I haven't posted a list-o-shit-I-dun-seen since March, so this post will be pointlessly long and I'll likely give up long before completion, not unlike a drunken choking session.
Inland Empire
Without a doubt the strangest Lynch film, and that is saying something. I watched it once and plan on buying it sometime in the future because it stuck in my head pretty fierce for a spell afterwards. Of note: I live in the Inland Empire, and while this shitty locale isn't the entire focus of the "story," the rednick hillbilly atmosphere was pure gold, the limited amount it was shown.
Grave of the Fireflies
Beautiful, stunning, and DEPRESSING. I sobbed like a bitch, and then had a drunken anti-American rant afterwards.
The Corporation
I couldn't make it through this without having a few drinks. Sometimes when I think I'm being too hard on My Country Tis of Thee, I watch something like this and realize that I'm not doing enough to make some sort of radical, completely necessary, change.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Highly disappointed in this one after Oldboy. It was beatiful to watch, but the story just lagged and I didn't give a shit about the characters. I still plan on watching the third one soonish though, watching Oldboy a second time was even better than the first.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
HORRIBLE. Awesome to look at, but exquisite fight sequences were so repetitive it became mundane. Where was the story? There was barely any dialogue!
Still a great one.
Citizen Kane
Finally watched this! I wasn't quite as blown away as perhaps I should have been, but given the time this was made it is hard to argue that it was anything short of brilliant. Reminds me of a visit to Haight-Ashbury a few years ago, except those dudes just whispered
"green buds..." *rimshot*
Not as good as I had hoped, but I haven't watched a doperun movie in some time and it was fun enough.
I didn't know Sweden had bros until I watched this. Okay movie, I rented it because Ulver did some of the tunes.
La Cravate
hahahahahahaha freakin' cool.
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
Y Tu Mama Tambien
I didn't know Alfonso Cuaron until Harry Potter, but that and Children of Men are absolute masterpieces so of course I had to watch this one. Very well done, and only overshadowed by the fact that I watched them out of sequence I'm sure.
Shane McGowan: If I Should Fall From Grace
Need to quit drinking? Watch this. What a genius gone to complete fucking waste.
2001: A Space Odyssey
One of my favourite movies ever. The woman fell asleep due to lack of interest. D'OH!
A Fistful of Dollars
Finally watched this all the way through, instead of just in 20 minute segments on KTLA Channel 5
Has lost precious little in terms of awesomeness over the years. Best part: when the alien spreads her arms for Beardo, as if saying "gimma a hug, soldier!"
Waiting for Guffman
Awesome. Funny. Creepy.
I do believe this was the first independent movie I saw, not long after it came out (late 90s?). Probably enjoyed it more the second time, now that I'm becoming a bit of a film snob.
A Mighty Wind
Awesome. Parker Posey never looked hotter, I think I jerked off during the ending credits with her bouncing about.
Black Snake Moan
Surprisingly good and quite different than expected, I really enjoyed this. Plus Christina Ricci as a WHORE.
If I would have grown up during that era, I know I would have loved this. As it is, I liked it while appreciating the immense attention to detail.
Satin Rouge
Pretty slow movie about some Aye-rabian single mom turned dancer, but the last 10 minutes were AWESOME and made it completely worth watching.
I've watched this one countless times and never liked it, even if I've always been a huge Kevin Smith fan. Until this viewing, and for whatever reason, I loved it!
X: The Movie
Great visuals, but I don't remember what the point was. Still plan on watching the series. I guess.
Galaxy Quest
Funny + dumb. Fundumb.
Clerks 2
Just as slightly above average as the first time. Nice beastiality scene.
Freakin' cool. The redhead had some serious issues, but the rest were perfectly normal people who just enjoyed spankings. Very solid as a documentary.
Waking Up in Reno
More fundumb.
Five Easy Pieces
Up there with Deliverance as far as Movies Men Watch Because They Are Men.
Finally watched this. Freakin' cool like his other shit. Why is he wasting time on a dumb superhero movie now though?!
Jesus Camp
See The Corporation above. Scary.
Stranger than Fiction
Pleasantly surprised with this one, much better than expected. Very intense ending.
The Fountain
Reminded me of that one Flash game I always forget the name of, where the wee dude has to save his ship from imminent doom. SAMAROST, god dammit it took me 15 minutes to figure the name out like usual. Why do I never bookmark the fucking thing? Oh yeah, so the movie was rad. Interesting how it was halfmade once, cancelled, then completely redone.
Marie Antoinette
I never liked Julia Roberts until... nevermind, she still sucks. "BECAUSE I'M A FUCKING CAVEMAN!!!" is probably the best line since "GIMME BACK MY SON!!!"
See Marie Antoinette above.
Surviving Desire
Stealing Beauty
I want to be in this movie, wherever it is, even if I just mildly enjoyed it on the whole.
Children of Men
Five. Fucking. Stars.
Me Without You
Good, but frustrating. More of a womanmovie I guess.
Very unique looking with a typical faerytale story. Cool makeup, and the big bad witch was HOT.
The Spaghetti West
Freakin' cool. I need to watch more westerns, I hated that schtick when I was a kid for whatever reason.
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Better the second time, still doesn't make complete sense but why should it?
Grizzly Man
That dude is my hero, the toughest pseudo-femme dude in history.
Probably watched a lot more, but these were from Netfux.