
Has anyone here seen alien vs predator yet? I don't know if I dare after reading reviews of it on imdb; seems Paul W.S. Anderson has raped both universes pretty it thoroughly :|

First of all, it's rated PG-13; I think it's disgusting to see how much can be sacrificed just to get some more kids go and see it and earn some extra cash, though it's not like I'm shocked exactly... and secondly he seems to have changed some pretty basic alien lore: the chestbusters apparently hatch in no time or something of the like, i can't find the review where i read it, but you don't alter alien lore! damn you to hell Paul, may H.R. Giger carve you up with a sharp tool appropriate for the occasion ;(
spaffe said:
Has anyone here seen alien vs predator yet? I don't know if I dare after reading reviews of it on imdb; seems Paul W.S. Anderson has raped both universes pretty it thoroughly :|
I'll wait until it's on DVD and rent it for $3. Otherwise, Paul Anderson should be castrated. I've never understood it - he makes shit films that are box office flops, and yet he still keeps getting hired. And all the fan criticism just seems to roll right off his back like he doesn't give a shit. Imagine if Peter Jackson ignored the fans when making LotR.
spaffe said:
Has anyone here seen alien vs predator yet? I don't know if I dare after reading reviews of it on imdb; seems Paul W.S. Anderson has raped both universes pretty it thoroughly :|

First of all, it's rated PG-13; I think it's disgusting to see how much can be sacrificed just to get some more kids go and see it and earn some extra cash, though it's not like I'm shocked exactly... and secondly he seems to have changed some pretty basic alien lore: the chestbusters apparently hatch in no time or something of the like, i can't find the review where i read it, but you don't alter alien lore! damn you to hell Paul, may H.R. Giger carve you up with a sharp tool appropriate for the occasion ;(

I have (it hasn't been released here yet, so it was a dodgy pirate version, and my opinion should be taken lightly ;) ). To me it was pretty mediocre. It had its moments, but they were few and far between. But half of it was ruined by people in the audience shouting, so I'll wait till I've seen it in the cinema here to make a proper considered opinion!
it was mediocre. a few cool scenes in a poorly written screenplay with worse acting than I've seen in a big-budget movie in a long time.

One point, though, his movies are seldom box office flops. AvP took in over $100 million in the US, and will likely make a LOT in merchandising, so that's what the execs see and that's what gets him more work.
jimbobhickville said:
One point, though, his movies are seldom box office flops. AvP took in over $100 million in the US, and will likely make a LOT in merchandising, so that's what the execs see and that's what gets him more work.
Yeah but wasn't AvP going to sell anyway? I don't think that $100m has anything to do with him specifically, which makes it all the more sad.
It made 80 million in the US. But yes, I am sure with dvds etc it will make a healthy profit. I cant believe anyone went to see it at the movie theater. Ill watch it on cable, but otherwise it looked pretty ridiculous.
People went to see it because they loved "Aliens" and they loved "Predator". Damn, people had been waiting for this since "Predator 2" featured the trophy of an Alien skull. People bought the comics in the meanwhile and started to dream about what could be....

Problem is, Paul Anderson is no Ridley Scott, James Cameron, or John McTiernan.
I didnt know there were comics- but yeah that was a pretty impressive list of directors.

Whats everyones favorite of both the aliens and predator movies?

For me its ALiens- the sequel, and original predator was always entertaining with Arnie and The Body.
speed said:
I didnt know there were comics- but yeah that was a pretty impressive list of directors.

Whats everyones favorite of both the aliens and predator movies?

For me its ALiens- the sequel, and original predator was always entertaining with Arnie and The Body.
There are shitloads of comics on AvP. The comic universe is MASSIVE. There are match ups and cross overs from all walks of life: Batman vs Predator, Judge Dredd vs Aliens, The Punisher vs Spiderman, etc etc.

For me I think I have to go with Alien. It was the first one, it was basically "Jaws in space", and it was scary as fuck. I must have been 9 when I saw that. Aliens was very, very cool, but it lost all the horror elements that the original one had. The other two are the reason why I didn't buy the qudrilogy boxset.

Re: Predator, well it has to be the Arnie version. The second one is interesting, but not as good. And with that said, I don't even think Predator is that good. I think it could have been slightly better - especially the ending.
My brother gave me his copy of Alien 3 when I bought him the Quadrilogy, otherwise I'd only own the first two. I decided to keep it because it was the only David Fincher movie I didn't own. It's not THAT bad, just not up to par with the series.

Let's not forget the AvP game series, which has a vastly superior plot to the movie, IMO. They should've stuck with that idea and expanded on it.
speed said:
I didnt know there were comics- but yeah that was a pretty impressive list of directors.

Whats everyones favorite of both the aliens and predator movies?

For me its ALiens- the sequel, and original predator was always entertaining with Arnie and The Body.

The comis are of great quality both storywise and artistic in the way they're drawn. I've only got two but I plan on getting more, they're pretty expensive (perhaps 15$ or so) so it's not something I buy very often.

My favourite alien movie would have to be the first one: it has an eerie feeling and awesome sets lacking in the other movies. But I really can't understand why so many seem to dislike the 3rd and 4th so much; I think they're both really good, especially the Alien Resurrection which has great atmosphere and cool settings.

The first Predator movie is a lot better than the second, though I like both a lot.
jimbobhickville said:
what about John Carpenter? Has he put out a decent movie in 20 years? I haven't seen it if he has.
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
In the Mouth of Madness
jimbobhickville said:
They Live wasn't a good movie, IMO.

Never saw In the Mouth of Madness.

Forgot he did Big Trouble in Little China, that has to be by far his best movie. It's getting close to 20 years old, though.

Anyhoo, I stand corrected :)
Aw come on, They Live was a nice litle guilty pleasure. TOns of mindless violence, cool one-liners, a semi-original plot, cool score, and just a good time.

ItMoM was one of his better movies I've seen. And probably the scariest.

BTiLC is 18 years old. :p
Carpenter has a couple more guilty pleasures: James Woods as a wise-ass vampire hunter in Vampires (where they harpoon the fuckers and drag them into sunlight, haha), and Superman in the remake of Village of the Damned! Both crappy-but-good-fun films. They're the sort of movies where once you start watching, you can't turn it off!

No disagreement here re: Ghosts of Mars, however. Easily his worst movie by far.

Lots of Carpenter discussion as of late - we should just bump the thread.
I watched Vampires stoned out of my gourd and yelled at the TV when it was over. How can you go wrong with vampires, harpooning of said vampires, and James Woods? Ask Carpenter.

I like the second Predator, and for years preferred Aliens but have since seen the error of my ways and realized Alien is the far better flick. Aliens is cool for a 12 year old watching all those fuckers getting their shit ruined though. :heh:

Watched the Stepford Wives on a plane the other day. Could've and should've been a lot better, but great actors + bad script = average movie. They should have had Christopher Walken creeping out the town for 70 minutes, then 20 minutes of Nicole Kidman doing naked cartwheels and I would have loved it.
James Woods is rather cool in Vampires. I like how he calls preachers/ministers "Padre". That one vampire chick is hot. That fat Baldwin brother did OK too. Yeah, it's just one of those movies where if you start watching it, you have to finish it.

Ghosts of Mars was on the other night on TNT or something. Wow, really bad movie. And I like Ice Cube as the tough anti-hero, but that Species chick was there strictly for eye candy. She should just act with her boobs. It didn't help that the movie was just stupid, and the super-baddie looked like Horgh's evil twin.