Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
I rented Fracture last night right before my accident. Having a hard time putting it in and plopping myself down to watch it even though I have nothing better to do. Anyone seen it yet?
Also, who has seen In the Valley of Elah?
Recently watched The Lookout... pretty cool flick. I really like Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He's been excellent in everything I've ever seen him in.
Before that, I watched Hot Fuzz for the fourth time, this time with cast commentary. Didn't realise previous that Peter Jackson (The Lord Of The Rings' director) was the Santa who stabbed Nicholas Angel in the hand at the beginning, or that Cate Blanchett was his CSI girlfriend.
I'm not sure how I remember this tidbit. Did they not show the actors during the credits? Seems to be the only way I wouldv'e caught that, since you can't really tell it's him during the initial scene.