
Watched 20 minutes of the Kingdom and was bored out of my tits. These hajid movies don't go over well with me. Now I'm giving "The Gameplan" a try.

In other news- Negars are disgusting creatures. I show up to work 45 minutes late, and the previous shift is huddled around the Kronos clock getting some unauthorized over time to help pay off their 62 inch plasma televisions that are one delayed payment away from being repo'ed by Bizarro Doomcifer.

Edit- The Gameplan blows. Now giving "Good Luck Chuck" a go. :erk:

10 minutes in to Good Luck Chuck, holy hell is this bad. Next...
So...Transformers was pretty much the coolest movie ever. And I never watched the cartoon.
I grew up thriving on the cartoon and associated toys. I shall not be watching the Jewtrocity.

Watched The Departed last night. It was pretty awesome, but as expected, not Scorsese's best by a long shot. They finally gave him the naked gold dude because they figured he'd croak soon enough I guess.

Watched Dracula a few nights ago, the one from 1979 with Frank Langella as The Count. Really god damn good, probably better than the Christopher Lee version, even if that one rocks tits. Nosferatu might be my favourite Dracula one just because of the time it was made v. how awesome the special effects were.
Watched this straight-to-video movie called Death Machine today - it was made in 1994, and written and directed by Stephen Norrington, who would later go on to direct Blade and The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. And it was actually pretty entertaining, in a clearly-not-taking-itself-seriously-at-all way. All of the character names were references to sci-fi and horror directors (there were characters called Sam Raimi, John Carpenter and Scott Ridley, as well as a Jack Dante which was a fairly clear reference to 'The Howling' director Joe Dante), and the plot consisted of Brad Dourif's maniac scientist letting a hulking cybernetic killing machine that smells fear run amok when the weapons technology company he works for threatens to fire him. I only wish I'd had some beers to hand while it was on.
Watched The Departed last night. It was pretty awesome, but as expected, not Scorsese's best by a long shot. They finally gave him the naked gold dude because they figured he'd croak soon enough I guess.

I think he desreved it for Directing just because he was able to have everyone kick so much ass ... but for Best Movie ... NO! ... and this comes from Marty fanboy #1
I hate Jamie Fox, when he arrived on In Living Color I knew it was the beginning of the end.

Wanda was funny, but that dude was such a superstar it was vomit inducing. Now he's just as annoying, but rich. Plus after that Ray shit he thought he was important. Asshole.

[/needlessly bitter]
I'm going to knod (EDIT: wtf is knod?) in solemn agreement with jimbob on that one.

Best film since Brokeback Mountain. Yes I loved that one. In the gay way of course.
MajestikMøøse;6643934 said:
Andrei Rublev by Andrei Tarkovsky

205 minutes of sheer awesome.


I started watching it once a few years ago, but I only lasted an hour since it was late at night and I was tired etc. However, I will watch it with a friend of mine (who also failed when trying to see it all) and then both of us have no choice but to sit through it all, since it then becomes matter of cineast honor.
Seriously though, I'm pretty sure I would like it, it's just that I've lost interest in movies lately and can't muster the same patience for it any longer. Thus, I need some motivation