
Yesterday I saw a Hollywood movie that actually was funny :eek:, namely Analyze This.
A surprisingly good flick all the way to the final twenty minutes or so, when I completely lost all interest in the movie; eg when Billie Crystal has to attend the gangster meeting and all that. They should have kept the story focused on the depressed mobster/shrink theme, and skipped the side story, with the other gangster who wanted to kill De Niro and the whole buisness about the meeting, all together. Then it would have been very good and interseting indeed, as it is, it was just "good".
Impudent said:
"Silent Hill"
An okay movie overall. Pretty generic for the most part. I thought some of the acting was bad. I've never played any of the video games, but I thought the movie did have kind of a video game feel/look to it. I liked the whole religious fanaticism thing they had going on. Didn't find this scary in the least bit though, and some of the more gruesome parts didn't bother me at all in comparison with some of the people I was watching it with. Haha, the effects of extreme metal.

Oh man this movie was horrible! I was a fan of the games so I was looking forward to this. Sadly, I was highly disappointed. The only two things it had going for it were some of creature effects and the straight from the game camera angles.
"Kingdom of Heaven"
Good movie. Historically accurate, for the most part. Of course they're going to change some things. Medievalness is always cool.
Unlike Rushmore and Tennenbaums (which I saw as insightful, character driven, sitcoms), The Life Aquatic left me feeling empty. It didn't really go anywhere nor do anything. I didn't find it funny enough to consider it a comedy. I didn't find the characters interesting enough to consider it character driven. I didn't find the plot to be involving. I just didn't see where it was going and the whole time I was watching I was waiting...for anything. However, now knowing this, I almost feel like I'd enjoy it more on a second watch through as I would no longer have any expectations. I'd no longer be waiting. What slight entertainment I did get out of it might heighten in a second viewing. I just won't be going out of my way to do this.
Yeah, thumbs down on The Life Turdquatic.

That said, do not DO NOT go see Saw 3. Terrible terrible fucking terrible movie. I wanted to walk out in the first 3 minutes.
I didn't like the Life Aquatic at all the first time I saw it.
However after a second viewing I thought it was great, and after the third it became one of my favorite movies of all time, utterly brilliant.
I can see how that might be. I tried watching it once and hated it but as soon as I turned it off somewhere in the middle, I kept thinking I was going to miss out on something worthwhile. Anyway, I never finished it.

Brokeback Mountain: seems overrated to me. Only part I found moving was when
*spoiler alert*

Ennis goes to Jack's parent's house and although his Dad is a dick, his Mom doesn't judge Ennis. I probably found that moving cuz I'm a parent. Otherwise, I found myself not giving two shits about either character. I felt more a casual observer of two absurdly miserable lives. Whatever. Anne Hathaway is hot.
Saw 3 sucks just in case no one heard me the first time. In fact, the entire trilogy can go to hell....along with the pending fourth installment.
Well, I was thinking about going to see "Saw 3" Friday, but then I remembered "Borat" comes out.
General Zod said:
I'd say that statement can more accurately be stated as follows:

All Movies >>> Movies Directed by Wes Anderson


...>>>>>Lost in Translation

that copolla bitch owes me an hour of my life back and $4
Same here pal. I'm beginning to question any movie that has "Oscar buzz". I would quite honestly prefer to watch Friday the 13th than some artsy fartsy shitz.