
The american Ring version, is SO mediocre, it has no atmosphere, NO horror at all, and the scene where samara (?) appears to Naomi's ex, is a joke (and Samara's face ripoff from Exorcist). Everything is perfect in the Japanese version, even the videotape is more spooky. And i agree that Ringu 2 is EVEN better.
JayKeeley said:
I do really like Ju On, but I have to admit, I saw it again recently and it is so disjointed that it becomes a mass of confusion (particularly in regards to timelines).

Agreed, that was my only major problem with the movie. I've yet to see Ju On The Curse tho, which I've heard many people say is better than The Grudge!

But I'm confused, at Oldboy today they had the trailer on and it had Sam Raimi's name plastered all over it (for the Grudge, this is). How was he involved?
I am a big foreign fil freak and almost always prefer the original over the American remake ... but I feel the jap version of The Ring was definetelly NOT better than the American one ... and I saw the Jap one first (which did not spook me at all and was rather low budget)
Sam Raimi executive produced The Grudge, so basically he put his name on it so the studio would pay for it, and then he left the artistic direction solely in the hands of the director. How's that for fucking awesome? That's pretty much unheard of in Hollywood.

As for The Ring, I'd generally say that I prefer the original versions, but I can't think of another movie that I've watched both the original and remake of. Usually I've only seen one or the other. I've seen both Ringu and The Ring, and The Ring is just a better made movie, with better music, better directing, and better acting. And that little boy is creepy as hell "You helped her? You shouldn't have done that".
The Ring scared me and created quite a mood. I liked the settings and I thought the twist at the end was cool. The gradual discovery of what happened to the girl was cinematic genius. The kid was awesome and I truly felt Naomi Watts fear.

Ringu bored me at times, and I didn't like the male and female leads. The chick was annoying as hell and the dude just irritated me. Also the end was stupid: "I'm concerned I'm worried oh my god what's happening this is terrible oh man I can't believe oh jeez oh crap oh wait. I'm a bitch now."
just got back from The Grudge. It was good; pretty scary, but not on the same level as The Ring, IMO. It was more on par with Ringu, with intermittent suspenseful and shocking moments but more time to pause and rest in between. I think maybe the score has something to do with that. dunno. Anyhoo, I recommend it.
One Inch Man said:
The Ring scared me and created quite a mood. I liked the settings and I thought the twist at the end was cool.
Which twist are you referring to?

Ringu bored me at times...Also the end was stupid
What was wrong with the ending in Ringu compared to the ending in the American remake?

I dunno, I guess hollywood horror ended for me back in the mid-80's. Everything since then, for the most part, has been wholly disappointing compared to where it was in the 70's, and so I've looked elsewhere for ingenuity. The Ring only exists because Hideo Nakata made Ringu (on a non-Hollywood budget).

In any case, I would definitely suggest to all of you that you go see the original versions of films like Dark Water and Ringu 2 before seeing these Hollywood remakes in the pipeline!! Hell, I would recommend seeing the original of ANY film before the remake.

Everyone in this day and age should own a multi-region DVD player!!!
I'm watching Resident Evil 2: Nemesis and posting at the same time. What a crappy movie, the best thing so far was that I think I spotted a Bathory shirt on some bitch in the beginning of the movie.
JayKeeley said:
Which twist are you referring to?
The "you weren't supposed to help her" one. Actually yeah that was in both (right?) I was thinking it was only in the American one. That was a big issue for some people I talked to, they thought it was cheesy.
What was wrong with the ending in Ringu compared to the ending in the American remake?
The American one ended with her acting like what needed to be done to relieve the curse was a necessary evil, the slut in Ringu had a look on her face like "ya HA! les go kill sum suckas!!!" Maybe I got the wrong vibe, I dunno. I'll watch it again someday, pwomise. :loco:
In any case, I would definitely suggest to all of you that you go see the original versions of films like Dark Water and Ringu 2 before seeing these Hollywood remakes in the pipeline!! Hell, I would recommend seeing the original of ANY film before the remake.
True. Normally I try to, but I didn't even realize The Ring was a remake until after I done sawrn it.
Doomcifer said:
I saw The Big Lebowski the night before and it too was pretty damn good but a bit frustrating at times.
Watch it about 500 more times, the Dude can frustrate but the more you get to know him the more sense he makes.

Haha, I think my favorite scene is when the Dude goes to see Jackie Treehorn and thinks he's discovering some clue by shading in the pad of paper, only to reveal some cartoon dude with a huge wang. I love the utter pointlessness of it.
Dawn of the Dead (unrated version)

This was entertaning. I expected more gore than just bullets in the head, but it was cool. THey could have extended the sex scene, ha. Ving Rhames rules the movie. Bonus features were pretty cool. I liked the ending.
That's the first Pixar movie that I have zero interest in seeing, but I found out yesterday that Jason Lee is in it so I shall see it soon.
The Day After Tomorrow

Are you kidding me?The effects were great, yes, and the visuals were also nice, but the plot is just freakin' horrible, and terribly unoriginal. You know how it goes: 1 (American) scientist has figured it all out, and the gov't just ignores him to everyone's peril, and then it's too late. MEHHHHH!!!!! And what was up with the terminally sick boy? What was his part again? ANd what the hell was up with the wolves? Seriously, I felt like I was watching a b-movie for a scene. CGI hell right there. Dennis Quaid can't act, and the whole morals that the movie tried to get across came off as entirely lame. You know, the whole we-need-to-stop-destroying-the-earth and mankind-will-always-prevail bullshit. And how many money shots of the frozen Staue of Liberty are they going to show us?

as you can tell, I wasn't a big fan of this movie.