
Cool. I should rephrase my post and say I read "A bad review" rather than multiple reviews.
I laughed out loud when I saw Baldwin, before he even said anything! Just seeing him always makes me chuckle. It could be the hilarious history channel type show I saw him hosting about cavemen or it could be the whole Team America thing...
Funny yet sad movie. This sort of thing has been done over so many times, though (switching bodies/becoming someone else/etc.).
dude, that movie had some great quotes:

"Walter. I know you're in there. That scum-sucking, barking rat of yours has just taken his last dump on my lawn. I find one more- just one- and I'm gonna catch him and staple his ass shut."

"I'm trying to cut back"

that army guy in that movie ruled

"Klopek, is that Slavic?"
"'Bout a nine on the tension scale there, Reub."

"What have you got in the cellar, HERR Klopek!"
"Tommy Boy"
Probably one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Chris Farley was so great. Why did he have to die?
The Break-Up ... Vince Vaughn ruled as usual ... not a bad little flick really, with not a typical Hollywood ending.
"Ju-On: The Grudge"
Very good movie overall. Better than the US movie(s). Of course, leave it to us Americans to split one movie into two. I thought the part where she crawls down the steps was much creepier in this version than in the US version. Does anyone know if they used some of the same actors from this movie in the US versions? The "peek-a-boo guy" was hilarious, and he appeared in "Grudge 2". He looked like the same guy. Also the murdering father and Toshio (the little boy) looked like the same actor.

"Ju-On 2"
Totally different story from either of the US movies. Very good movie as well. Not as good/creepy as the first one, but it had an interesting plot. I liked how it showed each characters own story and then tied them all together.

I liked both movies better than their American counterparts, if not simply for the fact that they were originals and were Japanese.

Edit: Watched two more movies tonight.

"Silent Hill"
An okay movie overall. Pretty generic for the most part. I thought some of the acting was bad. I've never played any of the video games, but I thought the movie did have kind of a video game feel/look to it. I liked the whole religious fanaticism thing they had going on. Didn't find this scary in the least bit though, and some of the more gruesome parts didn't bother me at all in comparison with some of the people I was watching it with. Haha, the effects of extreme metal.

"The Wicker Man" (Original)
I was kind of disappointed with this. A lot of build-up and then it just ends. It was kind of interesting, but it didn't turn out to be as freaky or mysterious as I had hoped.
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Thanatopsis123 said:
So...The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. What the fuck was the point of this movie?

To be funny as fuck. I thought that movie was great. When Bill Murray is shooting at the pirates while "Search and Destroy" is playing... classic.
Everybody go watch Slither!!!
Take Dawn Of The Dead, The Blob, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers and put it in a comedy.

Written by James Gunn who worked for Troma and wrote Dawn Of The Dead Remake. Loyd Kaufman owner of Troma has a bit part and Nathan Fillion from Firefly/Serenity is the lead character. Gorey hilarious fun.