very enjoyable at the same time.

Holy Grail > Airplane! > life itself

Oh yeah and I keep thinking back to how AWESOME Evangelion was, and how glad I am that the lame as fuck movie was out of sight out of mind almost immediately.
NADatar said:
The Constant Gardener
Pretty good, but I all but forgot about it by the next day. Either way some cool shots and I liked the acting. Story sorta pooped out toward the end.

I enjoyed this film a great deal. Really moving stuff. I've got to read the book now.
NADatar said:
Wow, that was awful. Lousy characters, go nowhere story with no point of introspection, and ANNOYING voice actors. Good animation!

Did you watch it in English or Japanese? I have the old VHS so I haven't watched it in Japanese but they usually have better voice actors on that side of the Pacific. Also, they changed the English voice actors for the DVD release and I've heard some clips from it. They're horrible in comparison to the old ones.

They also changed up the translations for the DVD version. I don't know how that turned out but all things considered I think you should give it another chance if you come across the VHS.

NADatar said:
The Constant Gardener
Pretty good, but I all but forgot about it by the next day. Either way some cool shots and I liked the acting. Story sorta pooped out toward the end.

I thought the same but heard a ton of great reviews. I kept wondering if I was missing something.

NADatar said:
Ninja Scroll
Rad on nearly every level, excellent animation, great use of color, good characters and story, and lots of tits and violence. :kickass:

Great movie. Don't bother with the Ninja Scroll series though. Ah, but there is a series soon to be released that was based off the same novel Ninja Scroll was that you should check out. It's Basilisk and it's pretty badass from what I've seen (first 10 or so episodes).

Speaking of anime though go check out that shit I posted above for Crimson Death.
NADatar said:
Wow, that was awful. Lousy characters, go nowhere story with no point of introspection, and ANNOYING voice actors. Good animation!

Firstly, you need to watch it in Japanese with English subtitles, just like you do ANY foreign flick!! Didn't the DVD have that option?

Tell me, were they referering to the lead character as "CanAYda", as opposed to "KANADA!!".

Secondly, WTF!! It's only like the fucken Citizen Kane of anime. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
WTF!! It's only like the fucken Citizen Kane of anime. :tickled:

Too goddamned right!

NAD - if you can track it down, look for an anime flick called Perfect Blue - one hell of a departure from regular anime staples of nuclear holocausts and tentacle-rape-demons, it's a psychological thriller depicting a former pop songstress trying to forge a credible movie career whilst being stalked by a crazed fan, and gradually losing her grip on reality as the stresses of both become too much for her.
yeah the voice acting in the akira dvd release is pretty sounds really stilted and you get the feeling the words aren't really getting the whole point across

the end is fucking awesome though, tetsuo turning into a giant blob is one of the coolest pieces of animated footage i've evar seen :kickass:
NADatar[b said:
Ninja Scroll[/b]
Rad on nearly every level, excellent animation, great use of color, good characters and story, and lots of tits and violence. :kickass:
Always watch anime in Japanese.

Anyone seen or read "Berserk"? Fucking badass anime/manga! :kickass:
Berserk kills :Shedevil: I've always wanted to read how the story continues. i think darkhorse are releasing it but they're way behind the manga in japan (which is still going i believe)
Yeah, I've read a bit of the manga. Not sure where they're up to now, though. Is another anime in progress?
There are always rumors of a second season of Berserk. Don't hold your breath. And yeah the manga is still ongoing. Speaking of which, the new chapter comes in on the 23rd. Yay!

If you want to read the manga you can ask for it here and the nice folks will upload it for you. Some of it isn't in great quality but it's better than nothing.
Hellsing was okay...I guess. It didn't have a very big budget and it's apparent. It also was adapted poorly from the manga. If I remember correctly they even had to cut it short due to funding issues. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have some kind of huge hardon for vampire stuff. Alucard is a badass but the series isn't.

They've made some OVA's though that follow the manga much more closely and have better production values. I haven't seen it yet but I hear good things. Either wait for that or I'm sure I can give you a recommendation or two if you tell me what you may be looking for.

How apparent is it that I'm a huge anime nerd?
Hey, I used to be an otaku as well. Then I got into metal, and now that's where all of my money goes. If it weren't for anime, I wouldn't be into metal (but that's another story).

"Hellsing" is an okay show with a great soundtrack. The manga is much better. I heard they were making another season that actually follows the manga, unless that is the OVAs that Thanatopsis was talking about.

Another cool vampire anime would be "Vampire Hunter D".

I saw "Nacho Libre" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" tonight. Both were funny as hell.
Okay all of you thinking I watched anime in ENGLISH are both gay and lying. Akira was just not very good, at all. The animation was great! Everything else was bollocks. But okay, I will take all the other current advice, since I'm becoming a bit of an anime geek these days. :)

Hudsucker Proxy
Pretty cool, I really liked whatshernuts and Paul Newman always rules my face so there you go.
I actually just dropped the whole thing after a watching a couple of episodes of a show called Chobits or some crap like that... :lol:

But every now and then, I get a fix idea that I'm gonna get around to it and watch some, but it hasn't happened yet... Perhaps I'll check out this Hellsing thing and see if I like the concept, and if I do, I'll see if I can find this OVA thing of which you speak?

What's a OVA, by the way?