
I forgot how incredibly fucking mind-blowing Apocalypse Now is. I just spent approximately sixty-eight hours watching the full Redux version. Sweet Tidy Bowl Jesus skipping across the blue fuckin toilet water.

300 was about everything I expected. It didn't quite make me jizz my boxers in manly pleasure as some of my friends predicted, but it was fun and violent and they tossed an elephant off a cliff. You can't ask for much more than that.
In a recent Empire issue there was an article about why the "Apocalypse Now" redux version sucks ass and shouldn't ever be released. I haven't read it yet, it's so big and needs much focus, but i will soon (after i'll see the redux version again). Must be interesting.
A good point, well made.

Just watched Outlaw - British flick from the director of The Football Factory and The Business about a group of guys who, for various reasons, form a vigilante gang and start hunting a drug dealing gang. Actually not as cheesy as it sounds, the film managed to be fairly thought-provoking about the increasing ineffectiveness of the British criminal justice system.