
watched "12:08 East of Bucharest" ... a Romanian flick about what might or might not have happened during the revolution in a small town ...

this is a satire though with some very colorful characters and cinematography that will make Romania not very tourist friendly ... the bleakness of that town brings back some shitty commie memories.

but all of you into indie flicks will get a kick out of this
American Gangster > Scarface. What an absolute marvelous film from beginning to end. Denzel Washington's performance sent shivers down my spine. I wouldn't be surprised to see this win Best Picture along with another dozen oscars.

Just what I needed to get the disgusting taste of 30 Days of Night out of my mouth.

Watched 30 Days Of Night myself on Saturday. Really wasn't impressed at all. You know when you watch deleted scenes on a DVD, and sometimes there will be a commentary with the director saying 'yeah, we cut this part out because it was giving us information that was already made clear in another scene, so it unnecessarily slowed down the movie'? Well, I get the impression that this movie was edited in Bizarro Universe, and on the DVD will be scenes of pure awesome vampire carnage as well as scenes of missing characterisation, with the commentary saying 'yeah, this was cut out because it made the movie actually feel like it was going somewhere, and we wanted to get back to endless scenes of background-free ciphers bickering with each other about what building they were going to hide in next'.
30 Days of Night = :kickass::kickass::kickass:
That comic sucked ass, but I still plan on seeing the movie because it will likely translate well.

Best movie I've seen in the past 6 weeks was Fay Grim, fucking amazing.

Other than that I was watching horror movies such as The Omen, The Stuff, Suspiria, 28 Days Later, The Dead Zone, Phantasm, White Zombie, Hellraiser, Vampyros Lesbos, Vampyres, Horror of Dracula, Dracula, Nosferatu, American Werewolf in London, etc.

Vampyros Lesbos was not very good BUT had one of the most AMAZING creatures I've yet to witness:


:OMG: :wtf: :lol:
American Gangster > Scarface.


I did not pay attention to this flick in trailers or otherwise ... thought it was just another gangster flick ...

but then again ... Ridley Scott + the cast he has on hand ... how could he fuck it up.

is it better than The Departed?
Well Gaiman hasn't failed with anything yet, so hopefully Beowulf will be a good one, despite the 300-based commercials for it.