
What's wrong with Eli Roth? At least someone out there is dedicating themselves to horror. Other horror directors/writers are just journeymen who need a job.

Anybody can dedicate themselves to horror that doesn't make them good horror directors. Cabin Fever was horrible. I recently seen Hostel and it certainly was a step up from Cabin Fever but it truly did not deserve all the praise it got.

Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers & The Descent) > Eli Roth (Cabin Fever & Hostel)

If horror has a director that is a saving grace (especially since Tobe Hooper has fallen from grace) it's surely Neil Marshall.
Cabin Fever?


We've got Cabin Feverrrrrrr
Oh yeah! that guy who did the Descent! That movie is on an entirely different level from Roth's stuff. Can't wait till his next film. That said, I liked Cabin Fever - even own the DVD. It was just so campy, it reminded me of Evil Dead, which rules.
speaking of horror, just watched FEAST ... the flick made by the Project Greenlight 3 winner ... fucking great flick!!! This guy should get more directing gigs ...

better than Rob Zombies first for sure ...
Casino Royale was excellent got confusing toward the end but then tied it all together and made sense, the torture scene was painfull just because it was very unorthodox. It was good. Everyone should go and see how James Bonds cahracter developes.
ok, so the subtitles on the MGM DVD (not sure if there are any other editions) of Fellini's Satyricon are downright awful. Half the time that they're talking, they don't even exist.
When I saw City of God I remember that there were things (even from main characters) that were not subbed. Granted, it wasn't near as bad as the movie Moose was watching, but it annoys me to no end when they don't sub at least everything main characters are saying.