
Also, who has seen In the Valley of Elah?

It looks good, but probably really really depressing. Just another reminder of how bad Iraq is turning out. (I'm sure this will end up with a bunch of Oscar nominations).

Ken, if you're going to the movies and have yet to see it, go watch 3:10 to Yuma. Seriously excellent film.
Recently watched The Lookout... pretty cool flick. I really like Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's been excellent in everything I've ever seen him in.


Just saw this the other night ... liked the buildup and mood of it, but it left me dissapointed in the end. Was expecting some twist ... and what exactly happened with his chick?
There were a lot of loose ends ...
This new russian movie, that I was watching last night is pretty gewd:

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ok so I got around to watch DEATH PROOF, the Tarantono flick from this years GRINDHOUSE double feature.
gone are the days when I used to rush out to the movies to catch a QT flick, but I gotta say this was kind of a return to form in some ways.

The bullshitting between these chicks was a bit annoying at times, as waking up this morning I can not quite remember what the topics were and they certainly had nothing to do with the plot, or for that matter wanted me to care for them the least bit ... heck, the first round of chicks deserved what they got IMO :loco:

Kurt Russell kicked all kinds of ass and proved he can act ... some of his lines and delivery were priceless.

QT was copying himself a few times here ... with driving scenes straight our of Reservoir Dogs and a round the diner table camera scene where the girls were yapping which was a direct copy of the beginning of Reservoir as well.

Overall I enjoyed it more so than Kill Bill but still feel that QT is past his prime at this point ... he needs to make a "real" movie not these "pulp" pieces to prove that he belongs in the league of HIS heroes.

BTW ... the dvd release of this ads in 25 minutes or so that was cut from the theatrical release to keep the double feature shorter ... not sure what was cut as I did not see it in the theater, but this longer version feels correct so I am sure this IS the orginal cut.
I saw Banlieue 13 yesterday and it ruled. Luc Besson wrote and produced.

Paris in the near future, a cop and a citizen has to find and disarm a neutron bomb before it wipes out 2 million people. The film is outrageously actionpacked, with le parkour-influenced action scenes. Think the opening sequence to the latest Bondfilm but even more over the top. It's funny too.
Just watched The Cell for the first time. I don't quite know what I think of it, which in a weird kind of way makes me think that it's really quite brilliant. It uses the framework of a fairly tired, conventional, 'empathetic character needs to go inside the mind of a serial killer to discover where his most recent victim is stashed away before the victim dies' kind of framework familiar from films like The Silence Of The Lambs, but manages to present itself in the form of a visually amazing, almost hallucinatory work built on dream-logic and psychological allegory.

Before that, I watched Hot Fuzz for the fourth time, this time with cast commentary. Didn't realise previous that Peter Jackson (The Lord Of The Rings' director) was the Santa who stabbed Nicholas Angel in the hand at the beginning, or that Cate Blanchett was his CSI girlfriend.

Before that, I watched Hot Fuzz for the fourth time, this time with cast commentary. Didn't realise previous that Peter Jackson (The Lord Of The Rings' director) was the Santa who stabbed Nicholas Angel in the hand at the beginning, or that Cate Blanchett was his CSI girlfriend.

I'm not sure how I remember this tidbit. Did they not show the actors during the credits? Seems to be the only way I wouldv'e caught that, since you can't really tell it's him during the initial scene.
I'm not sure how I remember this tidbit. Did they not show the actors during the credits? Seems to be the only way I wouldv'e caught that, since you can't really tell it's him during the initial scene.

Cate Blanchett went uncredited, but they revelaed it was her during press talks and on the commentary. Peter Jackson may have been credited, but to be honest, I rarely pay any attention to the credits.

Just watched The Empire Strikes Back again. Best of the original trilogy, and George Lucas didn't even direct it.
knocked up was funny, but i thought it'd be better aftrer everything i heard

blades of glory was hilarious.

the fountain was weird but strangely entertaining
Hey Max, I watched The Gingerdead Man last night. It wasn't nearly as bad as Adam West's Tales From Beyond, WATCH THAT ONE. It is thoedst.

I've also watched all kinds of Halloween movies + the usual artsy fartsy crap lately. Best one to stick in my mind is Fay Grim. Fucking amazing, and I want Parker Posey more than ever. Well, and KRULL, which I finally watched after 16 years of curiosity. I was not disappointed.