
The films (there are two or three in the series, this being the first one) were unavailable until recently when they came out on dvd. Don't know of any dvds with english subtitles though. The actors all speak icelandic.
two films i watched recently:
roadhouse - tale of a southern gentleman played with exceptional poise and subtlety by the master himself, patrick swayze, wherein he beats the shit out of a lot of people. ten stars.
alpha dog - i wanted all the people in this movie to die painfully. i'm not sure if that's what they were going for, but when justin timberlake is the most likeable character in your movie you know you've got problems.
for some reason i remember the sex scene from Roadhouse distinctly ... that chick had a smoking little bod
KNOCKED UP ... funny shit ... numerous times throughout the movie I kept thinking I was watching NAD ... that dude looks so much like him :lol:
3:10 to Yuma. I'll echo everyone's sentiments about how badass this movie is after seeing it last night. Awesome western - an engaging story filled with brilliant performances (both in starring and supporting roles). Plus, how can you go wrong with two of my very favorite current actors (Russell Crowe and Christian Bale); a twosome that can make *any* movie better, and this was already a good one.

Make it a point to go see this one as soon as you can folks. Loved it.

I thought Ben Foster was great in 3:10 to Yuma.

Death Sentence=meh.

The last part, in which the killing rampage actually takes place was entertaining though. The 6 other people in theater probably thought my friends and I were crazy though, seeing as we openly laughed almost every time Kevin Bacon blasted someone with his shotgun. It was just too funny.
3:10 to Yuma. I'll echo everyone's sentiments about how badass this movie is after seeing it last night. Awesome western - an engaging story filled with brilliant performances (both in starring and supporting roles). Plus, how can you go wrong with two of my very favorite current actors (Russell Crowe and Christian Bale); a twosome that can make *any* movie better, and this was already a good one.

Make it a point to go see this one as soon as you can folks. Loved it.


FILM OF THE YEAR. :worship:notworthy:worship:

Goddamn, I really hope Christian Bale gets an oscar one of these days. I'm dying to see The Machinist and Rescue Dawn now simply because he's in it. What a great Briton. :kickass:
Ha! That's fucking rad.

Agreed that Children of Men is the best movie since Eternal Sunshine. I recently watched that for a second time, that movie is pure genius.

With CoM, it wasn't so much the action or story that did it for me, just the way it was presented. The single-shot stuff was just mindblowing, in particular that last big scene with Clive Owen running about. If Robert Altman directed Terminator, it would've been like this.

You should read Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" btw
I was going to pick that up at the bookstore the other day but noticed it was thin and the print was large and I said, "meh" and moved on.