
The Break-up:
"I just want to put my feet up and enjoy the silence"
*cuts to violent GTA: San Andreas scene involving a baseball bat and innocent bystanders*
"Get some! GET SOME!"
haha the first part of this movie rules for dudes my age
:lol: is video gaming something you take up after you are married?
I don't play but it looks like I should ... given that even the g/f can get annoying sometimes :loco:
"Aeon Flux"
Lame and cheesy. Seems like something Hot Topic-goers would enjoy.
it pissed me off to see they turned a great show into a lame paint-by-numbers CGI-up-the-ass action movie, such as it appears, never having seen it myself

in regards to SAW 3, i have a friend that pretty much has psychological issues ever since seeing the's actually hysterical, just mentioning the word saw around him makes him mad, he told me he thinks about the saw doll every night before he goes to sleep

:lol: x999
What's wrong with Eli Roth? At least someone out there is dedicating themselves to horror. Other horror directors/writers are just journeymen who need a job.
DaVinci Code? I thought it was pretty cool. Never read the book. The wife said it got progressively worse until it became unreadable but the movie was decent.
The Break Up

90 minutes of two people arguing...I wanted to blow my brains out. The only thing that kept me going was the sight of Jennifer Aniston and her complete and utter fitness and boobage appeal.

(Aniston is better looking now than ever -- I always thought she was cute but now she's looking like a decent pile of meat).
i think she's quite purty...

Many folks do, it seems. I'm just not a fan of her features. I don't even know what that means. She has a large chin for a woman maybe. I don't know. Too lazy to analyze.