
Impudent said:
Well, I was thinking about going to see "Saw 3" Friday, but then I remembered "Borat" comes out.

the Borat flick is completely sold out all around Manhattan since Tuesday ... got my tix though ... wowaweewa :loco:
Anyone sick of Scarlett Johannsen? She let herself get overexposed. She seems kinda full of herself too, as if she thinks she really *is* the sexiest woman in the world, which she most certainly is not.

I just put way too much thought in that, btw.
haha yeah, steve Carrell is pretty funny but that Rainn Wilson dude is genius.
"he was dead the whole time" bwahahaha

Anyway, not that I'm watching this but has anyone ever noticed the chicks on Deal or No Deal or so incredibly fucking hot that they can't be real?
Scarlett is just LUSCIOUS ... still can't believe she is only 21-22 ...

I love meat like hers ...

be right back
Scarlett is no hotter than the wife tbh. If I'm going to be impressed it's got to be someone tall and absurdly beautiful.

:lol: @ Jerry
I think everyone already knows we are lovers, BigDaddy, no need to make them sick with jealousy
saw The Departed with my pops last night. great great movie. all actors were solid. great lines by wahlberg and baldwin. nicholson was ace. and all i gotta say is, I didnt see that one coming...
"Aeon Flux"
Lame and cheesy. Seems like something Hot Topic-goers would enjoy.
Capote. Terrible. Almost as boring as Elizabethtown but based on truth and with an actual plot. Sort of. Avoid this one at all costs.

Jarhead. Pretty cool. More funny than anything else. However, I'm growing weary of movies that try and force the viewer to feel sorry for the characters. I got an idea: if you don't want to go to war, don't join the Marines. It's that simple.

Deadwood Season 2 Brilliant, but strangely, not as good as season one. Too complex and dramatic. Some memorable lines though, "He means to cut up through his taint." "He wants the upper, Doc - the upper."
Yes. The first 15 minutes or so are ACE if you're married. It was like they lifted the script right from my life right down to how he throws the controller and says, "no one WANTS to do the dishes!!"
no shit. just give me 30 minutes to relax after work. no laundry, no cooking, no pets, no talking. just me and my remote.